Tender Committee Chairman
PJSC Aeroflot
(signature) / (name)
« / »
(day) / (month) / (year)
procurement method / Openrequestforproposals
Services for launching and maintainingseamless electronic communications of PJSC Aeroflotwith key audiences in China.
Is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 № 223-FL "On procurement of goods, works and services of certain kinds of legal entities", and the Regulation on the procurement of goods, works and services (RI-GD-148C)
(if necessary, specify the form of the procedures and e-trading platform)
The establishment features of the participation: / Not provided
(specify provided (short description) or not provided)
The establismnent of the priority: / Not provided
(specify provided (short description) or not provided)
  1. General terms

The Preliminary Qualification is addressed to undefined suppliers to make a proposal for purchasing procedure:

(specify the name of the procedure, if necessary fill the form)
Procedure consists of / 1 / lot.
LOT # / 1.
Subject of the contract (lot):
The initial (maximum) contract price (lot), including all taxes and fees / Contract currency
(lot) / Quantity (Volume) / Units of measure / OKDP2classification / OKVED2classification
RUB / RUB / - / - / 70.22.1 / 70.22
Place of delivery / work and service performance (address): / Arbat Street, 10, Moscow, 110002, Russia, PR Department

The Preliminary Qualification is not a tender, or auction for the purpose of contract conclusion, and is not regulated by paragraphs 447-449 of the first part of the Civil Code of Russian Federation. This procedure is also not a public tender and is not regulated by paragraphs of 1057 – 81 of the second part of the Civil Code of Russian federation. Therefore, the Preliminary Qualification specified here below is fully free from any obligations to conclude the contract with the winner or any other participant.

The Customer may cancel this Preliminary Qualification at any time without any responsibility to the suppliers. The customer can refuse to carry out the request for proposals at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to participants in the procurement, including the reimbursement of any costs associated with the preparation and submission of applications for participation in the request for proposals. If a decision on the refusal of a request for proposals, the customer for the day following the day of such a decision, placing information about refusal of a request for proposals in a single information system. The customer does not accept any responsibility or liability in case of no familiarize applicants, participants in procurement with the notice of refusal of a request for proposals.

If a decision to refuse a request for proposals made before the beginning of consideration of applications for participation in the request for proposals, applications received before a decision on the refusal, not opened and upon written request of the participant purchases, apply for, come back to this party. The customer does not provide documentation of the request for proposals upon request of the participant. Documents placed in a single customer information system, and can be copied and stored on the technical means of procurement participants free of charge.

At any time before the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the request for proposals the customer is entitled on its own initiative or in response to a request of any applicant to amend the notice of the request for proposals documentation of the request for proposals.

Within three days from the date of the decision on the need to change the notification of the request for proposals documentation of the request for proposals such changes are accommodated in a single customer information system.

If changes to the notice of the request for proposals made later than one working day before the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the request for proposals, the deadline for applications to participate in the request for proposals should be extended so that the date of placement in a single information system, the brought in procurement notices the changes to the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the RFP such a period is not less than three working days.

Any participant has the right to send to the Customer any request regarding clarification of general terms and conditions of the Preliminary Qualification in written form or by e-mail with electronic signature within 2 working days prior the completion of Preliminary Qualification submission at the latest. The Customer within 1 working day from the date of Preliminary Qualification will provide necessary clarifications to the participant issued the request as well as place the copy of such explanations (without specific details who has requested additional clarification) on Customer’s web-site or on official web-site

  1. Procedure and place to submit request for participation in purchasing procedure
  2. Terms of the procurement procedure:

2.1.1.Date and time of request for participation acceptance completion: / 26.04.2016 12:00 (local time), Arbat Street, 10, Moscow, 110002, Russia, PR Department
2.1.2.Location and data of proposal analysis:: / 28.04.2016,00:00 (local time),Mezhdunarodnoeshosse, 31-1, Moscow 6641, Russia.
2.1.3.Location and date of purchasing procedure summing-up: / 19.05.2016,00:00 (local time),Mezhdunarodnoeshosse, 31-1, Moscow 6641, Russia.

2.2.Contact person for participants applications:

Alexander Lukashin / ArbatStreet, 10, Moscow, 110002, Russia, PRDepartment,
Tel/fax: +7499500 73 87, ext. 13-01
(specify the name) / (specify contact information)

2.3.Contact person for the Terms of Reference:

Alexander Lukashin / ArbatStreet, 10, Moscow, 110002, Russia, PRDepartment,
Tel/fax: +7499500 73 87, ext. 13-01
(specify the name) / (specify contact information)

2.4. To participate in the RFP bidder shall prepare an application to participate in the request for proposals issued in full compliance with the documentation requirements of the request for proposals. The Bidder may submit only one application for each subject of the request for proposals (lots).

