Media Specialists’ Meeting
March 22, 2011
Joseph Martin Elementary School
Present at the meeting –Roxanne Lee, Latricia Cobb, Nikki Lukkarinen, Cristina Dover, Elaine Walker, Mary Lewis, Jeff Staggs, Kay Williams, Melissa Sands, Sandy Jennings, Kristi Craven, Tara Griffin, Diana Anderson, Tory Baker
Not Present: Miriam Hudson
I. Marvelous Media Moments – Jaime shared slides from Teen Tech Week, Media Festival and AR Celebrations.
Jaime stated that she has scores from the Media Festival on an Excel spreadsheet. Jaime asked everyone to please check and see if your scores match the ones on her spreadsheet.
II. Monthly Statistics – Jaime reviewed monthly statistics for Circulation, Accelerated Reader, netTekker, Student Visits and Galileo.
Jaime stated that Patti showed the statistics at the Board Meeting. Patti asked that you please clean up your patron numbers. Jaime said to go into Destiny and delete ones that need deleting that do not have fines. Jaime has directions if you feel this is a problem.
b. Jaime stated that there was a lot of AR participation and a lot of progress in one year from every school.
c. Jaime stated she showed the math grant teachers netTrekker’s advance search features and they were very receptive.
e. Jaime stated that we need to beat last year’s goal in Galileo.
III. April is Poetry Month –
a. Jaime stated Poetry Engine for 1st through 8th grades could be a resource at anytime. Please check out the link: engine.htm#
Jaime stated that it is also CRCT month.
b. Jaime shared a link for Library Programming Ideas for all levels:
Jaime stated these are great tips for all Librarians.
IV. HRRB BOE Recognition –
a. Jaime stated that the HRRB recognition is April 14 at 5:30pm at the BOE. Jaime asked everyone to please encourage your team to attend. Jaime stated that every child will get a certificate. Jaime asked that everyone please keep track of who is coming.
b. Jaime asked that you please pass out invitations to your HRRB Students. Jaime will send out reminders to everyone.
V. HRRB dates for next year–
a. Online registration opens October 5, 2011 and closes December 10, 2011.
b. DeKalb and Local Bows are January 28, 2012
c. LCSS HRRB dates – January 19th and 20th or January 26th and 27th. Jaime asked for hands and the majority voted for January 26th and 27th.
d. Regional Bowls are February 4, 2012.
e. Divisional Bowls are February 25, 2012.
f. HRRB Essay is Due March 5, 2012
g. The State Bowl is March 17, 2012
VI. Media Festival Results– is April 29th in Clayton County
a. Jaime asked that you please return you Superior projects to the BOE by April 4th.
b. Jaime reminded everyone to please include site maps, copyright compliance forms and “About My Project” forms in your packets.
c. Jaime stated she would email the system spreadsheet April 8th.
Jaime reminded everyone that she needs your Professional Leave Forms as soon as possible. Jaime said she would check and see who is paying for the expenses. Jaime said she would ask the IT specialists to help.
Jaime reminded everyone that we must have 1 judge for every ten projects. There are 149 projects advancing and she will need a total of 15 judges. Jaime needs to know who the judges are before April 8th.
VII. Media Festival Showcase –
a. Jaime stated that she emailed the principals to see if they have a date preference of May 16-May 18.
b. Jaime asked that you please let her know if your school has a preference for their night. The following are scheduled already:
Monday, May 16 – JME and LE
Tuesday, May 17 –
Wednesday, May 18 – FLE
c. Jaime stated that she needs an announcer and a trophy presenter for your school.
Jaime asked that you please let her know who will be attending from your school by May 1st.
d. Jaime stated that invitations will be sent home the week of May 4th.
VIII. Exemplary Media Open Houses – For middle schools in Cherokee County on April 27 at 9:00-11:30 and Crabapple Middle in Fulton County on March 31st at 1:00-3:00.
Jaime stated this is a good way to go and see what made these schools so outstanding.
IX. Media Services Survey on Survey Monkey– This information will help to make plans and goals for next year. Jaime sent an email to the Principals last week.
Results will be available after Spring Break.
X. Professional Learning Committee Needed for Planning –
Elementary, middle and high representatives are needed.
XI. GLMA Summer Institute – The GLMA’s Summer Institute 2011 has been scheduled for June 16 and 17, 2011 at Callaway Gardens. Jaime stated that this is a good Professional Learning opportunity. You can go to
a. Rooms are being held at the Mountain Creek Inn:
This is for SI participants at last year’s rate of $99/night (single or double).
b. This year’s theme is “Make it and Take it”. All participants will leave with lessons, programs, and products that can be used in the library or classroom.
XII. Florida Educational Technology Conference– Melissa shared
XIII. Children’s Literature Conference – Cristina and Latricia shared
XIV. Other issues:
XV. Next Meeting: April 27 at BOE in Room 2900 from 9am -10am.