Baldur's Gate 2 Game, Patch & Mod Install Order Guide
(January 30, 2005)
Basic Game Files & Patches:
Baldur's Gate 2, Shadows of Amn (SoA)
Baldur's Gate 2 Expansion, Throne of Bhaal (ToB)
Bioware Official Patch v26498
Non-WeiDU Mods (The Big Picture v161G)
Shadows Over Soubar v100
Shadows over Soubar patch v101
The Darkest day v103
The Darkest day patch v103a
Tortured Souls v501, 503, 504 and 505 (WARNING - Do not install v506)
The Big Picture v161G-Full (also includes a version of Ascension)
BP_s_and_h_Patch v6
WeiDU Mods
*** Run "weidu.exe --update-all" to update all the setup files before running them
Ease of use v30 (Install before NPC Flirt Packs)
(Install ONLY the following: Infinite weapon/potion/ring/amulet stacking (SoA & ToB), wear magic armor & magic rings, allow multi-player NPCs to "wait here" when kicked out, turn off hideous cloak of mirroring, unlimited bag of holding (blucher), Imoen ToB dialogue fix, and female Edwina.)
Redemption v1.2 (If this doesn't work, try Redemption v1.1.3)
Freedoms Reign & Reign of Freedom v3
Improved Horn of Valhalla v1.1 (gives error messages, but does install)
Tzshop (Magnificent Magic Shop) v1
Ruad v19
Underrepresented Items v4
Munch Mod v2.6
Exnem Vault Addons v4 (adding items to creatures would not work)
Sorceror's Place Items - (Except not Davorans Spell Pack & Shadow Deamon's Spell)
(Installed only the Item pack)
Improved Volcano Pack v1.8
Item Upgrade v32
** Cespy Audio Files v1 for Item Upgrade (was too confusing to bother installing)
Imoen Romance v12
Imoen Romance patch v1201
Ajocs Minimod v1.5\v1.6
Planar Sphere v2.0
Planar Sphere Return v20
Dark Ritual v101 (Except not Improved Harper Fight & Cult of the Unseeing Eye)
Unfinished Business v13 (Except not Valygar/Suna Set, Justifier Kit & Feralan kit)
Improved Oasis II v7 - Dialogue = Yes, Combat Enhancement = No
Oversight v3 - (Except not Tougher Sendai (ToB), Cleric Kits, Monk High Level HLA Abilities, and Holy Liberator) (got some error messages)
G3 Tweak Pack v9 (Recent BP Guide says this mod might not be compatible anymore) (Do not install SoA worldmap fix, Improved Athkatlan City Guard and Identify Everything) (I also skipped helmet animations)
APack (Rogue Rebalancing Kit) (did not install kit changes or shadow thieves)
New NPC - Goo (Floating Eyeball Fighter)
New NPC - Yasraena v6 (Drow Fighter)
** Not Compatible with BP - New NPC - Kelsey - SoA v2.1 (Human Sorceror)
** Not Compatible with BP - New NPC - Kelsey - ToB v2.2
New NPC - Keto SoA v2 (Human Bard)
New NPC - Soulafein v101 (Drow Fighter/Mage)
New NPC - Yikari v1.1 (SNDPC) (Human Monk)
New NPC - Hubelpot beta v1.1.0 (Human Druid)
New NPC - Ghareth v0.91 (Human Fighter > Mage)
New NPC - Kitanya beta v6.1 (Elf Wizard Slayer)
NPC Flirt v101 (Must be installed after Ease of Use)
Banter Packs v5
AbyStore v18 (Unusual Oddities Shop)
One Pixel Productions (This should be installed as the last mod)