MAY 2015 Parish Council Report

The past year has been a busy one and the coming year looks to be one of exciting growth as well.


·  The damaged brick columns in the front of church will be repaired.

·  The roof of the rectory needs to have some repairs.

·  Bids are being sought to address the water leakage on the school roof as well as a new gas line needs to be run to the school as a result of a leak back in February.

Religious Education:

·  Vacation Bible School will be held from August 17th to the 21st from 6:00-8:00 p.m. with the Theme: An Adventure in Narnia. Mark your calendars and be watching for more information coming soon.

·  The Rel. Ed. Committee continues to meet with St. Andrew’s to coordinate merging the 2 programs.

·  The Family Census is still on-going. A letter will be going out to the families on the current Parish Data List.

Great Mass:

·  The Knights of Columbus are busy with the planning stages of the upcoming Great Mass to be held in our new location at Picnicana. Plans are underway for games and activities for the whole family and volunteers are needed to help make this a great success. Watch the bulletin for details and contact Chuck Faytak to find out how you can help.

Sacred Heart Fall Festival:

·  What was formerly known as Parish Days, has been renamed, Sacred Heart Fall Festival, and hopefully will renew the spirit of community both within our Parish and reaching out to our neighborhood.

·  Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 4th. Meetings have been underway to begin planning of our new menu, activities and prizes. Details will be coming very soon and your participation will ensure the success of our new celebration!

·  As part of the Fall Fest, we are hoping to offer entertainment for teens on the evening of Saturday, October 3rd. Details to follow…..

Alpha Course:

·  We are in the planning stages to begin offering the Alpha Course here at Sacred Heart beginning this fall. This is a 10- week course that includes a weekly meal, video and discussion. Each video talk deals with an essential question of life, such as: Who is Jesus? How can I be sure of my faith? How does God guide me? How can I resist evil? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I make the most of my life? Designed to be approachable, relevant and thought-provoking, these videos help in seeking answers together in the truth of the Gospel, and deepening our relationship with God.

Stewardship Weekend:

·  Also coming this September, we will be holding a Stewardship weekend. This will be held to educate our parish as to our various ministries, and to encourage everyone to prayerfully consider their gifts of time, talent and treasure and how we each can use them to fulfill God’s plan.


·  Outreach opportunities are ongoing. Sacred Heart had volunteers participate in the Habitat for Humanity build this May, we are currently in the process of our second lasagna dinner collection for the SSJNN, and many people have generously donated to the recent Diaper Drive.

Attached to this report is a copy of a Strategic Planning Map that was devised as a guide to help both the Parish Council, and parish as a whole, to stay focused on our goals and responsibilities.

New Council members:

·  In case you haven’t heard, four new Parish Council members were recently selected: Marilyn Sharp who will be serving the remaining 3 years of a vacated position, Damon Finazzo, Barb Bauda and Teresa Imler, who will all be serving 4-year terms. Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in serving on council. We had more wonderful individuals than openings at this time. Officers for the coming year are: President, Jane Mulinax, Vice-President, Brian Merryman, and Secretary, Andy Schmidt.

·  Many thanks to Tom Hudson, Jack Hewitt and Rose Colonna who have completed their terms.