Mechanical Fabrication Department
Equipment Lockout Procedure
For Enter Equipment Name
12/21/05 SLAC-I-007-10001-005 R0 (replace w/ your #) Page 2 of 10
Equipment Lockout Procedure
Section A. General Information
General Equipment Description:PC # (s): / Equipment Custodian:
Model #: / Serial #:
Equipment Location:
Section B. Operator Controls
The following is a list of operator controls used to shut down the “enter name”:· Control 1
· Control 2
· Control 2 (add or delete steps as necessary)
To place the equipment in a non-operational mode prior to any LOTO activities, the operator must perform the following actions:
· Step 1
· Step 2
· Step 3
· Step 4 (add or delete steps as necessary).
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Equipment Lockout Procedure
Section C: Identification of Energy Sources, Danger Zones, and Isolation
Potential types of energy / Describe if present / Danger zone / Isolation PointA / Electrical - low voltage (50-600 V)
B / Electrical - low voltage (<50 V)
C / Electrical - high voltage (600 V)
D / Chemical -
E / Pressure- hydraulic, pneumatic
F / Vacuum
G / Mechanical - capable of crushing, pinching, cutting, snagging, striking
H / Thermal, heat
I / Thermal, cryogenic
J / Radiation, ionizing, non-ionizing
K / Stored energy - flywheel, springs, differences in elevation, capacitors, batteries.
L / Emergency power
M / Other- describe
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Equipment Lockout Procedure
Section D. Purpose of Procedure
This procedure describes the steps for safely de-energizing and locking out the “Enter name here” in preparation for maintenance, repair, or equipment modification work.Section E. Shutdown steps
Preparation and Notification
A list of personnel “approved” to use this ELP is provided in Section G. Personnel who are authorized to apply general LOTO, but not listed as “approved” to use this ELP can:· Request approval to use this ELP (see Section G); or
· Lock out the equipment in cooperation with a person approved to use this ELP (see Section G).
Review this entire LOTO procedure
Prior to starting work, notify all affected personnel of the lock out activity. Additionally, contact “enter name” to confirm that the equipment has been placed in the non-operational mode as described in Section B.
Insert any special contact information.
Isolation and Control of Energy Sources
The steps below describe how to isolate and control the energy sources identified in Section C. For each step, do the following:
· Determine if your job requires that you work in the “danger zone” for that energy source (see Section C).
· If you determine your job requires you to work in the danger zone for that energy source, perform the isolation and control step
· If you determine that your work does not require you to work in the danger zone for that energy source, you do not need perform the isolation and control step.
Energy Source A (electrical 50-600Volts) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Verify: If you will be performing only mechanical work, isolation of electrical energy shall be verified by ensuring the machine cannot be started. The check this, enter description of how to check.
If you will be performing electrical work, then verification requires voltage testing which is considered energized electrical work and requires an Electrical Work Plan (EWP). You must have an approved EWP to perform this step
Note: Arc hazard ratings and PPE requirements are required to be posted on electrical disconnects and circuit breaker panels. If this label is missing, do not operate the switch until the arc hazard can be determined.
Energy Source B (electrical less then 50Volts) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Verify: If you will be performing only mechanical work, isolation of electrical energy shall be verified by ensuring the machine cannot be started. The check this, enter description of how to check.
If you will be performing electrical work, then verification requires voltage testing which is considered energized electrical work and requires an Electrical Work Plan (EWP). You must have an approved EWP to perform this step
Note: Arc hazard ratings and PPE requirements are required to be posted on electrical disconnects and circuit breaker panels. If this label is missing, do not operate the switch until the arc hazard can be determined.
Energy Source C (Electrical greater then 600Volts) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Verify: If you will be performing only mechanical work, isolation of electrical energy shall be verified by ensuring the machine cannot be started. The check this, enter description of how to check.
If you will be performing electrical work, then verification requires voltage testing which is considered energized electrical work and requires an Electrical Work Plan (EWP). You must have an approved EWP to perform this step
Note: Arc hazard ratings and PPE requirements are required to be posted on electrical disconnects and circuit breaker panels. If this label is missing, do not operate the switch until the arc hazard can be determined.
Energy Source D (Chemical Energy) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source E (Pressure – hydraulic or pneumatic) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source F (Vacuum) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source G (Mechanical) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source H (Thermal - heat) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source I (Thermal - cryogenic) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source J (Radiation – ionizing or non-ionizing) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source K (Radiation – ionizing or non-ionizing) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source L (Emergency Power) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Energy Source M (Other - describe) (delete this row if this energy source not present)
Section F: Steps to return to service
A / Verify equipment and area is clear of tools, workers, equipment, materials, and other debris.B / Unlock and remove any blocking devices; remove linkages.
C / Reposition any safety devices, guards, interlocks.
D / Warn workers to stay clear of area.
E / Remove all locks and tags for energy control points.
F / Verify area clear of personnel.
G / Re-energize the equipment.
H / Notify supervisor when work is complete.
I / If you find any errors in this procedure, or have suggestions on how to improve it, provide your comments to the equipment custodian.
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Equipment Lockout Procedure
Section G: Approval
Personnel approved to use this procedure are listed below. To be added to the “List of Approved Personnel” you must:· Read the entire procedure.
· Obtain instruction on the procedure from a knowledgeable person.
· Be “authorized” to apply general LOTO.
· Demonstrate an understanding of the general LOTO process and the specific requirements of this procedure.
· Be qualified and trained to perform the task required by this procedure.
Personnel who are authorized to apply general LOTO, but not on the “List of Approved Personnel” can:
· Request approval from “enter name” (Equipment Custodian), Karen Holtemann (MFD Safety Officer), or Karen Fant (MFD Department Head).
· Lock out the equipment in cooperation with a person approved to use this ELP. If selecting this option, an “approved” person locks out the equipment using this ELP. The “unapproved” person also applies their locks to the lockout devices. The “approved” person demonstrates to the satisfaction of the “unapproved” person that the equipment has been de-energized. The locks of both persons must remain in place with the “unapproved” person is working on the equipment.
List of Approved Personnel[1]
Approval is for a maximum of one year
Authorized Person
(printed name and signature) / Dept / Mechanical only / Electrical and mechanical / Authorized by
(printed name and signature) / Authorization expiration date
Eamon Lacy / MFD / X
Richard Burnham / MFD / X
Kelley Ramsey / MFD / X
Authorized Person
(printed name and signature) / Dept / Mechanical only / Electrical and mechanical / Authorized by
(printed name and signature) / Authorization expiration date
Section H: Photos
Copy and past photos herePhoto 1. Enter photo title here / Copy and paste photo here
Photo 2. Enter photo title here
Copy and paste photo here
Photo 3. Enter title here / Copy and paste photo here
Photo 4. Enter title here
Copy and paste photo here
Photo 5. Enter title here / Copy and paste photo here
Photo 6. Enter title here
Section I: Line Diagram
Insert line diagram showing machine, energy sources, and isolation pointsDate one last time document number one last time Page 10 of 11
[1] Personnel must be current in Course 157- “Lock and Tag Program for the Control of Hazardous Energy”