St. Croix Valley Riders’ Board of Directors Meeting- May 23, 2016
Meeting called to order: 6:35 by Dwight Smith
Present: Mark Koon- President, Randy Holland-Vice President, Treasurer-Beth Franz, Secretary- Julie Rice, Directors at Large- Norm Pollard and Susie Maher, MN Legislative Director- Shane Murphy, WI Legislative Director- Dan Hren, President Emeritus-Jeff Berg
Agenda item #1- Purchasing mailing lists
Mark had previously presented to the board, the opportunity to purchase mailing lists of registered motorcycle owners in Minnesota. For $2500, we would receive 10,000 addresses. Our information and registration form would be sent to these people. This would help us gain new members, help us to contact more legislatures, and build our organization. We would be able to choose the counties that we would like for those mailings.
A motion was made to buy a mailing list of 10,000 registered motorcycle owners, and choose the counties for sending SCVR information to join our organization.
Discussion: The discussion started with which counties would serve our purpose, the cost of mailing, moving on this quickly, and if we could get it out by August.
The motion was read, there was a second to the motion, it was voted on and approved.
Agenda item#2- Audit Committee results, meeting held April 21st.
Tara presented the findings of the audit committee’s results to the board. Although everything financially is in order, there or some items, that need to be made into a policy for the organization. There needs to be a policy manual implemented for the SCVR. Some items covered were; bank records, band expenses, expense reimbursements, policies,liability insurance, and property management.
Amotion was made to accept the findings of the Audit Committee’s report. There was a second to this motion, it was voted on and approved.
Agenda item#3- Newsletter printing opportunity.
Ron was absent from the meeting, but had sent Mark samples and information for a company to print our newsletter, that in the long run, would save us time and money in the process. It would print 4 pages for $900, 8 pages for $859. There would be a 2000 copy minimum. The company will print, label, and ready the newsletter for mailing at the post office. If we would contract for all 4 quarters, there would be a discount.
A motion was made to try the printing company option for one quarter newsletter, to see how it would work, then revisit it for the next newsletter. There was a second to the motion.
Discussion: This was started with the fact we still have 2 years on our printer contract, how much time it takes Susie to do the printing, the problems we have with the printer, and how this company could save us time and money.
The motion was voted on and approved.
Agenda Item #4- SCVR Survey- Shane Murphy
Shane disclosed some of these findings; there are cliques in the organization. Need id enforcement for under age,officers need to be open for talking, some people joined to voice an opinion… Thanks Shane for sharing the information.
Agenda item #5- Mission Statement- Shane Murphy
Shane feels we need to shorten our mission statement, because it is too long. This will be revisited next meeting.
New or Old Business: None
Next BOD meeting: July 10th