Medical Home Subgroup – Needs Determination
October 19, 2011 – Meeting Notes
Attendance: Marsha Fretwell, MD (co-lead); Teresa Piezzo (co-lead); Betsey Tilson, MD; Elise Bolda
Purpose of the Subgroup –1) Develop a process for determiningneeds of recipients across the continuum of care2) Develop tool(s) toaid physicians/providers to: assess needs of patients, track progress of patients, and link to eligibility. This tool may replace/enhance the FL2 Level of Care Determination
Initial thoughts on possible Key Elements for consideration:
- Continuity of Care
- Medical and nursing coverage. Engage team of primary care providers
- Decrease inappropriate hospitalizations and save hospital days -1) Create financial incentives for physicians, ‘craving rational systems’, 2) support trusting relationships between primary care providers and patients
- Move off medical model to functional model; Make maximizing patient’s functional health the overarching goal of new system of care
- Anticipation of Need of Resources – Tool that is flexible, functionally based, can be used at intervals over time with scoring mechanism that can be also related to outcome measures
- What is the patient’s goal or preferences
- Importance of linking LTC world
Tools discussed/briefly reviewed and shared with the group:
- Tool for Standard Domains for Functional Assessment and Outcomeused by Elderhaus (drawn from MDS) and has been a very effective tool in their PACE program. Refer to Attachment.
- Maine –Medical Eligibility Determination (MED) used to assess independent and assess eligibilityfor 20 Medicaid and state-funded programs. It also functions as a way to let recipients know their resources. It is a ‘spigot’ for adjusting eligibility/changing the allocation of resources
- Michigan - Medicaid Nursing Facility LOC Determination include eligibility criteria for long term care services
- Asthma Assessment Tool used by CC of Wake/Johnston Counties (reference attachment)
- Florida – Hospital to SNF Transfer Form (Pilot Test Form)
Articles Shared:
- Risk Adjustment of Medicare Capitation Payments Using CMS-HCC Model
- Med-Pac June 2011 Coordinating Care for dual-eligible beneficiaries
Discussed a conceptual ‘Functional’ matrix (see attachment) with the possibility of attaching allocation of resources to functional needs across the entire population, currently NC uses the FL-2 Level of Care Determination Tool for nursing homes other tools for other programs.
Need a clinically relevant screening tool for physician use that can help “score” a patient as to needs. This “score” could correspond to a box in the functional matrix which could define elements needed/covered for care. This could be used for determination of eligibility and help providers know of available resources. The tool could also flag high risk for more in-depth assessment. The tool could be used by providers in multiple settings to aid in consistent assessments and communication.
Lessons may be available in the steps & stages approach used for asthma and obesity.
Reminders to the group = PACE will be explored by another group
Possible requests to other groups:
- Definition of Medical Home
- Palliative Care – what are key screening questions?
- Behavioral Health – – what are key screening questions - Poly-pharmacy: Medication Encephalapathy
Next Steps:
- Review Asthma/Obesity tools of CCofWake/Johnston Co information to be sent by Betsey Tilson
- Determine domains
- Meet 11/7/2011 9-11am Conference Room #4
- Next Meeting – Review Priority Criteria with Subgroup/ Deliverables/Parking Lot