These are the Town Board Meeting Minutes held on January 5, 2015 at the Blenheim Town Hall.

Meeting commenced at 7:10pm with the salute to the flag.

Present: Supervisor Shawn Smith Councilman Joseph Ward Councilwoman Renee Grabowski Councilman Chester Keyser Highway Superintendent Dave Mattice Councilwoman Anne Mattice-Strauch

Motion made to approve December 2, 2014 meeting minutes by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; 2nd by Councilman Keyser; so moved.

Motion made to approve Supervisor's Report by Councilwoman Grabowski; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved.

Motion made for 2014 Budget transfers to balance budget by Councilman Keyser; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved.

Motion made to approve 2014 fiscal year bills submitted be paid out of the 2014 budget by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; 2nd by Councilwoman Grabowski; so moved.

Motion made to accept Resolutions 1- 16 by Councilman Ward; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; approved as listed (complete Resolutions are included in the permanent minutes record book)

·  Resolution #1 Designating Town Bank as NBT Bank and Bank of Richmondville

·  Resolution #2 Designating Town Insurance Agent as SEFCU Insurance

·  Resolution #3 Designating Town Newspapers as Times Journal and Mountain Eagle

·  Resolution #4 Building Permit Fee Schedule

·  Resolution #5 Designating the Registrar of Vital Statistics as Elizabeth Arrandale

·  Resolution #6 Designating Meeting Dates and Times as 1st Monday of every month at 7:00pm

·  Resolution #7 Procurement Policy

·  Resolution #8 Investment Policy

·  Resolution #9 Refund of Taxes by Town Clerk/Tax Collector if overpayment of $10.00 or more

·  Resolution #10 Code of Ethics

·  Resolution #11 Paid Holiday Policy for Highway Employees

·  Resolution #12 Designating the Tax Collector as Robin Alley

·  Resolution #13 Designating the Building Inspector as Brian Caron

·  Resolution #14 Designation the Town Historian as Elizabeth Arrandale

·  Resolution #15 Designation the Town Attorney as Michael West

·  Resolution #16 Designating Salaries for Town Employees/Officials and Sets the Mileage Reimbursement Rate

Motion made to appoint Councilwoman Renee Grabowski as Deputy Supervisor by Supervisor Smith; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved

Dog Control Officer, Robert Hull, has stepped down from his duties because of health reasons. Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch has asked for an official resignation letter from Robert Hull to be submitted to the town board.

Motion made to temporarily appoint Joe Derma as Dog Control Officer and place an ad in designated town newspapers by Councilman Ward; 2nd by Councilman Keyser; so moved.

Town board approved Elizabeth Arrandale to attend Town Registrar training when it is made available.

A decision was made that the Town Clerk submit monthly reports of town employees vacation and sick time.

Road Report – Superintendent Dave Mattice

·  1995 Boom truck has to be inspected and certified by the county. Truck has a 220 generator system/hydraulics/ air compressors and can be used for multiple tasks

Motion made to approve $350.00 for inspection and certification by Councilwoman Grabowski; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; Councilman Ward and Supervisor Smith approved; Councilman Keyser opposed; so carried.

Road Report con't

·  Town of Fulton has offered their loader at cost for purchase. Decision made to discuss possible purchase for equipment in 30 days.

·  Thank you to Earl Allen for all his help with snowplowing.

NY Rising Report - Ralph Arrandale

·  Final meeting will be held January 8, 2015 at 6:00 pm


Community Cultural Center 2014 Financial Report outlining the fundraising activities has been submitted to the Town Board. Motion made to accept report by Councilman Ward; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved.

Bridge Update:

Received Schoharie County Flood Recovery Monthly Progress Report which stated that the county has received positive responses to permit applications that were submitted to NYS DEC; SHPO; Army Corps of Engineers; NYS DOT; Town of Blenheim Floodplain Administrator and US Fish and Wildlife Service. An information packet will be compiled by Simmons Recovery and presented to FEMA with a request that they issue a new scope-of-work which will include contruction bid documents (Phase II) and reconstruction of the bridge itself (Phase III).

Also received a copy of the compliance memo from Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) Engineering and Construction Services outlining Federal environmental issues that have been addressed.

Other -

Motion made for Supervisor Smith to sign Bassett Healthcare Drug Testing Contract by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; 2nd by Councilman Keyser; so moved

DOS grant money has been received. Motion made to ask LA Group to continue working on projects for town and to bill the town monthly by Councilwoman Grabowski; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved. BLTCRC will submit to DOS, frequent and timely requests for reimbursement.

A copy of the Town of Fulton Employee Handbook has been received by Superintendent Mattice. Robin Alley to request a copy in electronic form from Town Clerk, Liz Coons.

The Town of Blenheim health and dental insurance premiums are up for renewal. Councilwoman Grabowski to ask insurance agent, Bruce Rowlands, to attend the next board meeting.

Councilwoman Grabowski will donate her town monthly salary to budget line for BLTCRC, account code A7989.4.


·  Memo from Sch Co Planning & Development regarding locally provided trainings

·  Invitation to become a member of the Center for Economic Growth's Capital Region Local Government Council

·  CDBG Disaster Recovery Program final notice and public review of proposed activity in the 100-year floodplain

·  Newsletter from Constitution Pipeline Company

·  Newsletter from Sch Co Conservation Association

·  NYMIR “Drive to Survive” seminar information

·  NYMIR “It's our Policy” publication

·  Letter from US Dept of Interior regarding the Blenheim Bridge

·  Assoc of Town packet regarding Training School and Annual Meeting to be held in New York City, February 15-18, 2015

Motion made to pay bills $36,376.43 General; $4,283.02 Highway by Councilman Keyser; 2nd by Councilwoman Mattice-Strauch; so moved

8:30 pm Motion made to adjourn by Councilman Keyser; 2nd by Councilman Ward; so moved

Minutes respectively submitted by Robin Alley, Town Clerk