Possible uses for this information will include:

  • Providing useful information to self-learners;
  • Providing focus for the developers of short courses, text books and other learning material;
  • Providing a basis for the production of self-test quizzes and examinations;
  • Providing the basis for registers of suitably qualified and experienced persons.

Recommended Competences

Code Number / STATEMENT OF COMPETENCE / Standard
EQF Level / Resource
MSApr1 / Learning outcomes in FEA as appropriate to application
MSApr2 / Al learning outcomes in MESM
MSApr3 / All learning outcomes in MAS
MSApr4 / All learning outcomes in SIMM
MSApr5 / Learing outcomes in CFD as appropriate to application
MSAkn1 / Define Multiscale Analysis / A,7 / MSAref1
MSAkn2 / Sketch the length and times scales associated multiscale analysis / A,7 / MSAref2
MSAkn3 / List the hierarchy of physical models. State the physical forces and phenomena of significance at each scale / A,7 / MSAref3
MSAkn4 / List the computational methods used at the quantum/atomistic scales / A,7 / MSAref4
MSAkn5 / List the computational methods used at the atomistic/micro scales / A,7 / MSAref5
MSAkn6 / List the computational methods used at the meso/macro scales / A,7 / MSAref6
MSAkn7 / Define and list the classical approaches to multi-scale analysis. / A,7 / MSAref7
MSAkn8 / Define the Sequential approach to multi-scale analysis. Provide a list of techniques and their applications. / A,7 / MSAref8
MSAkn9 / Define the Concurrent approach to multi-scale analysis. Provide a list of techniques and their applications. / A,7 / MSAref9
MSAkn10 / Define and list the different types of errors that can occur in a multiscale analysis, and list techniques that can be used to control these, / A,7 / MSAref10
MSAkn11 / Provide a list of commercial software tools for multi-scale analysis / A,7 / MSAref11
MSAkn12 / List the main challenges for multiscale analysis / A,7 / MSAref12
MSAkn13 / List the current trends in computing hardware and software for modelling and analysis. / A,7 / MSAref13
MSAco1 / Explain the term ab initio. / A,7 / MSAref14
MSAco2 / Explain the Accuracy and Cost Representation Test / A,7 / MSAref15
MSAco3 / Explain continuum theory and why continuum methods cannot be used at the atomistic scale. / A,7 / MSAref16
MSAco4 / Explain why atomistic methods are not used to model phenomena at larger scales. Explain the differences between Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo methods for atomistic scale analysis. / A,7 / MSAref17
MSAco5 / Review the techniques used to obtain Potential Functions for use in Atomistic Models. What is the difference between interatomic potentials and many body potentials. / A,7 / MSAref18
MSAco6 / Explain the differences between Sequential and Concurrent approaches to coupling across the length scales. / A,7 / MSAref19
MSAco7 / Choose at least six applications requiring multi-scale analysis. Classify them as either type A or type B problems according to the definition given by Weinan. / A,7 / MSAref20
MSAco8 / Review the classical methods for multiscale analysis. What applications can they be used for? / A,7 / MSAref21
MSAco9 / Explain the terms course graining, upscaling, homogenisation, and recovery. Describe the approaches to couple from the fine scale to the course scale. / A,7 / MSAref22
MSAco10 / Explain the steps in the Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for planning a multiscale analysis. / A,7 / MSAref23
MSAco11 / Explain the algorithms for error assessment in multiscale analysis. Why is error analysis difficult for multi-scale analysis? / A,7 / MSAref24
MSAco12 / Describe the trends in hardware and software and how these will impact on current multi-scale analysis procedures. / A,7 / MSAref25
MSAco13 / Explain the data and information challenges in carrying out analyses at different scales. / A,7 / MSAref26
MSAap1 / Employ available software tools to carry out a multi-scale analysis that requires isolated coupling between the scales (e.g. Type A problem, ref MSAref3). / A,7 / MSAref27
MSAap2 / Employ available software tools to carry out a multi-scale analysis where first principle constitutive modelling is required (e.g. Type B problem, Ref MSAref3). / A,7 / MSAref28
MSAan1 / Analyse the results from the multi-scale analysis and draw conclusions. / A,7 / MSAref29
MSAan2 / Establish at each scale what physical quantities interact in a solution, where these interactions take place and when. / A,7 / MSAref30
MSAan3 / Determine which multi-scale techniques where used in the analysis. Was the multiscale methodology Sequential or Concurrent? / A,7 / MSAref31
MSAan4 / Explain how the errors in the analysis were assessed. / A,7 / MSAref32
MSAan5 / Identify the variables at the fine scale for which the results at the course scale are most sensitive / A,7 / MSAref33
MSAan6 / Explain which other multi-scale coupling methods could have been used to undertake the analysis. / A,7 / MSAref34
MSAsy1 / Construct a multiscale analysis plan for a Type A problem that couples an atomistic model with a continuum finite element analysis. Identify the modelling techniques to be used at each scale and the coupling methodology. / A,7 / MSAref35
MSAsy2 / Construct a multiscale analysis plan for a Type B problem that couples an atomistic model with a continuum finite element analysis. Identify the modelling techniques to be used at each scale and the coupling methodology. / A,7 / MSAref36
MSAsy3 / Prepare a multiscale plan that couples quantum mechanics to the atomistic scale. Identify the modelling techniques at each scale and the coupling methodology. / A,7 / MSAref37
MSAsy4 / Formulate a series of simple benchmarks in support
of Multi-Scale studies for both Type A and Type B problems. / A,7 / MSAref38
MSAev1 / For the plans you have constructed for MSAsy1,2, &3, provide justification for the multiscale methods you have chosen. / A,7 / MSAref39
MSAev2 / Based on your knowledge of multiscale analysis explain why is there significant efforts in developing new multiscale methods. / A,7 / MSAref40
MSAev3 / Evaluate the impact that multiscale analysis is having on industry. In your opinion what will the impact be in the next ten years. / A,7 / MSAref41
MSAev4 / Provide effective specialist advice on Multi-Scale analysis to colleagues. / A,7 / MSAref42
MSAev5 / Choosing a suitable real world application, justify why a multiscale analysis is required. / A,7 / MSAref43
MSAev6 / Assess appropriate hardware and software requirements to meet the needs of planned Multi-Scale studies. / A,7 / MSAref44
MSAev7 / Coupling approaches for multiscale analysis can be classified as sequential or concurrent. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each. / A,7 / MSAref45


