Request for Proposal

Number A12-RFP-005



Consulting Services

by the

Washington State

Department of Information Services

Released on August 18, 2011

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Purpose 1

1.3 Service and Deliverables 1

1.5 Contract Award 3

1.6 Contract Term 3

1.7 Definitions 3


3. Administrative Requirements 6

3.1 RFP Coordinator (Proper Communication) 6

3.2 Vendor Questions 6

3.3. RFP Amendments 6

3.4 Vendor Comments Invited 6

3.5 Vendor Complaints Regarding Requirements and Specifications 6

3.6 Response Contents 7

3.7 (M) Number of Response Copies Required 7

3.8 (M) Response Presentation and Format Requirements 8

3.9 Delivery of Responses 8

3.10 Cost of Response Preparation 9

3.11 Response Property of DIS 9

3.12 Proprietary or Confidential Information 9

3.13 Waive Minor Administrative Irregularities 9

3.14 Errors in Response 9

3.15 Amendments/Addenda 10

3.16 Right to Cancel 10

3.17 Contract Requirements 10

3.18 No Best and Final Offer 10

3.19 No Costs or Charges 11

3.20 Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (MWBE) 11

3.21 No Obligation to Contract 11

3.22 Non-Endorsement and Publicity 11

3.23 Withdrawal of Response 11

3.24 Optional Vendor Debriefing 11

3.25 Protest Procedures 11

3.26 Selection of Apparently Successful Vendor 12

3.27 Electronic Availability 12

4.1 (M) Vendor Profile 13

4.2 (M) Vendor Organizational Capabilities 13

4.3 (M) Vendor Account Manager 13

4.4 (M) Vendor Licensed to do Business in Washington 13

4.5 (M) Use of Subcontractors 13

4.6 (M) Prior Contract Performance 14

4.7 (M) Insurance 14

4.9 (M) Statement of Responsibility 14

4.9 (MS 50) Client References 15

4.10 (MS 400) Team Interviews 15

6.1 Overview 17

6.2 (MS 150) Vendor Cost Proposal Form 17

6.3 (M) Responses 17

6.4 Taxes 17

6.5 (M) Presentation of All Cost Components 18

6.6 (M) Price Protection 18


7.1 Overview 19

7.2 Administrative Screening 19

7.3 Mandatory Requirements 19

7.4 Qualitative Review and Scoring 19

7.5 Allocation of Points 21

7.6 Vendor Total Score 22

7.7 Selection of Apparently Successful Vendor 22

7.8 Contract Negotiations 22


Appendix A: Certifications and Assurances

Appendix B: Contract

Appendix C: MWBE Participation Form

Appendix D: Protest Procedures

Appendix E: Cost Proposal Form

Appendix F: Response Checklist

Appendix G: Professional Reference Form


1.  Introduction

1.1 Background

DIS provides computing and digital government services to more than 700 state agencies, boards and commissions, local governments, tribal organizations and qualifying non-profits. DIS also operates a secure, statewide, standards-based telecommunications network providing reliable, economical voice, data, and video communications.

Washington’s information technology strategy is transforming from a largely distributed operating environment to a largely consolidated environment. To house the new environment, a new state data center is under construction on the east end of the State’s Capitol Campus. It is currently anticipated that successful consolidation implementation may be achieved through a combination of strategies including server virtualization, service on demand, managed storage networks and the statewide sharing of common tools. Balancing computing, networking, and security will need to be a central feature of any solution. For more information, visit DIS’s Web sites or

1.2 Purpose

The Department of Information Services (“DIS”) is initiating this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for consulting assistance related to organizational assessment and design consulting services for a public sector IT provider.

Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5931 reorganizes and streamlines central service functions, powers, and duties of state government. Specifically, the Consolidated Technology Services Agency (CTS Agency) is created as an agency of state government. It replaces the Department of Information Services (DIS) and is vested with many of the powers and duties of the DIS. The Director of the CTS Agency is appointed by the Governor and is subject to confirmation by the Senate. The newly created Consolidated Technology Services agency will be effective on October 1, 2011. For additional information about the current DIS, see

In anticipation of the creation of CTS, DIS is seeking organizational governance, change management and assessment and design consulting services to assure CTS is structured to meet service expectations, as well as performance expectations included in ESSB 5931. DIS seeks to create an organizational structure that improves efficiency and service quality and contributes to CTS’ success.