2.5. Commitments party purchases associated with applying for participation in the request for proposals include:

2.5.1. To conclude the contract under the conditions specified in the draft contract, which is an integral part of the documentation and notification of the request for proposals and application forms for participation in the request for proposals, as well as the obligation to provide the customer with the enforcement of the contract, if such an obligation set conditions for documentation of a request for proposals.

2.5.2. Do not change and (or) not to withdraw an application to participate in the request for proposals after the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP.

2.5.3. Not available in the application with false information, information, documents.

2.5.4. Provide within a week of placing in the unified information system protocol that defines the right of the participant to sign the contract with the customer information in relation to the whole chain of owners, including beneficiaries (including final ones), and the executive bodies, confirming the relevant documents in the form Annex B to the Regulation on the purchase (excluding purchase of participants, which are public authorities, state and local government agencies and unitary enterprises).

2.6. From the date of notification of placement in a single information system and up to the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP specified in the notice of the request for proposals, the customer shall accept applications for participation in the request for proposals.

2.7. To participate in the RFP bidder shall submit an application in a sealed envelope to participate in the request for proposals on the form and procedure established by documentation of the request for proposals.

2.8. The Bidder may submit alternative proposals only in the cases expressly provided documentation of the request for proposals.

2.9. The procedure for preparation and submission of alternative proposals: not provided.

(indicate if documentation is provided for the purchase of feed alternative proposals)

2.10. Deadline for submission is from the date of placement of procurement notices in a single information system and up to the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP. Upon receipt of the envelope with the application form representative of the customer - is responsible for the reception of documents on making it a time stamp and the date of its receipt.

2.11. On receipt of the application improperly sealed a relevant note in the receipt.

2.12. Customer shall ensure the confidentiality of the information contained in the applications filed before the results of the request for proposals and within one year from the date of summing up the request for proposals, unless otherwise determined by the local regulations of the customer.

2.13. Member of the purchase has the right to modify or withdraw a previously filed application to participate in the request for proposals in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 2.14. At the same time on an envelope with a change or withdrawal of the application in addition to the information specified in paragraph 2.20, must be specified, "Change request", "Withdrawal of an application", respectively. Change and (or) withdrawal of applications after the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP specified documentation of the request for proposals is not allowed.

2.14. If the customer extends the deadline for receiving applications, the party has made an application, shall be entitled to take any of the following decisions:

2.14.1. Revoke submitted.

2.14.2. Do not withdraw the submitted application, extending the term of its actions and ensure the validity of the application for the relevant period of time and changing it (if desired).

2.14.3. Do not withdraw the submitted application and does not change the terms of its action, and the competitive application is void to the original in her term.

2.15. If at the end of the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP specified documentation of the request for proposals will be received only one application for participation in the request for proposals, request for proposals will be declared invalid.

2.16. If the documentation provided by two or more lots, request for proposals declared invalid only in respect of those items in respect of which submitted only one application

2.17. If after a deadline set by the documentation of the request for proposals, the customer will be received only one application for participation in the request for proposals, despite the fact that the request for proposals deemed invalid, the tender committee will take place opening of the envelope with the application and will consider it in the order, established in this documentation. If a pending application for participation in the request for proposals, and submit such an application comply with the procurement party and the conditions provided documentation of the request for proposals, the customer is entitled to conclude a contract with a party.

2.18. Applications for participation in the request for proposals, received by the customer after the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the RFP specified documentation of the request for proposals will not be considered and forwarded to the participants of procurement, submitting such requests, within three working days of receiving the written request of the participant, has submitted such a request, without compromising the integrity of the envelope, which was filed that application. Applications for participation in the request for proposals, received by the customer after the deadline set by the documentation of the request for proposals shall be opened only if the envelope is not specified postal address (for legal entities), or information on the place of residence (for individuals) of the participant purchase.

2.19. The information constituting confidential nature, are not entered in the minutes drawn up in the course of the procurement procedure.

