Programme of the Human anatomy

for Medicine faculty students

II. Splanchnology


1.  Review of the organs of digestive system

Content. The introduction into the course of splanchnology – the structure of the parenchymal and tubular organs. The topography and morphofunctional characteristic of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines.

2.  Functional anatomy of the liver and pancreas. Peritoneum

Content. The location, the external structure, the ligaments of the liver. The internal structure of liver: stroma and parenchyma. The gallbladder and biliary ducts. The structure and function of pancreas. The ducts of pancreas. Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity. Parietal and visceral peritoneum and its formations (ligaments, omenta and mesenteries).

3.  Morphofunctional review of the respiratory system

Content. The structural parts of the respiratory system: respiratory pathway, lungs and pleura. The structural and functional characteristics of the organs of the respiratory system. The structural and functional characteristics of the wall of the respiratory pathways. The description of the internal structure of the lungs. The pleura, its parts, significance in the breathing process. The anatomical definition of the mediastinum.

4.  Morphofunctional review of the urogenital system

Content. The organs of the urinary system. The characteristics of the kidney’s structure and function. The anatomical characteristics of the urinary tract and urinary bladder. The description of the organs of the genital system. The structural, functional and ageing characteristics of the sex organs.

5.  Morphofunctional review of the heart

Content. Structural components of the cardiovascular system. Morphofunctional characteristic of the heart wall, atrioventricular and semilunar valves. The structural components of the conduction system, location, and functional characteristic. The components of the circulatory system: arteries, veins, and capillaries, anatomical features of their structure and distribution principles. Anastomoses and collateral blood circulation.

II. Splanchnology

Practical works

1. Oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus and stomach

Content. The structure of the wall of tubular organ and its coats (mucous membrane, tela submucosa, muscular coat, and external coat – adventitia and serous coat). The structure of the parenchymal organ: stroma and parenchyma.

The parts of digestive system: digestive canal (mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine) and related organs (teeth, tongue, major salivary glands, liver, pancreas and peritoneum). Mouth: oral vestibule, oral cavity proper and its organs (teeth, tongue, salivary glands). Oral vestibule: superior and inferior lips, cheeks, upper and lower dental arches, teeth and gums, the location of papilla parotidea. Oral cavity proper: superior wall or roof (hard and soft palate, velum palatinum, tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini muscles), inferior wall or floor (digastricus, mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles), fauces or oropharyngeal isthmus (location, significance, superior, inferior and lateral boundaries, palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches, palatine tonsil). Tongue: root, body, apex, dorsum, lingual tonsil, papillae (filiform, vallate, fungiform and foliate), intrinsic muscles (vertical and transverse) and their functions, extrinsic muscles (genioglossus) and their functions. Teeth: upper and lower dental arches, incisors, canines, premolars, molars, wisdom teeth. Parts of tooth (crown, neck, root), cavity, pulp, dentine, enamel, cement, periodontium. Dental formula of deciduous and permanent teeth.

Major salivary glands: parotid gland (location of gland, duct and papilla), submandibular (location of gland, duct and papilla), sublingual (location of gland, duct and papilla) and their functions. Minor salivary glands.

Pharynx: location, parts, their anatomical boundaries and communications. Nasopharynx: fornix, pharyngeal tonsil, pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube and tube tonsil. Oropharynx, laryngopharynx, piriform recessus. The structure of the wall of pharynx: mucous membrane, muscular coat (longitudinal, i.e. stylopharyngeus and palatopharyngeus muscles and superior, middle and inferior constrictor muscles), adventitia, functions.

Oesophagus: location, length, parts (cervical, thoracic, abdominal), structure of wall, constrictions (superior or pharyngeal – at the origin of the esophagus), middle or bronchoaortic – at the crossing with the arch of aorta and left principal bronchus, inferior or diaphragmatic – where esophagus pierces the diaphragm), functions.

Abdominal cavity.

Stomach: location, shape, volume, walls, curvatures, functions. Parts of stomach: cardia- cardial orifice, fundus, body, pyloric part (pyloric antrum, pyloric canal, pyloric sphincter, pyloric orifice). Structure of the wall of the stomach: mucous membrane (folds, gastric areas, gastric pits), layers of muscular coat (external longitudinal, middle circular, internal oblique), external, i.e. serous coat.

2. Small and large intestines, pancreas, liver. Peritoneum

Content. The parts and structure of the wall of small intestine. Duodenum: location, length, parts (superior or ampulla, descendens and inferior), flexures (superior and inferior duodenal flexures and duodenojejunal flexure), relation to peritoneum, longitudinal fold of duodenum, major and minor duodenal papilla. Jejunum and ileum: location, the structure of wall, length, circular folds of the mucosa, intestinal villi, lymphatic nodules, mesenterium and its root.

