Guidelines on Funding for Research Projects

1.The Trust has three major objectives which are:-

(a)To award monies not usually exceeding £15,000to encourage pump priming medical research projects and to support younger medical researchers seeking to establish their academic excellence, rather than existing major grant holders.

(b)To encourage clinical research projects. Projects using animal experiments would not normally be considered.

(c)To encourage new medical developments or equipment with clear benefits to patient care

2.In order to obtain the widest use of limited funds available, the Trust's emphasis is towards awarding modest grants encouraging a steady turn round of finances for new projects and new research workers rather than the continuous programmes of departments or individuals. It is not the policy of the Trust to fund costly and/or long-term research projects.

3.It should also be noted that:-

(a)The Trust will not consider any application where the project will not further medical research in University Hospitals Bristol (UH Bristol).

(b)Any equipment remains the property of the Department for which it was purchased.

(c)An annual report is required on the progress of funded studies.

(d)An original invoice must be produced for equipment expenditure

(e)Acknowledgements in publications should be made to "The David Telling Charitable Trust" and a copy of all publications, including abstracts, should be sent to the Trust.

(f)Successful research applications will be notified to the UH BristolResearch and Development Office and it will be the responsibility of the applicants to comply with UH Bristolregulations and governance in respect of the conduct of research on UH Bristolpremises.

(g)Under the Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care all research carried out within the NHS requires a sponsor. Please ensure that you have identified and agreed a sponsor for your research and that R&D approval and ethics approval (where applicable) have been gained prior to starting your project.

  1. Eight copies of each submission are required on forms provided by the Trust, plus one copy of the principle investigator’s CV. Submissions to be sent to the Chairman of the Advisory Board at the address below by the closing date.

Mr Peter Lamont Tel 0117 3420453

2nd Floor, Dolphin House Fax 0117 3420544

Bristol Royal Infirmary Email Peter.uk

BristolBS2 8HW

Notes on Procedures for Grant Applications

  1. Grants

Grants will not normally exceed £15,000 except for projects of exceptional merit, which the Trustees may be prepared to fund on the recommendation of the Advisory Board. Please discuss such exceptional applications with the Chairman of the Advisory Board prior to application.

  1. Procedure

Applications for project grants from the David Telling Charitable Trust should be made on the attached application form. Brief additional information should also be supplied to the Advisory Board on a separate sheet of A4 paper attached to the application form under the following headings:

(i)purpose of proposed investigation (immediate and long-term objectives,

relevance to medical problems);

(ii)background of the project - including a brief review of published work in the same field of study;

(iii)plan of investigation (state what work is proposed and how it is planned to carry it out, any techniques which are not well known should be described);

(iv)reasons for support requested (justify support requested, indicating role to be played by assistants and intended use of each item of equipment - equipment which might normally be provided by departments will require special justification);

(v)curriculum vitae of research worker(s).

Applications for equipment grants do not need to use the attached application form but applicants should give their contact details and provide a description of the proposed equipment and its clinical application. The Trust will not fund replacement equipment, which should be the responsibility of the NHS. Rather, the Trustees are seeking to support the introduction of novel medical equipment which brings clear and proven benefits to patient care. Applicants need to make clear what clinical benefits the new equipment would bring over and above existing provision and describe the published background and level of evidence supporting its use for patient care. The application should describe the clinical setting where the equipment will be used and give an estimate of the annual numbers of patients who would benefit from it. The Trust is not VAT exempt, so the application should provide an accurate estimate of the equipment cost including VAT.Equipment costing in excess of £15000 will be considered.

3.Ethical Approval for Research involving Human Subjects

NOTE: This includes physical examinations, tests of no immediate benefit to the particular individual, questionnaires and interviews.

Research workers are reminded that all research involving human subjects must have the approval of the Research Ethics Committee.

Information on the application process, including a guide on where to apply for ethical review and information on specialist areas of research, together a comprehensive guide to the National Research Ethics Service application form can be found on the NRES website.

Further information and guidance in obtaining UH BristolR&D approval is available on the R&D website.

4.Animal Experiments

The Advisory Board will not normally consider applications for research which involve experiments on animals, unless there are very clear and direct patient benefits. In such circumstances it is the responsibility of the research worker to demonstrate that a Home Office Licence has been obtained for such work.

5.Use of Radioactive Substances

Proposals to carry out research involving administering radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive medicinal products) to patient or volunteers must be submitted to the Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (ARSAC) at the Department of Health for approval.


Research workers are reminded that the supply of medical and scientific equipment, when purchased from charitable or voluntarily subscribed funds, may be exempt from VAT. The exemption only applies when the equipment has been donated to a designated hospital or research institution and is solely for use in medical research, diagnosis or treatment. As the Trust has no mechanism for reclaiming VAT, applications should include VAT in their costings.



Please Type

  1. Consultant Supervisor

2.Name(s) of Research Workers and status in the District (please attach curriculum vitae)


  1. Title of Research Project(A detailed description of the Research Project should accompany this form - see note 2 above)

4.Does this submission have any bearing on previous applications?YES/NO

5.Approval by Relevant Bodies

(i)Will the Research at any time involve human subjects? (note 3) YES/NO

If YES, has the project been approved by a ResearchEthics Committee? YES/NO

(ii)Will the Research involve experiments on living animals (note 4)YES/NO

If YES, has a Home Office licence been granted?YES/NO

(iii)Will the Research involve the use of ionising radiation orradioactive medicinal

products? (note 5) YES/NO

If YES, has the advice of UH Bristol’s Radiation Protection Adviser and

ARSAC approval been obtained?YES/NO

(iv)Name of organisation which is sponsoring this study:

(v)Has UH Bristol R&D Department approved this project?YES/NO

6.Starting date and expected duration (please specify)

7.Demands to be made on UH Bristolhospital staff and services (e.g. medical secretaries and technical staff)

8.Staff for which funding is required (give names, qualifications, experience and grades)

Have you checked with UH Bristolor University Personnel Department as appropriate that the

salary scales quoted in section 9 are accurate and up to date?YES/NO

9. Amount requested / Anticipated costs of project
1st year
from commencement to
/ 2nd year
to / 3rd year
1. (a) Staff salaries
(b) Employer's contributions to staff salaries
16.5% to cover National Insurance and superannuation
or 10.5% for part-time staff not paying superannuation
2. Local travelling expenses
3. Expendable materials
to include carriage costs & VAT
(e.g. chemicals, glass-ware, animals)
4. Other foreseeable expenditure
to include VAT (e.g. equipment, maintenance, drugs, staff, advertising costs). Please specify
Total requested A
1. Equipment
Please specify & insert “+ VAT” if applicable
2. Visits to other centres
3. Other items
Total requested B / £ / £ / £
TOTAL of A & B / £ / £ / £
***********(not to exceed £15,000)********** / £

I confirm that all research staff who will have access to patients' medical records will be made aware of the confidential nature of the document, and that staff not employed by University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust will sign a form to this effect.

Signature of SupervisorDate