Home & School News—January 19, 2016


Thank you to our chairs,Deb Barcalow and Deb Clark for putting on a great event! And thank you to the Lindelow family for donating the use of their popcorn machine, their popcorn and supplies, and their time spent running it for us!!


Our Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the library, the week of February 1st through February 5th. Home & School is donating 100% of the proceeds of the fair to the school library. Please see the attached flyer for more information, as well as a letter from our librarian, Mrs. Sibley.

We need volunteers to help staff the book fair, so if you can spare a few hours to help out, please sign up here:

If you want to sign up when your child comes through the book fair, please take a look at the attached “sign-up” document to get an idea of when their class has signed up to attend---but please check with your child about when s/he is going! That is the best way to find out!The Book Fair will be open Tuesday and Thursday evening also, to permit parents to browse with their kids, and to look through some parent selections.

Any questions? Please contact Katherine Archibald at . To volunteer, please contact Rebekah Ulmer at .



Please start sending in your BoxTops to help your homeroom earn the highest number of BoxTops!! Bag your BoxTops, and include the amount, your name, and your HOMEROOM TEACHER NAME on the bag! The homeroom with the most BoxTops collected by the end of the contest, Friday, Feb 26, will win a prize! BoxTops will be collected and tallied each Friday, and we will be announcing the standings early the following week in the blast and announcements!

The homeroom that contributes the most will enjoy aclass prize decided by the teacher and the class.

Please direct any questions to Karen


Attached is a Safe Homes flyer for the month of January, which discusses children and mental illness. Safe Homes is also making parents aware of a very informative CNN Special Report that was aired on television; Being 13: The Secret World of Teens, which may be interesting and informative for your family. To watch it, click here:


Planning is already underway for our very fun Dodgeball Night, scheduled for February 19th! You will receive information on how to sign up next week. We will also need parent volunteers to help out---and they just may be needed to play against our fabulous teacher team, or some winning student teams! (But only if they want to, of course!) Look for more information soon!


Our Talent Show is being rescheduled from the original March 12 date, to a date later in the school year. We will keep you updated!


Home & School