Laxmi Class 8-30-2015.
Shikshaks: Mandarji (Mandar A. Pattekar), Sunitaji (Sunita Shastry), Ishaji (Isha Vaishampayan)
Topic of Study: Mahabharat
Mahabharat is one of the two Ithihasas (historical accounts) of the Ancient Hindu Culture, other being the Ramayan.
Our study of Ramayan will aim to achieve knowledge of the following:
1)Basic facts about Mahabharat main story, and others connected with it.
2)Character attributes of Pandavas and Kaurava. How they react to what life presents to them.
3)Good vs Bad actions.
4)Practical application of the values in the modern life.
5)Geography of Bharat in connection with Kings involved in the Mahabharat war (which was essentially the first world war during the prehistoric times).
6)Basic tenets of Hindu Dharma- Review.
In addition to story narration, we will engage in cross word games, physical games, show and tell, among other activities.
We strongly encourage the parents to participate at least occasionally in the class room.
Lesson I
Namaste: Meaning- the divine in me acknowledges the divine in you.
Om Saha Nau-Avatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai | Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Aum, May GodProtectusBoth(the Teacher and the Student), May GodNourishusBoth,May weWork TogetherwithEnergy and Vigour,
May ourStudybeEnlighteningand not give rise toHostility,
Story of Shakuntala: Birth of Bharat
Shakuntalā (sageVishwamitraand theApsaraMenaka). Menakā was sent by Indra to distract the sage Vishwāmitra from his deep meditations. She succeeds, and bore a child . Vishwāmitra refuses to accept the child as his own. Menakā left the newborn Shakuntalā in the forest- found by Kanva Rishi surrounded by Shakunta birds - named her Shakuntalā. Kanva Rishi ashram banks of the MāliniRiver in the state of Uttarākhand, India. Shakuntala grows up and becomes a beautiful woman. KingDushyantawhile hunting see Shakuntala and they fallin love and get married- offered his personal royal ring to the girl as a token of his love, and left for his kingdom, promising to come back soon and take Shakuntala.
Shakuntala spent much time dreaming of her new husband – Ill-tempered rishi,Durvasa, came to the ashrama - Shakuntala failed to greet him properly. Rishi gets angry and cursed Shakuntala, - person she was dreaming of would forget about her altogether-when he comes to know the reason for her friend's distraction, he realizes that his extreme wrath was not warranted, modified his curse saying that the person who had forgotten Shakuntala would remember everything again if she showed him a personal token that had been given to her. Time passes, a son is born, and Shakuntala, wondering why Dushyanta did not return for her, finally set out for the capital city with her foster father and some of her companions. On the way, they had to cross a river, ring (Dushyanta's ring) slipped off her finger without her realizing it.
At Dushyanta's court, hedoes not recognize her, nor recollected anything about her due to the curse – She returns to forest and raises son by herselfsettled in a wild part of the forest by herself. Here she spent her days while Bharata, her son, grew older. Meanwhile, a fisherman finds royal ring in the belly of a fish he had caught. Recognizing the royal seal, he took the ring to the palace and, upon seeing his ring,Dushyanta's memories come back. He immediately set out to find her . Goes deeper into the forest to find his wife and came upon a surprising scene in the forest: a young boy had pried open the mouth of a lion and was busy counting its teeth. The king greeted the boy, amazed by his boldness and strength, and asked his name. He was surprised when the boy answered that he wasBharata, the son of King Dushyanta. The boy took him to Shakuntala, and thus the family was reunited.. Ending Shloka: Purnamada