The vendor shall be expected to identify the strategic goals and expectations for CTS set forth in ESSB, craft a governance strategy to CTS management processes to attain the level of performance to meet the goals and performance expectations, and then draft an organizational change management plan that provides a clear and concise roadmap for transformation. Lastly, the vendor will be asked to propose an organizational design reflecting the governance and change management findings.

1.3 Service and Deliverables

Milestone 1- Governance

1.  Activities

Vendor shall provide consulting services that combine governance with strategic planning, Financial and Performance Management, Enterprise Architecture and Service Management to recommend solutions consistent with the legislative expectations for CTS.

The governance framework presented should address at a minimum the items set forth below. These items are the minimum; vendors are encouraged to propose additional items that may be necessary:

a.  strategic alignment

b.  value delivery

c.  risk management

d.  resource management

e.  performance management

The vendor shall validate and improve existing enterprise governance, promote organizational strategies, validate and improve strategic priorities, and recommend processes and controls needed to enforce compliance, measure results and improve performance.

2.  Deliverables

A.  Project Plan

B.  Governance Report

The Governance report shall include recommendations consistent with the performance expectations and goals of ESSB 5931. The report shall identify operational efficiencies and reflect a consensus from the senior management.

Milestone 2- Organizational Change Management

1.  Activities

Based on the Governance Deliverables, the vendor shall produce a formal Organizational Change Management plan that reflects a consensus from the senior management. The proposed change management plan shall use structured approach with clear project objectives, considering both the: 1) the specific characteristics of the change and 2) the history and culture of the agency.

The plan shall include, but is not limited to, the following items. These items are minimal expectations; the vendor is free to propose additional items.

1.  Statement of Objectives

2.  Sponsorship Analysis

The vendor will address the level of sponsorship necessary for successful implementation.

3.  Communication Plan

The communication plan shall be targeted to the audience, use a variety of channels, provide feedback opportunities and represent an architected complete approach to ensuring that receivers understand and internalize the key messages.

4.  Resistance Management Recommendations

The vendor shall also address resistance management and identify what resistance might look like, where it might come from and ways to answer objections and build support early in the project. The Change Management Plan shall include ways to effectively deal with resistance if it does emerge during implementation.

5.  Reinforcement Mechanisms Recommendations

The vendor shall suggest systematic and structured ways to reinforce proposed change and keep it in place, including recommending mechanisms to keep the change in place throughout the project.

6.  Risk management

The vendor shall identify risks associated with the implementation of the plan, together with options for mitigation of each identifiable risk.

7.  Methodology

The vendor shall provide templates, checklists and other tools for implementation.

8.  Implementation Timeline

The vendor shall set forth a schedule of events, deliverables, and training to create a timeline for successful implementation.

2.  Deliverable

A.  Change Management Plan

Milestone 3- Design Recommendations

1.  Activities

Working in conjunction with the DIS’ Deputy Director, Vendor shall produce final recommendations with respect to agency design, organizational and operational alignment. Recommendations for changes in operational staffing or operations shall reflect the intent of ESSH 5931 and industry best practices.

2.  Deliverable

A.  Final Organizational Design Report

Note on Phase 2 Implementation: Implementation of the recommended Change Management Plan and Design is outside the Scope of Phase 1. DIS’ in its sole discretion may require additional work needed for Phase 2 Implementation. Any future work on Phase 2 Implementation would be further detailed in a new Statement of Work (“Phase 2 SOW”) mutually agreed upon by the parties.

A detailed Statement of Work for Phase 1 including the items set forth above, including deliverable dates will be drafted based on the Vendor’s response and included in the resulting Contract. The engagement is deliverable based, as set forth in Appendix E.

1.4 Acquisition Authorities and Filing

This RFP is in compliance with the policies and procedures of DIS and Chapter 43.105 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Chapter 43.105 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) as amended establishes the Washington State Information Services Board (ISB). While the ISB does not purchase for agencies, it regulates the manner in which state agencies may acquire information technology equipment, software, and services. DIS issues this RFP acting under the delegated authority of the Information Services Board.

