- The rules shall come into force from the date of their adoption and is applicable to allEmployees.The duration of the contract will be decided on mutual agreement and its renewal will depend on the result of performance evaluation by the Employer.
- An Employee is defined as any individual receiving salaries/emoluments/payments from the Employer. The Employer is defined as Pelkhil School.
- Depending on qualifications and experience, some Employees may be required to serve a probation period of 1 calendar year following which a full contract may be offered. During the probation year, benefits such as LTC, leaves other than Casual Leave, will not be paid.
- The Teacher under this agreement shall not apply for another job elsewhere and must serve till the expiry of the contract (the end of the academic session) unless the Employer desires to terminate the services on disciplinary or performance grounds.
- The Employer may summarily dismiss a Teacher without notice or pay or compensation if the Teacher is found guilty of serious misconduct such as fraud, theft or misuse of the employer’s property, including, the employer’s intellectual property, assault and other serious crimes, willful insubordination or disobedience of a repeated or serious character, habitual irregular attendance, sabotage, willful damageetc.
- In the event the Teacher decides to terminate the agreement, the terms below must be met. Failure to meet the terms prior to departure will result in the loss of all benefits accrued.
- Resignations during the academic year shall be considered a breach of contract given the highly sensitive issue of leaving students without teachers.
- The resigning Teacher must submit a written notice to the school management a minimum of 3 months in advance. In lieu of notice, the party terminating the contract shall pay an amount equivalent to the Teacher’s basic salary to the other party for each month that the notice was not given.
- A suitable replacement teacher must be found prior to the teacher’s departure.
- Promotions and appointments to positions of greater responsibilities shall be based on merit. The decisions shall be made by the Principal (or Officiating Principals) based on performance.
- These rules shall apply to all employees except those,
- employed under a special contract specifically stating otherwise;
- in respect of whom the SCHOOL may have issued or may issue separate Orders/ rules regarding conduct, discipline, and appeal;
- in respect of whom the SCHOOL has by general or special order directed that these rules shall not apply.
- Unless in any case it is otherwise specifically provided the working time of an employee shall be at the disposal of the Employer and he/she shall serve the Employer in such capacity and at such places as he may, from time to time, be directed.
- Liability to Abide By the Rules:
- The Employee shall abide by the terms of reference laid out in the Job Description relevant to the Employee.
- The Employee shall conform to and abide by these and other Rules of the SCHOOL and shall observe, comply with and obey all lawful orders and directions which may, from time to time, be given in the course of official duties by any person or persons under whose jurisdiction, superintendence or control the employee may for the time being, be placed.
- The Employee shall comply with the Teachers’ Code of Conduct that may be issued by the Government of the School.
- Every employee shall at all times work in the best interests of the school and not doing anything that will harm the school’s interest or reputation.
- The Teacher’s salary shall be deposited in the Teacher’s bank account on the last working day of every month unless delayed by extenuating circumstances. Normal deductions such as Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), Provident Fund (PF) and any other deduction which are required shall be applied. All salaries shall be paid in local currency only. Transfer fees if any shall be borne by the Teacher.
- Where the employment of any employee is terminated due to resignation, discharge, and dismissal or otherwise, the employer shall pay salary payable after adjusting recoverable amountsafter verification.
- The school shall be entitled to make deductions from the salary of an employee for all or any of the following purposes:
- Recovery of advances or for adjustment of over-payment.
- Deduction required to be made by law or by orders of a court, banks, telecom etc, or other authority competent to make such an order.
- Deductions made with the written authorization of an employee for payment of life Insurance Premium, refund of loans of any kind etc.
- Employee’s unauthorized absence from duty.
- Deduction of amounts due to the school by an employee on any account.
- Any other legitimate deductions.
- Before leaving the service of the school an employee shall return to the school in good order and condition all property or equipment including documents, papers, and files belonging to the school or relating to its work. All textbooks and furniture must be handed over for proper inspection and record. The cost of any equipment or property not safely returned shall be deducted from the employee’s salary or other amounts due to the employee on any account or shall be recoverable otherwise, and the employee shall be responsible for all costs and consequences thereof.