The parts of large intestine: cecum, colon (ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid), rectum. Teniae, haustra, omental appendices, semilunar folds. Cecum: location, length, relation to peritoneum, ileocecal opening, ileocecal valve, vermiform appendix. Ascending colon: location, length, relation to peritoneum. Transverse colon: location, length, relation to peritoneum, mesocolon transversum. Descending colon: location, length, relation to peritoneum. Sigmoid colon: location, length, relation to peritoneum, mesocolon sigmoideum. Rectum: location, relation to peritoneum, parts (rectal ampulla or pelvic part and anal canal), anal sphincters (internal involuntary, external voluntary), folds of mucosa, venous plexus, anal aperture.

Liver, shape, location, surfaces, relation to peritoneum, the groove of venae cavae inferioris. Diaphragmatic surface, bare area. Visceral surface, fossa of the gallbladder. Hilum of liver, location, content (portal vein, hepatic artery proper, right and left hepatic ducts). The lobes of liver (right, left, caudate, quadrate). The ligaments of liver (round, coronary, triangular, falciform, hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric). The internal structure of liver: serous coat, stroma (fibrous capsule and interlobular septa), parenchyma – lobules and hepatocytes.

Gallbladder: location, parts, cystic duct, relation to peritoneum. Biliary ducts: right and left hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, common bile duct and its location, hepatopancreatic ampulla and site of its drainage.

Pancreas: location, relation to peritoneum, parts (head, neck, body, tail), lobules, pancreatic islets, pancreatic ducts (main, accessory) and sites of their drainage.

Peritoneum and its formations (ligaments, omenta and mesenteries). Parietal and visceral peritoneum, peritoneal cavity. Mesentery and its root. Transverse and sigmoid mesocolon. Lesser omentum (hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments), structure, location. Greater omentum, location, structure. Omental bursa, omental foramen.

3. The organs of respiratory system. Mediastinum. Thyroid and parathyoid glands. Thymus

Content. The parts of respiratory system: respiratory tract, lungs, and pleura. Upper respiratory tract (airways): nose and nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, oropharynx, vestibule of larynx. Lower respiratory tract (airways): larynx, trachea, bronchi and terminal bronchioles.

Nose: external nose and nasal cavity. External nose: root, dorsum and apex, cartilages, nostrils. Nasal cavity: vestibule, respiratory and olfactory regions, walls, septum, choanae (walls and significance), conchae, meatus (superior, middle and inferior). The sites of drainage of paranasal sinuses (frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal cells). The morphology of nasal mucosa. The functions of nasal cavity.

Nasopharynx, location, communications (with nasal cavity and middle ear), pharyngeal and tube tonsils, functions, and structure of mucous membrane.

Larynx, location, structure of wall. The cartilages of larynx: thyroid (right and left lamina, laryngeal prominence), cricoid (lamina), epiglottis, arytenoid (vocal and muscular processes). The groups of muscles: (1) muscles that adjust tension in the vocal ligaments; (2) muscles that open and close the rima glottidis; (3) muscles that close the rima vestibuli and laryngeal inlet. Laryngeal inlet, laryngeal cavity, its shape. The parts of laryngeal cavity: (1) vestibule and vestibular folds; (2) middle chamber (glottis and ventricles); (3) infraglottic space. Glottis: vocal folds (vocal muscle and its functions, vocal ligament, mucous membrane), rima glottidis.

Trachea, location, length, parts, the structure of wall, membranous wall, cartilage hemi-rings, function, the bifurcation of trachea and its location.

Right principal bronchus, location, cartilage hemi-rings, and branches (superior, middle, inferior lobar bronchi). Left principal bronchus, location, cartilage hemi-rings, and branches (superior and inferior lobar bronchi). The differences of the structure of right and left principal bronchi. The structure of bronchial tree: lobar, segmental, subsegmental, lobular bronchi, terminal bronchioles.

Lungs, location, shape, apex, basis, surfaces (costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal), borders (anterior, posterior, inferior), hilum of lung. Right lung: oblique and horizontal fissures, superior, middle and inferior lobes. Left lung: oblique fissure, superior and inferior lobes, cardiac notch. The segments of lung (definition, number and significance), lobules (definition) and acinus (definition). The parenchyma of lungs: respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, air saccules and alveoli.

Pleura: parietal and visceral. Parts of the parietal pleura (costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal). Pleural cavity and costodiaphragmatic recesses.

Mediastinum, definition, location, boundaries, parts.

Branchiogenic glands: thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, and their location, structure and functions.

4. The organs of the urinary system. Suprarenal glands

Content. The parts of urinary system: kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Kidneys: location, relation to peritoneum, shape, color, consistence, coverings (fibrous and adipose (perinephric fat) capsules, renal fascia), sinus, hilum. The internal structure of kidney: cortex, medulla, pyramids, columns. Nephron, definition and parts: renal corpuscle, capsule, glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop and distal convoluted tubule and their functions. Collecting duct, papillary ducts, renal papilla, minor calyx, major calyx and renal pelvis. Renal artery, vas afferens, vas efferent, plexus around the renal tubules, renal vein.

