Press release

MEDIARESEARCH, Prague, 17th January, 2013

MEDIARESEARCH is a participating member of the Czech National Panel

MEDIARESEARCH has joined the Czech National Panel and is a founding member a parallel project in Slovakia. This makes the Czech National Panel, with the current number of 60,000 respondents, one of the largest Czech online panels, offering a sufficient number of respondents to cover the vast majority of inquiries. The Slovak National Panel includes 25,000 respondents and is still growing. The merger of the MEDIARESEARCH online panels with the Czech and Slovak National panels was completed in December 2012.

An important criterion, apart from the size of the two panels, is the quality of their construction (structure) and administration. This is guaranteed by the know-how and background of the agencies cooperating on this project, MEDIARESEARCH, NMS Market Research and STEM / MARK. Great emphasis is placed on an elaborate system of verification of new respondents (offline verification of respondents) and identity check. Unverifiable and inaccurate respondents are identified by several mutually independent monitoring mechanisms and subsequently excluded from the panel.

"We haveother information about our respondents in addition to thebasic socio-demographicdata, in so-calledsub-panels, such as data for healthcare,automotive,mobilephones business, personal finance, tourism, shopping habits, media, home equipment,use of the Internetand the like.This knowledgeallows us to target research more precisely andspeeds the collectionof quota weighted dataandtherefore reduces theprice ofresearch,"saysTomášHynčica, the head of the commercial department ofMEDIARESEARCH.

The goal of the joint project of MEDIARESEARCH, NMS Market Research and STEM / MARK is to become the leading supplier of Czech and Slovak data abroad and also to become the key supplier of online data collection in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Panels can be used by Czech or foreign research agencies, end customers and the media.

Pavla Chlebounová, Public Relations

MEDIARESEARCH, a.s., Ceskobratrska 1/2778, 130 00 Prague 3

Tel.: +420222717 763-4, Fax: +420222717762


Tomáš Hynčica, Business Director

MEDIARESEARCH, a.s., Ceskobratrska 1/2778, 130 00 Prague 3

Tel.: +420222717 763-4, Fax: +420222717762



We are a significant research agency with a wide range of products and services in the area of market and media research, data analysis and software development. We carry out the largest, methodologically andtechnologically most demanding research projects: electronic measurement of television audience (TV meters), monitoring of Internet traffic and monitoring of the socio-demography of the Internet population (NetMonitor), as well as monitoring media advertising investments (Admosphere) in the Czech Republic. We also carry out monitoring of Internet traffic and monitoring of the socio-demography of the Internet population in the Slovak Republic (AIMonitor).

We develop and use our own technology for electronic media measurement – the SimMetry™ platform: SimEar™ the TV meter (stationary measuring device) and SimAir™ (the mobile measuring device) and our own production and maintenance system for audience data, SimBios™. For marketing research purposes we co-own a large representative sample of online respondents – The Czech National Panel™.

We provide top-quality professional services. We are a member of professional organisations such as ESOMAR, SIMAR, CMA, BCC, TUESDAY Business Network.

We have branch offices in the Czech and Slovak Republics and we co-operate with other partners abroad. We wholly own the subsidiaries PRIME TIME CS, spol. s r.o. and Admosphere, s.r.o. and we are co-owner of Quantitative Consulting s.r.o.

A Step Ahead

MEDIARESEARCH, a.s., Českobratrská 1/2778, 130 00 Praha 3, tel.: 222717763-4, fax: 222717762, Strana 1/2