McMaster Social Sciences Society

Executive Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Thursday, January 17th, 2013 at 11:30AM

1. Call to Order / Attendance 1 minute

o  Attending: Jamie Lai, Maya Kanani, Sarah Taylor, Emily Jones, Alexis Nizerro, Alexander Burnett, Anne Marie Monpetit, Brandy Laura

o  Regrets:

o  Late:

o  Absent:

2.  Presidential Remarks 1 minute

-  Has been invited to be a celebrity dealer at Charity Ball

-  Been heavily involved with the presidential campaigns

-  Maya and Alexander attended a leadership conference

3.  AM: TedX Sponsorship 10 minutes

-  TedX approached Anne Marie regarding a possible sponsorship to help raise $7000

-  The hosts were asking the MSSS if we would like to contribute a monetary donation to the event

-  If we donate:

§  The MSSS will be put onto the power point for 15 seconds as well as have our logo put onto the sponsorship pamphlet

-  This would be seen as a benefit towards the MSSS; gets us exposure as well as an involvement towards other clubs and events outside of the Social Sciences

-  Anne Marie will send the email regarding the sponsorship as well as the budget that has been attached with the email to the rest of the executives

-  Anne Marie will inquire about the benefits of different monetary price ranges

§  E.g.: $100 – $250: 15 seconds on power point

4.  Maya: Forum/ GA 15 minutes

-  The date for the General Assembly and Open Forum will be March 29th

-  The food options still need to be negotiated with Paradise catering

§  Food or buffet style

§  In favour of having finger food during the day, as the Open Forum will be a drop in event that will be occurring during the entire day; Platters and refreshments that are replenished every hour

-  We are accounting for an approximate of throughout the day at one time

-  What we need from AV:

§  Podium, microphone, and a power point

§  Projector will cost $170

·  Alternate options would be to borrow a projector from Mills

§  The microphone and speakers will be $150

-  Payment method will be by cheque

-  Booked an appointment with Dr. Yates for February 7th in regards to booking guest speakers for the event

-  The Open Forum will begin at 10AM; start set up at 9AM

-  The Open Forum will run until 2PM and the General Assembly will be after the forum from 2PM – 4PM

§  Take down will be after 4PM and everyone will be out of the venue by 5PM

a.  Clubs Update

-  Anne Marie met with HASSA

-  Met with Andrea originally in August and with Sarah and Leah just recently

-  Sarah and Leah understand the consequences about not attending Academic Showcase

·  One of the main concerns was not responding to the HASSA email; Sarah will take charge of the email from now on

·  They are on probation but there will be no financial cuts

-  Maya and Anne Marie will rework clubs handbook during reading week; By the end of the year, a section about probation is clearly outlined

-  Contracts will also need reviewing

·  There will be 2 separate Clubs Handbooks; one for executives and one for members

-  Religious studies will not receive funding for their events because they have not submitted any formal paperwork in regards to their events

-  Maya will be meeting with Social Work on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

·  Will discuss funding


-  Alex: HASSA

§  Symposium will be McMaster Innovation Park

§  Last year, the symposium was on 3rd floor MUSC

§  Last year’s attendance was good and had a cost of approximate $400

§  Leah decided to host the academic symposium because she works for the McMaster Innovation Park

§  Alex was asked to be a speaker but because the symposium was changed to target more of a graduate audience, he was informally but not officially asked to step down as a guest speaker

§  The original name of the event was the Undergraduate Symposium but with the new shift in guest speakers, the name has changed to Undergraduate Symposium and Academic Assembly

§  As of yet, no undergraduates will be speaking at the conference

§  Concerns: They do not have sufficient funding by themselves, but they will be asking MSSS for funding

·  We will not feel obligated to give funding for this event because it will not directly be benefiting the undergraduate students

§  HASSA is not making good use of their money or budget

§  They are paying $1200+ for an event that will not benefit undergraduates; we do not want to support an event that is geared towards graduate student

§  The faculty was not aware of this new change; it is not right to host an event with such a drastic change without informing the faculty

§  Gives HASSA a bad reputation; very inappropriate to invite a speaker, then to uninvited them so last minute

§  Innovation park will not be accessible to undergraduates; there is no direct bus route so not many people will feel inclined to attend

§  Asked MSSS if we would want a table, as well as Experiential Education

·  However, there will be little to no attendance from the undergraduates, so it would be redundant to involve the MSSS and EE

§  No formal paper work has been filled out and sent to the MSSS

·  If they have booked venues without any confirmation from anyone, we cannot approve of this event or any other events following

·  As of October, HASSA has only $500 left of funding

§  We should not consider funding the event unless a formal proposal is presented to the executives


5.  Alexis: Coffeehouse 10 minutes

-  Everyone is welcomed to attend the coffeehouse/open mic night

-  Tentative date will be set for February 5th

-  Thought the marketing will be targeted towards the Social Sciences

-  People that have been asked to perform:

§  Of Gentleman and Cowards

§  Amber Damned

§  Arielle

-  Tristan will be the lead of this event as he showed great interest in planning it

·  Needs to get the microphone and speakers

·  Needs to talk to Paradise catering about the food for the night

-  Promotions

·  Naila made a picture that will be put onto Facebook

·  Relying on word of mouth

-  Seana

·  Has booked many events at bridges before; will work with Tristan to help out and check in with him to make sure everything is on task

-  EOHSS has been submitted and approved

b.  Alexis: Mystery Bus 15 minutes

-  Tentative date will be on February 8th

-  Buses need to be booked for the night as soon as possible

-  Cost will be $10; that will include a ride to and from the venue

-  The mystery bus will lead the students to a country bar; but no one other than the planners will know

-  Possible options:

·  Nashville North

·  The Ranch

·  We want to avoid “copying” Kinesiology because they go to Nashville North every year

-  Soc Sci Guy will slowly give away hints leading up to the day of the event

-  The bus back to Hamilton will be leaving anywhere between 12:30am – 1:00 am

§  Everyone must make sure that they are aware of what time the buses leave or else they have to find their own ways of transporting back to Hamilton

c.  Alexis: Formal 5 minutes

-  Meeting at Geraldo’s with the manager to finalize the details of the hall and night of

·  Questions that will be asked:

·  Pricing: how much money will it cost per person

·  Lighting: if they provide it

·  What is available at the venue that we are able to access on the night of?

·  What time can we go in to set up the hall?

·  Where are we allowed to decorate?

·  What are the protocols for security?

·  Can they do some kind of special drink?

·  Will there be subsidized drinks?

·  We cannot give out free drink tickets

·  What causes us to lose our deposit?

-  The theme is the Wizard of Oz

-  Photographer is $125 for the entire night; food will be provided for her

d.  Promo Communications

-  A new form of communication with promotions girls

-  The original format was to email the promotions girl through Alexis; Alexis would receive the request from exec, which then would be forwarded to the promotions girl

§  The main communication was between Alexis and Naila

-  New form of communication:

§  Exec will email request to Alexis, who will then forward the request to Naila

§  After the initial communication between the exec member and Alexis, all the proceeding emails will be sent between the exec member and Naila; Alexis must be CC in each email

6.  Brandy: Scholarship 2 minutes

-  The deadline for the scholarship is Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

-  There has not been a great interest as of yet

-  There is an option to send in the application via email

-  Welcome Week planner applications are done; due on February 1st

7.  Emily: Branding 1 minute

-  Decided on the 3rd option

-  Alex moves to change the branding to the 3rd option

-  Emily seconds the motion