MSAref1.Fish J, Preface, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

MSAref2.Steinhauser M, Chapter 1: Introduction, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

MSAref3.Weinan E, Chapter 4: The hierarchy of physical models , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 2:Multiscale computational materials science, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref4.Steinhauser M, Chapter 5: Computational Methods on the Electronic/Atomistic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref5.Steinhauser M, Chapter 6: Computational Methods on the Atomistic/Microscopic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref6.Steinhauser M, Chapter 7: Computational Methods on the Mesoscopic/Macroscopic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref7.Weinan E, Chapter 3: Classical Multi-scale Algorithms , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

MSAref8.Fish J, Part 1: Information-Passing Multiscale methods in space, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Wienan E, Xiantao L, Vanden-Eijnden V, Some recent progress in multi-scale modelling, Multiscale modelling and simulation, lecture notes in computational science and engineering 39, pp 3-21, pub Springer (2004)

Lu G, Kaxiras E, Chapter 22: Overview of Multiscale Simulations of Materials, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, Vol X, Ed M Reith and W Schrommers, Pub American Scientific Publishers, (2005)

Fish J, Part 3: Space-Time Bridging Methods , Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

Digimat, Non-Linear Multiscale Material ad Structure Modelling Platform, Xstream Engineering,

MSAref9.Wienan E, Xiantao L, Vanden-Eijnden V, Some recent progress in multi-scale modelling, Multiscale modelling and simulation, lecture notes in computational science and engineering 39, pp 3-21, pub Springer (2004)

Lu G, Kaxiras E, Chapter 22: Overview of Multiscale Simulations of Materials, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, Vol X, Ed M Reith and W Schrommers, Pub American Scientific Publishers, (2005)

Fish J, Part 3: Space-Time Bridging Methods , Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Fish J, Part 2: Concurrent Multiscale methods in space, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Weinan E, Chapter 6: Capturing the macroscale behavior , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Digimat, Non-Linear Multiscale Material ad Structure Modelling Platform, Xstream Engineering,

MSAref10.Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 4: Adaptivity, Error Estimation and Uncertianty Qualification, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

MSAref11.Fish J, et-al, Part 5: Multiscale software, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Elliot J. A, Novel Approaches to Multiscale Modelling in Materials Science, International Materials Reviews, Vol 56, No 4, pp207-225, (2011)

Digimat, Non-Linear Multiscale Material ad Structure Modelling Platform, Xstream Engineering,

Niekamp, R, Markovic D, Ibrahimbegovic A, Matthies H, Taylor R, Multi-scale modelling of heterogeneous structures with inelastic constitutive behavior: Part II – software coupling implementation aspects, Engineering Computations, V 26, pp. 6 – 28 (2009)

MSAref12.Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

Bailey C, Lu H, Stoyanov S, Tilford T, Xue X, Alam M, Yin C, and Hughes M, Modelling Techniques and Applications, Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics Packaging, Ed James Morris, pp 15-37, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref13.Steinhauser M, Chapter 2:Multiscale computational materials science, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Elliot J. A, Novel Approaches to Multiscale Modelling in Materials Science, International Materials Reviews, Vol 56, No 4, pp207-225, (2011)

Marx, D, Hutter J, Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics, Pub Cambridge University Press (2009)

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security, Chapter 3, Pub National Academic Press (2008)

MSAref14.Weinan E, Chapter 4: The hierarchy of physical models , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 5: Computational Methods on the Electronic/Atomistic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Bailey C, Lu H, Stoyanov S, Tilford T, Xue X, Alam M, Yin C, and Hughes M, Modelling Techniques and Applications, Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics Packaging, Ed James Morris, pp 15-37, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref15.Fish J, Preface, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

