McCallum Cross Country Pre and Post Practice Workouts


  1. STATIC STRETCHES – On your own first 5 – 8 minutes of practice

Neck CirclesHip CirclesStanding hamstring

Shoulder ShrugsPretzelStanding quadricepses

Arm Swings and Arm CirclesButterfly

Arm Stretches over HeadAchilles’ heel

  1. WARM UP: (Choice 1 from the list to do Daily) “BREAK A SWEAT” – On your own next 8 – 10 minutes of practice
  2. Jog 3 laps with the backside of the straights run backwards
  3. 10 minute jog – Start slow then increase to a brisk run
  4. 6 minute jog with 6 x 100’s
  5. Jump rope for 5 minutes
  1. FLEXIBILITY AND CORE DRILLS – Together as a team lead by captains (Summer on your own)

Crunches – build up to 200 (5 sets of 25)

Eagles – 5 with each leg

Hinges– 15

Inverted Scissors straight – 10, cross – 10, straight – 10, cross – 10

Bicycles – 25

Superman – Hold for 25 count

Hurdle Seat – reach, lift toes, lift knee for count of 10, 2 x each leg

  1. FORM RUNNING DRILLS - 30 – 50 yards - Together as a team lead by coach (Summer on your own)

High KneesLateral Crossover - Carioca

Butt Kicks25% sprint

A Skip50% sprint

B SkipTiptoe Walk

Lateral SlidesHeel Walk

Lunges forward and backwards75% sprint

5. RUN – run scheduled workout.

6. COOL DOWN – Any two from the list (to help remove the lactic acid that built up during workout)

Hurdle Drills, Form running, extra stretching, Ladder drills, barefoot strides, 5 min. jog, 10 min. jog

Ice aches and pains when you get home. Elevate feet/legs for about 30 minutes after running. Ice feet/legs for 20 minutes and then remove for 20 minutes. Repeat ice for up to an hour.

7. SAFETY - Safety is our #1 focus at MAC

Run with a buddy. A good running partner can help in many ways. This person is there for safety, injury help, motivation, and friendship. ALWAYS - Tell someone in your family your running route and the time you left and the time you expect to be back. Then stick to that schedule that day. Wear a white T-shirt or light colored clothes so that you can be seen. Wear a reflective runner or bicycle vest when running on the street. Cross streets at the cross walks and ALWAYS be alert to the traffic around you. Do Not Run with an injury. If something hurts let Coach Ashton know as soon as possible. Cut back on your running or rest for a couple of days.