MCA Board of Director Meeting Minutes:Sept 23rd, 2012

Meeting called to order at9:00am. Present: Tim Campbell, Bob Howe, Thomas Rehmeier, Ron Luther, Tim Nesham, Ed Baur, Martin Stahl, and Jim Davies (election commissioner). This represented a Quorum.

Next meeting date setfor January 19th, at 1pm. To be held at Memorial Union. Backup Date is Jan 5th.

Minutes: Bob Howe presented the minutes from the July meeting. Minutes approved

Election Report: Jim Davies had released the election report. Thomas Rehmeier moved to accept the results, Ron Luther seconds. The election results were accepted. Jim then discussed the election and some ideas for improving communication, increasing interest in candidates, and extending the length of terms. Jim will send out a proposal to the board for staggered elections and longer terms.

Election of Officers:

President: Thomas Rehmeier

Vice President: Tim Nesham

Secretary: Bob Howe

Treasurer: Martin Stahl

All officers were elected unopposed.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer materials and a check for the full amount was received from former treasurer Nathaniel Fast. Martin Stahl took over the treasurer material and will open a new account.

Membership Report: Thomas Rehmeier will be taking over as Membership Chair for the coming year.

Old Business:

Cycle Proposal: Bob Howe discussed the stagnation of the Columbia state championship tournaments over the past few years. He suggested the big events go onto a tour of the state for the next few years. Hopefully the moveto the major population areas will draw bigger numbers and get players interested in traveling to this event in the future.

Thomas Rehmeier proposed the following:

Missouri Open: 2013 St. Louis 2014 Kansas City 2015 Columbia

Class Championship: 2013 Kansas City 2014 Springfield 2015 St. Louis 2016 Columbia

Tim Campbell 2nd, Motion is approved. 5-1-1, with Rehmeier, Baur, Campbell, Howe, and Stahl in favor, Luther abstain, and Nesham opposed.

State Scholastic: Tim Campbell reportedthat negotiations continue to get the State Scholastic tournament moved to Battle High School in 2014, and beyond. The tournament will have to be at the Capital Plaza Hotel for one final year.

Tim’s followup with Columbia College appears to be bearing fruit. They are considering coming on as a sponsor of the event. Several ideas of how they could help, along with financial contributions are being discussed. Ed Baur moved to authorize Tim Campbell to negotiate with Columbia College on a sponsorship deal for the 2013 State Scholastic Championship. T. Rehmier 2nds. Motion passes.

Rating State Scholastic: Ron Luther brought up his previous proposal to rate the State Scholastic tournament. After discussion there was a favorable view to rating the High School section at this time as a good way to try out the idea. Thomas Rehmeier moved that the MCA discuss the idea at the coaches and parents meeting at the 2013 tournament to gather input and give a heads up to the potential change. Tim Campbell 2nds, Motion passes.

New Business:

Online Membership Records: Tim Nesham reported that he has completed a beta for moving the MCA membership list to an online format. This would put the spreadsheet onto the website as a database which could be accessed, updated, and corrected by anyone authorized to do so. This should provide TD’s with a more reliable and up to date listing of members. Ron Luther motions to implement the online membership records with the Webmaster and Membership Chair to have full access to the records. Motion approved.

Delegate Selection: After discussion, Ron Luther motions to name Thomas Rehmeier and Bob Howe as the delegates for 2013. Tim Campbell 2nds. Motion passes.

Thomas Rehmeier motions that the delegate stipend be changed to $100 per person. Bob Howe 2nds. Motion passes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:57am