Welcome back, I hope you have had an enjoyable half term break and are ready for more active learning at school.
Harvest Festival…Thank you so much for showing how much you care. The many, many donations and your generosity was very much appreciated by local residents, Re:Dish and the Well Spring Kitchen. It was also wonderful to see so many of you at our service when the children proudly presented their learning and singing. An amazing £116.38 was also raised for Farm Africa to help farmers buy tools and seeds so they can grow their own crops.
Terrific Team work… well done to our football team who have played two fantastic winning games so far this season. The first game was against Mersey Vale with a score of 6-0 and the second against Cale Green when the score was 7-2. The team will be playing two more matches this month against St Elisabeth’s on 9th and St George’s on 17th. Please join us after school on our field and support them if you can. FOSM will be providing refreshments to keep you warm as you watch.
…is our chosen Christian value for this half term. Christians see hope in God’s promise ‘that love and goodness have, and will ultimately, overcome all evil’. As we lead up to Christmas in school we will be exploring hope and reflecting on our hopes for the future.
Parent Consultations… will be taking place during the week beginning 23rd November. There will be the usual late night option and appointments available after school. Please book your appointment via the VLE using your child’s password. If you do not know their password, please contact school. The class appointment areas are due to go live next week. It is important that you book to see you child’s teacher to celebrate their progress so far and to find out how you can support them in their learning.
Thank you …to those of you who have already signed up for an electronic copy of future newsletters. If you or someone you know would like to receive them this way, please email:
…today is the last time we will see Mrs Burns for a while, as she leaves to have her baby in the near future. This week, alongside Mrs Burns, Green Class have been working closely with Mrs Warburton and Mrs McDonald who will be teaching the class until Mrs Burns returns. I am sure you would like to join me in wishing Mrs Burns health and happiness as we eagerly await for news of the safe arrival of ‘Baby Burns.’
November Dates for your diary:
- 9th – Football match against St Elisabeths
- 11th–Yellow Class visit to the Cenotaph
- 16th – National Anti- bullying Week
- 17th - Football match against St George’s
- 19th – Orange and Yellow Classes Flu Vaccinations (Yr 1& 2)
- 20th – Blue Class Greek Workshop
- 23rd – Parent Consultation Week
- 26th–Violet Class visit to Liverpool Museum
- 27th – FOSM Christmas Festive Fun
- 28th St Mary’s Church Christmas Fair
December Dates for your diary:
- 3rd-Rev Clive Larsen’s School Advent Worship
- 3rd – Indigo Class Bikeability
- 3rd – Red Class Baptism celebration
- 4th – Violet Class Bikeability
- 4th – Red Class Wedding Celebration
- 7th – Carols in St George’s Church
- 8th – Green Class visit to the Art Gallery
- 9th – EY/KS1 Nativity starting at 2pm
- 10th – Mr Beckingham’s Assembly
- 10th – Reddish Vale Road Show
- 10th – EY/KS1 Nativity starting at 6pm
- 11th – Christmas Dinner in school
- 14th –Christmas Around the World for KS2
- 15th – Christmas Around the World for KS1
- 15th – EY/KS1 Christmas Party
- 15th – KS2 Carol Service in St Marys Church starting at 7pm
- 16th – Years 3 & 4 Christmas Party
- 17th -Years 5 & 6 Christmas Party
- 18th – Finish at 2.15pm for Christmas Break
Thank you for your continued support showing we are all learning and caring together.
Best Wishes,
Mrs E. Irvin and all the staff at St Mary’s