McLouth Unified School

District No. 342

217 Summit

McLouth, Kansas 66054

Phone 913-796-6122

Janna Davis

Secondary Principal

December 3, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

All McLouthHigh School students are required to take comprehensive final examinations in every class at the end of each semester. A student may, however, earn an exemption from final exams each semester if they meet the following criteria.

  1. No unexcused absences in the class;
  2. No more than three (3) excused absences AND a grade of “A” in the class,

No more than two (2) excused absences AND a grade of “B” in the class,

  1. Three tardies in a class will equate to one unexcused absence for this policy.
  2. Students who have served in-school and/or out of school suspensions are not exempt from finals.

Absences for school activities are not counted against a student’s attendance record. Because exemptions from final exams are not guaranteed and must be earned, there will be no final examinations given before their scheduled time. Final exams will begiven on Thursday, December 17 for 5th through 7th hours and Friday, December 18 for 1st through 4th hours.

If a student has waived all finals then their last day of school this semester will be Wednesday, December 16. Every student who has not waived ALL finals will have a regular school day on Thursday, December 17 for 1st through 4th hours and will remain in class until AFTER their last final of the day on Thursday.

On Friday, December 18th, students will be required to report to the teacher with whom they have their first final of the day and remain until after their last final of the day. This means students may stay home until the time of their first exam and may leave after their last exam of the day. Students will not be allowed to come and go during the day - - No student may leave and then return later. All students with transportation will be dismissed at 11:42 on Friday, December 18. Students who require bus transportation at the end of the day will report to Mrs. Clark’s room 142 after lunch through the end of the school day at 3:30 p.m.

Parents of bus students who waive final exams will need to make arrangements for transportation to and from school or they will need to ride the bus which will run at normally scheduled times. If your student would normally ride the bus and will be arriving to school by other transportation, please notify your bus driver in advance.

Enclosed is a copy of the schedule for final exams that will be given on December 17 and 18. Due to limited time, we will not know which students will be waiving finals until December 15, therefore, please ask your student what his/her school schedule will be on December 17 and 18, or call the school office and we can go over your student’s schedule with you.

I appreciate your cooperation in assisting us with this matter. If you have questions or concerns, please call the school office at 796-6122.


Janna Davis