2.20. Upon receipt of bids of participants in an envelope on the fact the address shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with details and contacts for connection to declare a party, which must be legible, firmly attached to the envelope and must contain the following information:

2.20.1. The exact name of the procedure, with the number of notifications on the purchase of a single information system;

2.20.2. The full name of the participant submitting an application for participation;

2.20.3. Legal address of the participant with the obligatory indication of the postal code.

  1. The form, terms and procedure of payment for goods, works, services

According to the contract conditions
(clarify information in accordance with the section)

4. The quality requirements, specifications of goods, works and services, and their security, to the functional characteristics (consumer properties) of goods to the size, packaging, shipment of the goods, the results of the work, as well as participants of the procurement and the list of documents submitted by participants in the procurement to confirm their compliance with the requirements

4.1. Quality requirements, technical characteristics of the goods, works or services to their security, to the functional characteristics (consumer properties) of goods to the size, packaging, shipment of the goods, the results of the work established by the customer, are set out in the Terms of Reference (see. Annex 3) .

4.2. Requirements for standing party purchases:

4.2.1. Compliance party procurement requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to persons engaged in the provision of services;

4.2.2. Availability of relevant licenses, certificates, approvals and other regulatory approvals of the Russian Federation and (or) other countries (if applicable) for the exercise of, or engaged by them persons the activities required to perform to take their obligations in accordance with this documentation and planned to concluded in accordance with this agreement the Documentation;

4.2.3. Failure Elimination party purchases - a legal entity, and the absence of an arbitration court on declaring the purchase - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur bankrupt and the opening of bankruptcy proceedings;

4.2.4. Party procurement activities are not suspended in the manner prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offences, on the day of application for the participation in the procurement;

4.2.5. The absence of a participant purchases arrears on taxes, debts on other compulsory payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation (except for amounts that are provided deferral, an investment tax credit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and levies, which restructured accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is a valid court decision on the recognition of the applicant's obligation to pay these sums performance or that are recognized hopeless to recover in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees) for the previous calendar year.

Member of the purchase is considered to conform if the established procedure they filed an appeal against these arrears, the debt and the decision on such an application at the date of the application for participation in the definition of the supplier (contractor, executor) is not accepted;

4.2.6. Indicators of financial and economic activity of the participant purchases must testify to its solvency and financial stability;

4.2.7. Lack of information about the participant purchases in the register of unfair suppliers under art. 5 of the Federal Law № 223-FZ and the register of unfair suppliers, the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 №44 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the area of ​​procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs."

4.2.8. Other requirements to the participants of purchase: Work experience at least 5 years from the date of state registration of a legal entity; Work experience on the subject of procurement in the last 3 years; Requirements to the level of representation on the international market: The participant must provide a full range of services in the Chinese market. Always having its own representative office, branch or affiliate organizations (but not limited to) in the cities of Beijing and Shanghai.

Supporting documents (a copy of the certificate of registration of representative offices or other document confirming, in accordance with the legislation of the country of incorporation) should be included in the proposal. Requirements for the presence of the Participant the necessary human resources for the effective implementation of the tasks. Dedicated to working with PJSC Aeroflot working group at the head office of the Participant and its local offices (offices / branch offices) should include at least the following staff working full-time:

• Account Director

• Manager in social networks, 3 persons

• Translator (s) to / from English Requirements for professional qualification of the staff involved in cooperation with PJSC Aeroflot. Account Director in all local offices of parties participating in this campaign, should have a real personal experience of long-term digital PR-campaign for a major customer (experience with cooperation with major airlines welcomed). Implies the presence of sufficient experience and qualifications for the effective execution of these duties (but not limited to):

• Maintaining a partnership with China's electronic media: the full support of the Chinese language, with an emphasis on electronic resources for business travel and tourism.

• Management of digital-communications and social networks.

• Management of crisis communications, available around the clock, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Managers working in social networks (at least three experts) should have successful experience in the field of digital PR and maintenance of accounts in social networks of China for at least three years (experience of cooperation with airlines is welcomed). Member must provide in its offer detailed information on all dedicated to work with the customer's employees (biographies, detailed work experience, pre-work hours and duties within the framework of this campaign). All correspondence is in English and Russian. Reporting, investigation and other accounting documents should be in English and Russian, unless otherwise stated. Revenues for 2012, 2013 and 2014 in the aggregate shall be not less than 200 000 000 and not less than 50 000 000 per year (according to the accounting reports on Form 2 "Income Statement"). For foreign legal entities - not less than the specified amount of foreign currency at the average annual exchange rate of the ruble. The participant must express readiness for integrated management of projects, including the services of proofreading vychetke texts, including document management project (preparation of texts of treaties, agreements and dopolnitelnryh financial records, preparing reports using visualization (presentation in the format of Power Point).