- No employee shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the SCHOOL or in the performance in good faith, of the duties assigned to him, communicate directly or indirectly any official documents or any part thereof or information to any other person to whom he/she is not authorized to communicate such documents or information.
- No staff member shall be absent from work without written authorization. Leaves shall be admissible as follows:
- Casual / Sick Leave: 10 days per year. Maximum 3 days at a time. Minimum ½ day. Can be taken only with written authorization failing which it shall be treated as leave without pay. Absences without permission will be treated as leave without pay.
- Medical Leave: Teachers on contract having completed one year of continuous service and who have been certified as incapable of performing duties due to illness or injury shall be granted Medical Leave to a maximum of 10 days
- Maternity / Paternity Leave: Maternity Leave with full gross remuneration for a total period of two months from the date of delivery shall be admissible to the employee. Government holidays falling during the leave shall be counted as leave. Paternity Leave shall be granted for a maximum of 3 working days.
- Leave Without Pay (EOL): The employee may be granted Extraordinary Leave under extraordinary circumstances that the Board of Directors shall review. Government holidays falling during period of leave shall be considered as EOL. When more than 5 days EOL is availed during the academic year, LTC shall not be payable. Absences from the school without authorization shall be treated as EOL at the Principal’s discretion.
- Vacation Leave: Only Teachers who have been in continuous service throughout an academic year shall be eligible for vacation salary for that calendar year. Vacation period refers to the period prior to school opening, the summer break and the last half of the month after school closes. The salary for the month of January paid in good faith therefore must be reimbursed to the school in the event the teacher who has thus benefited resigns from the school before the end of the academic year.
- An employee shall resume duty immediately on expiry of leave sanctioned to him unless extension has been applied for in advance and sanctioned in writing by the school. If sanction in respect of extension of leave is not received in time by the employee, it must be presumed to have been refused and thereafter he shall be on unauthorized leave (EOL) and the employee shall not be entitled to salary and other applicable benefits. Further, such an act shall constitute misconduct and may invite disciplinary action.
- All Teachers are entitled certain benefits:
- PROVIDENT FUND: The Employer and Employee shall each deposit an amount 5% of the Employee’s basic pay as Provident Fund contribution in a Private Provident Fund scheme. The Employee shall be eligible to receive the entire savings after successfully completing 5 years with the school. Termination due to disciplinary or other grounds will disqualify the Employee from receiving the Employer’s contribution.
- GRATUITY: The Gratuity will be credited to employees after working continuously for a minimum of FIVE years. After the minimum years of service, teachers are entitled to their gratuity for the exact number of completed years of service based on their last basic pay at the time of resignation.
- Gratuity = Last Basic pay X No. of completed service years.
- BONUS: All employees will be entitled to a bonusof one-month basic pay, at the discretion of the Employer. Generally employees will be eligible for the bonus only if they have served throughout the year calendar yearwithout availing of EOL more than 5 daysand only if they continue their service the entire following year. To ensure good faith, the bonus shall be paid during the next academic year.
- In recognition of additional responsibilities that some of the staff may be given, allowances shall be paid for the following positions:
- Vice Principal......
- Discipline Committee......
- Examination Committee......
- Allowances may be withdrawn if in the judgment of the Board of Directors, the responsibilities are not being fully borne.
- The Employer may at its discretion, issue orders for the interpretation of these Rules, if considered necessary.Any question of doubt in the interpretation of the Rules should be referred to the Proprietor or any authority authorized by him for clarification whose decision shall be final and binding on all employees.
- The provisions of these Rules shall apply conjointly and in conjunction with the service agreement/ letter of appointment, code of conduct and the local laws on the subject.
- The school may amend, modify subtract or add to these Rules, through Resolutions/Office orders/Circulars from time to time and all such amendments, modifications or additions shall take effect from the date as stated therein and shall be binding on all employees.
Board of Directors
Pelkhil School
Tashi Pelkhil Village, ThimphuBHUTAN