Ureter: location, shape, length, parts (abdominal, pelvic, intramural), structure of wall, constrictions (at the ureteropelvic junction, at the pelvic brim, where the ureters enter the wall of the bladder), relation to peritoneum, function.

Urinary bladder, location, capacity, relation to peritoneum, shape, parts (apex, body, fundus, basis, neck), structure of wall (folds of mucosa, detrusor muscle), trigone of urinary bladder (openings of ureters and internal urethral orifice), function.

Urethra, structure of wall, internal (involuntary) and external (voluntary) urethral sphincter, function. Location of male urethra, length, parts (prostatic, membranous, spongy). Location of female urethra, length.

Suprarenal glands, location, relation to peritoneum, shape, internal structure (cortex and medulla), functions.

5. The reproductive organs of male and female. Perineum

Content. Internal male genitalia: testis, epididymis, ductus (vas) deferens, spermatic cord, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct and prostate. Testis: location, shape, coverings (tunica albuginea, parietal and visceral layers of tunica vaginalis, vaginal cavity), stroma (connective tissue septa, mediastinum testis), parenchyma (lobules, seminiferous tubules), rete testis, efferent ductules, functions.

Epididymis: location, head, body, tail, duct, function.

Ductus deferens: location, origin, drainage, length, structure of wall, ampulla, ejaculatory duct.

Spermatic cord: location, origin, end, components (ductus deferens, coverings, vessels).

Seminal vesicles: location, structure, function.

Prostate: location, basis, apex, parenchyma and fibromuscular stroma, functions.

External male genitalia: penis, urethra and scrotum. Penis: location, length, parts (radix, body, glans), corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, erectile tissue, tunica albuginea, skin, prepuce.

Male urethra: prostatic, membranous and spongy parts, their length, ducts that drain into the urethra (ejaculatory duct, ducts of the prostate and bulbourethral glands), sphincters (internal and external). Scrotum: skin, tunica dartos, septum.

Internal female genitalia: ovarium, uterine tube, uterus and vagina.

Ovary: location, relation to peritoneum, external shape, tunica albuginea, hilum, mesovarium, proper ligament of ovary (ovarian) and suspensory ligaments, cortex (follicles, corpus luteum, corpus albicans), medulla, functions.

Uterine tube: location, uterine and abdominal openings, parts (uterine part, isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum), fimbriae, mesosalpinx, structure of wall, function.

Uterus: location, surfaces (vesical and intestinal), parts (fundus, body, neck, isthmus, openings (uterine openings of tubes, internal and external os uteri), uterine cavity, cervical canal, structure of wall (mucosa or endometrium (functional and basal layers), muscular layer or myometrium, serous layer or perimetrium), ligaments (broad and round ligaments), their locations and functions.

Vagina: location, shape, length, internal and external ends, structure of wall, vaginal vault (anterior, lateral and posterior parts), function.

External female genitalia or pudendum femininum (mons pubis, labia majora and minora pudendi, clitoris, bulb of vestibule, vestibule of vagina, greater vestibular glands), location, functions. Perineum, triangles: urogenital and anal, location, muscles and their functions.

6. Heart

Content. Heart: surface anatomy and location.

Pericardium: fibrous and serous, pericardial cavity. Structure of the heart wall: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.

Cardiac base and apex. Surfaces of the heart: anterior (sternocostal), diafragmatic (inferior), and pulmonary. Margins of the heart: right, left, inferior and obtuse. External sulci: coronary, anterior and posterior interventricular sulci.

Cardiac chambers. Right atrium: right auricle, pectinate muscles; openings of coronary sinus, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, and smallest cardiac veins; interatrial septum: oval fossa; right atrioventricular orifice.

Right ventricle: conus arteriosus, trabeculae carneae, anterior, posterior, and septal papillary muscles, chordae tendineae, right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve: anterior, posterior, and septal cusps; pulmonary valve: right, left, and anterior semilunar cusps, lunula and nodule of cusps.

Left atrium: left auricle, openings of pulmonary veins, left atrioventricular orifice.

Left ventricle: anterior and posterior papillary muscles, trabeculae carneae, interventricular septum: muscular and membranous parts; left atrioventricular (mitral, bicuspid) valve: anterior and posterior cusps, chordae tendineae; aortic valve: right, left, and posterior semilunar cusps, lunula and nodule of cusps; right, left, and posterior aortic sinuses; openings of right and left coronary arteries.

Cardiac skeleton: fibrous rings, which surround atrioventricular, aortic orifices, and pulmonary opening.

Coronary vasculature. Coronary arteries: right coronary artery; left coronary artery: anterior interventricular and circumflex branches. Their origin, course, and blood supply regions. Cardiac veins: coronary sinus, its tributaries: great, middle, and small cardiac veins: their origin, course. Cardiac conduction system: sinu-atrial node, atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bundle, left and right bundle branches, subendocardial plexus (Purkinje fibers).

7. Colloquium