Benchmark 1 (Fall 2015) Ecology Study Guide

· Study all quizzes, labs, notes and worksheets.

The Metric System

King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk

kilo hecto deka base deci centi milli

Kg hg dkg g=gram dg cg mg MASS

KL hL dkL L=liter dL cL mL VOLUME

Km hm dkm m=meter dm cm mm LENGTH




4.5 cm = ________________ mm

62 Km = _________________ cm

3.5 Kg = _________________ g

7.89 L = _________________ mL

Mass is measured in ______________________________

Volume is measured in ____________________________

Length is measured in _____________________________


1. What are the steps in the scientific method?

a. __________________________________

b. __________________________________

c. __________________________________

d. __________________________________

e. __________________________________

f. __________________________________

2. Irma wants to know how UV Radiation affects cultures of bacteria. She sets up two groups. One group stays in the incubator, and one group stays under a UV lamp. Both groups are the same species of bacteria, grown on the same media, and are held at the same temperature.

a. Independent Variable: ___________________________________________________________

b. Dependent Variable: ___________________________________________________________

c. Experimental Group: ____________________________________________________________

d. Control Group: _________________________________________________________________

e. Constants: ____________________________________________________________________

3. What does DRY MIX stand for?

a. D-_________________________________

b. R-_________________________________

c. Y-_________________________________

d. M-________________________________

e. I-_________________________________

f. X-_________________________________

4. What is a hypothesis? ________________________________________________________________

5. How many variables can be tested in one experiment? ______________________________________

6. What are the two types of data? ________________________________________________________

7. How is data compiled and displayed? ____________________________________________________

8. What is a theory? ____________________________________________________________________


1. Don’t play around in the lab

2. Read all directions before you begin a lab

3. Follow all directions

4. Tie back long hair

5. Don’t eat or drink in lab

6. Tell the teacher if you break any equipment

7. Don’t put glass in the garbage can

8. Clean up your lab station before you leave

9. Measure accurately

10. Wash your hands before you leave lab

11. Tell the teacher of any accidents during lab

LAB EQUIPMENT: Study your lab equipment note sheet. Know the name and function of all equipment.

Measuring Mass

Mass of a pencil= 6.2 g

Mass of 10 pennies= 25.5 g

Measuring Volume

Mass of COKE from machine= 500 mL

Measuring Length

Length of the classroom= 6.5 meters


While looking through the microscope, in what direction did the “e” appear to move when you moved the slide:

a. To the right ____________________

b. To the left ______________________

c. Away from you __________________

d. Toward you _____________________

Determine the magnification of your microscope.

a. Eye piece= ________________

b. Low power= eyepiece _______ X objective _______= _________ mag

c. Medium= eyepiece _______ X objective _______ = _________ mag

d. High= eyepiece _______ X objective _______= __________ mag


Why use a graph? ____________________________________-

Types of graphs mainly used in science

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

What each graph needs: (and be able to make and interpret a graph)

1. Place a _________________ for the graph at the top

2. Identify the _____________________ and _______________________ variable

3. Determine the ______________________ needed for the axes. Remember increments must be equal.

4. Create a ___________________________ for each axis, with units

5. Create the ___________________________ using the data

Food Chain/Food Web: (be able to draw and identify levels in food chain/web)

Autotroph: ____________________________________________________

Heterotroph: __________________________________________________

Producer: ____________________________________________________

Consumer: ___________________________________________________

Old Assessments that you should study:

Ecology Quiz (lab safety, equipment, metric)

Ecology: Triple Beam Balance Lab Assessment

Ecology Test 1 (Lab safety/equipment/metric system/scientific method)

Ecology Quiz (scientific method)

Ecology Test 2: (scientific method/graphing)