MSAref16.Steinhauser M, Chapter 1: Introduction, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 2:Multiscale computational materials science, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 5: Computational Methods on the Electronic/Atomistic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 6: Computational Methods on the Atomistic/Microscopic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref17.Steinhauser M, Chapter 1: Introduction, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 5: Computational Methods on the Electronic/Atomistic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Steinhauser M, Chapter 7: Computational Methods on the Mesoscopic/Macroscopic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref18.Steinhauser M, Chapter 5: Computational Methods on the Electronic/Atomistic Scale, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

MSAref19.Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Lu G, Kaxiras E, Chapter 22: Overview of Multiscale Simulations of Materials, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, Vol X, Ed M Reith and W Schrommers, Pub American Scientific Publishers, (2005)

Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

MSAref20.Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 6: Selected Multiscale applications, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Ming Tan C, Li W, Gan Z & Hou Y, Applications of Finite Element Methods for Reliability Studies on ULSI Interconnections, Chapter 4, Pub Springer (2011)

MSAref21.Weinan E, Chapter 3: Classical Multi-scale Algorithms , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

MSAref22.Wienan E, Xiantao L, Vanden-Eijnden V, Some recent progress in multi-scale modelling, Multiscale modelling and simulation, lecture notes in computational science and engineering 39, pp 3-21, pub Springer (2004)

Fish J, Part 3: Space-Time Bridging Methods , Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Fish J, Part 2: Concurrent Multiscale methods in space, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Weinan E, Chapter 6: Capturing the macroscale behavior , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

Niekamp, R, Markovic D, Ibrahimbegovic A, Matthies H, Taylor R, Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous structures with inelastic constitutive behaviour: Part I – physical and mathematical aspects, Engineering Computations, V 22, pp. 664-683 (2005)

MSAref23.Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

MSAref24.Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 4: Adaptivity, Error Estimation and Uncertianty Qualification, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

MSAref25.Steinhauser M, Chapter 2:Multiscale computational materials science, Computational Mutiscale modelling of fluids and solids, theory and applications, Pub Springer (2008)

Fish J, et-al, Part 5: Multiscale software, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Vashishta P, Kalia R, Nakano A, Multimillion Atom Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Nanostructured Materials and Processes on Parallel Computers, Handbook of Materials Modeling, Part A, pp 875-928, Editor Sidney Yip, Pub Springer (2005)

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security, Chapter 3, Pub National Academic Press (2008)

MSAref26.Fish J, et-al, Part 5: Multiscale software, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

State of the Art Review in CAE Data Management, NAFEMS Ltd, 2007

MSAref27.Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 5: Multiscale software, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security, Chapter 3, Pub National Academic Press (2008)

Digimat, Non-Linear Multiscale Material ad Structure Modelling Platform, Xstream Engineering,

Niekamp, R, Markovic D, Ibrahimbegovic A, Matthies H, Taylor R, Multi-scale modelling of heterogeneous structures with inelastic constitutive behavior: Part II – software coupling implementation aspects, Engineering Computations, V 26, pp. 6 – 28 (2009)

MSAref28.Weinan E, Chapter 1: Introduction , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 5: Multiscale software, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security, Chapter 3, Pub National Academic Press (2008)

Digimat, Non-Linear Multiscale Material ad Structure Modelling Platform, Xstream Engineering,

Niekamp, R, Markovic D, Ibrahimbegovic A, Matthies H, Taylor R, Multi-scale modelling of heterogeneous structures with inelastic constitutive behavior: Part II – software coupling implementation aspects, Engineering Computations, V 26, pp. 6 – 28 (2009)

MSAref29.Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

Fish J, et-al, Part 6: Selected Multiscale applications, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

MSAref30.Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

Fish J, et-al, Part 6: Selected Multiscale applications, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

MSAref31.Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

Fish J, et-al, Part 6: Selected Multiscale applications, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

MSAref32.Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Fish J, et-al, Part 4: Adaptivity, Error Estimation and Uncertianty Qualification, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

MSAref33.Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

Fish J, et-al, Part 6: Selected Multiscale applications, Multiscale methods, Published by Oxford University Press, Edited by Jacob Fish, (2010)

Kanoute P, Boso D, Chaboche J, Schrefler B, Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review, Arch Comput Methods Eng, 16, pp 31-75 (2009)

MSAref34.Weinan E, Chapter 3: Classical Multi-scale Algorithms , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Weinan E, Chapter 6: Capturing the macroscale behavior , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

MSAref35.Weinan E, Chapter 4: The hierarchy of physical models , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)

Wienan E, et-al, Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods: A Review, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 2, No. 3, pp367-450 (2007)

Wernik, J, Meguild S, Coupling atomistic and continuum in solids: status, prospects and challenges, Int J Mech Mater Des, Vol 5, pp 79-110 (2009)

NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

MSAref36.Weinan E, Chapter 4: The hierarchy of physical models , Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Pub Cambridge University Press, (2011)