16/26 see note at bottom


1. The Canadian symbol of the beaver partially represents a link to the early Canadian fur trade. T

2. Cultural myths are stories that promote national values and perspectives. F

3. A symbol is successful when it is instantly recognizable and triggers an association with something or someone. T

4. Groups of people seldom select the actual myths they want to represent their culture or heritage. F

5. Among other things, institutions often use athletes to represent Canada at events such as the Olympics. T

6. The federal government in Canada is solely responsible for education. F

7. It is primarily educational institutions that organize public relations campaigns and other events to promote the interests of particular groups. F

8. The National Anti-Poverty Organization is a government organization that works on behalf of the poor. T F

9. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is funded by taxpayer's money through government grants. T

10. The RCMP were originally founded in 1873 as the Northwest Mounted Police. T

11. Both the Canadian Mint and the Bank of Canada were created in the late 1800s. F


1600s: First contacts between Native communities and Europeans
How were relations between the groups at this time? They were friendly and open.
What changed them? European expansion across North America as well as their growing intolerance on non-technological societies / 1980: Assembly of First Nations formed
Who does this group represent?
What is the Native Council of Canada?
What is the Inuit Tapirisat?
What did bands negotiate with the government during the 1980s?
1830: Department of Indian Affairs formed
Define Paternalistic: The system, principle or practice of managing a country in the manner of a father.
How did the government hope to settle Native Peoples? They hoped to settle them by using paternalistic tones. On reserves to make way for more European settlers.
What was the attitude of European governors toward Native Peoples? The governors thought that the Native People needed help from the Europeans to survive. / 1982: Constitution Act
What did this promise for Native Peoples?
Describe the government's two-track approach. The first track wanted native self-government and the second track wanted to provide the Natives with the means to administer themselves.
1985: Why did a group of Native women protest the Indian Act? What was the result of their protest? They protested because a clause in the act said if they married a non-native man they gave up their status as Indians. The result was a new bill passing that amended the discriminatory clause.
1867: Confederation
Describe relations between European settlers and Native Peoples at this time. The treaties kept telling Native People what to do. / 1990: Meech Lake Accord
Who is Elijah Harper? He was a hero to his people. A Native Member of the Legislative Assembly in Manitoba
Why did he oppose the Meech Lake Accord? He opposed because they felt it would slow the efforts of dealing with Native issues.
1990: Oka Crisis
What was this protest about? It was about stopping the expansion of a golf course. on sacred ground. They set up barricades to prevent the building from beginning. More violence ensued until the townspeople of Oka forced the government to call in the army.
What four things did the government's new Native agenda cover?
1960: What did the Natives get this year that other Canadians already had? They got the federal vote. / 1991: Ovide Mercredi is elected to the Association of First Nations as National Chief Resolve land claims and other obligations, improve life on reserves, cultivate a better relationship between Natives and gov't, address the contemporary concerns of Native People.
What were his goals? To achieve self government and to improve social and economic conditions.
1969: White Paper
What did this paper seek to do? It wanted to remove the Indian act and stop the department of Indian affairs.
Who would become responsible for the concerns of the Native Peoples? The government (provinces) would be responsible.
How did Natives react to this proposal? They feared it because they felt they may lose their status as a distinct group of Canada. They protested and the government backed down

6/15 you missed the questions on 1980 and 82, so you might want to fill those in and re-submit.

Crossword Score: 86% (Answer 5 down was wrong and answer 3 across was spelt wrong, I tried again)

90% for the second round.