The Office of Financial Management (OFM) has authority over Personal Services Contracts resulting from this RFP. Under the provisions of chapter 39.29 RCW, agencies must file certain Personal Services Contracts with OFM.

1.5 Contract Award

DIS anticipates that only one (1) Apparently Successful Vendor will be identified via this procurement.

1.6 Contract Term

The period of performance of the Initial Term under this contract will be from date of signature of contract through March 30, 2012. DIS reserves the right to extend the Contract for up to no more than twenty four additional months after the expiration of the Initial Term.

1.7 Statements of Work (SOW)

Any services performed for a Purchaser under the resulting Contract shall be documented in a Statement of Work (“SOW”) established between the Purchaser and the Vendor. The SOW will reference the Contract by number, the SOW term, provide a description of the scope of work to be performed, and provide the estimated total cost of the project. Multiple SOWS may be entered into between the parties to document the activities necessary to perform the work herein.

1.8 Funding

Any contract awarded as a result of this procurement is contingent upon the availability of funding.

1.9 Definitions

“Agency” shall mean the Washington State Department of Information Services (DIS).

“Apparently Successful Vendor” (ASV) shall mean the Vendor(s) who: (1)meets all the requirements of this RFP, and (2)receives the highest number of total points.

“Business Days” shall mean Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, local time in Olympia, Washington, excluding Washington State holidays.

“Confidential Information” shall mean information that may be exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.56 RCW or other state or federal statutes. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver’s license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, DIS source code or object code, or DIS or State security information.

“Contract” shall mean the RFP, the Response, Contract document, all schedules and exhibits, statements of work, and all amendments awarded pursuant to this RFP. A Contract is attached to this RFP as Appendix B.

“DIS” shall mean the Washington State Department of Information Services.

“Information Services Board” and “ISB” shall mean the statutorily created board that has authority over information services solicitations.

“Mandatory” or “(M)” shall mean the Vendor must comply with the requirement, and the Response will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.

“Mandatory Scored” or “(MS)” shall mean the Vendor must comply with the requirement, and the Response will be scored.

“RCW” means the Revised Code of Washington.

“Response” shall mean the written proposal submitted by Vendor to DIS in accordance with this RFP. The Response shall include all written material submitted by Vendor as of the date set forth in the RFP schedule or as further requested by DIS.

“State” shall mean the state of Washington.

“Statement of Work” (SOW) shall mean the statement of work included in, or attached to, the resulting Contract between Vendor and DIS for Vendor’s Services to be accomplished under the terms and conditions of the resulting Contract.

“Subcontractor” shall mean one not in the employment of Vendor, who is performing all or part of the Services under the resulting Contract under a separate contract with Vendor. The term “Subcontractor” means Subcontractor(s) of any tier.

“Vendor” shall mean a company, organization, or entity submitting a Response to this RFP.

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Dept. of Information Services / Page 23 / A12-RFP-005



This RFP is being issued under the following Schedule. The Response deadlines are mandatory and non-negotiable. Failure to meet any of the required deadlines will result in disqualification from participation. All times are local time, Olympia, WA.


August 18, 2011 / RFP Issued
August 19, 2011 / Final Vendor Questions and Comments due
August 22, 2011 / State’s Final Written Answers issued
August 24, 2011 / Responses due by NOON
August 25-28, 2011 / Evaluation period
August 31, 2011 / Top finalists interviews (optional)
September 1, 2011 / Announcement of ASV
September 2, 2011 / Vendor Request for Optional Debriefing due
September 6, 2011 / Optional Vendor Debriefings
September 1- 6th / Contract Negotiations
September 6, 2011 / Finalize Contract and File with OFM
September 20, 2011 / Work to Begin- Subject to Section 1.6

DIS reserves the right to revise the above schedule.

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Dept. of Information Services / Page 23 / A12-RFP-005


3. Administrative Requirements

3.1 RFP Coordinator (Proper Communication)

Upon release of this RFP, all Vendor communications concerning this solicitation must be directed to the RFP Coordinator listed below. With the exception of the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises, unauthorized contact regarding this solicitation with DIS or state employees involved with the solicitation may result in disqualification. All oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the State. Vendors should rely only on written statements issued by the RFP Coordinator.