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California Department of EducationExecutive Office
SBE-003 (REV.09/2011)
ilsb-cctd-may15item01 / ITEM #11
California State Plan for the Workforce Investment Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act: Extension and Transition to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 2015–16. / ActionInformation
Public Hearing
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) make funds availableto California adult education providers for the purpose of offering literacy education to adults. Each state receiving an allocation under the AEFLA is required to submit a state plan for the use of the funds to the U.S. Department of Education (ED). As a requirement of the extension of the AEFLA and transition to the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the California Department of Education (CDE) must negotiate student performance measures for the 2015–16 program year with the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), which occurred on April 17, 2015. The OCTAE encourages states to propose performance goals that demonstrate continuous improvement and set high expectations for local programs. The performance goals are included in Chapter 6, Section 6.3 of the California State Plan (CSP) (Attachment 1, pages 22–24).
Student performance of the WIA, Title II for AEFLA eligible adults is measured through completion of federally defined Educational Functioning Levels (EFL). Performance data are collected and summarized in California through the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System. Student progress is reported to the OCTAE of the ED using standards set by the federal National Reporting System. The AEFLA performance measures include literacy level improvement, advancement or completion of EFLs, placement in postsecondary education, entrance into employment, and retention of employment.
In 2013–14, the CDE served 305,182 adult students under the WIA, Title II: AEFLA grant. Of those students served, 12,072 attained a secondary school credential or its equivalent. Additionally, students achieved a total of 375,647 learning gains, which is an increase of 505 from 2012–13. In 2014–15, the CDE received $86,696,471 of AEFLA grant funds, which were awarded to 199 agencies, including local school districts, county offices of education, community colleges, community-based organizations, and libraries.
The CSP has been revised in accordance with the ED’s transition year guidance document (Attachment 3).The following are the new required subsections of the CSP that have been revised:
- 1.1Revising a State Plan
- 2.3Assurance for Unified Plans Only
- 4.1Descriptions of Allowable Activities
- 4.3Descriptions of New Organizational Arrangements and Changes
- 6.3Levels of Performance
- 7.1Applications for Section 231/225 Grants
- 8.1Description of Activities
- 8.2Governor’s Comments
- 10.2State Unified Plan
- 13.2Description of Permissible Activities
The following are new sections required of the CSP:
- 14.0 English Literacy/Civics (EL/Civics)
- 15.0 Description of Joint Planning and Coordination for Unified Plan Only
- 16.0 Description of Activities under Section 427 of the General Education
Provisions Act (GEPA)
- 17.0 One-Stop Participation
The CSP also includes updated adult education information in its relevant sections, such as current student demographic and program information.
The 2015–16 year will be the last extension of the WIA and the transition year to the WIOA. During this transition year, the OCTAErequires the CDE to revise the CSP to address how the state will plan for and incorporate requirements of the WIOA, including a single unified state plan and an implementation plan of integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (Attachment 2). In response to the WIOA requirements, the CDE is engaged in the state’s WIOA Implementation Work Group, which was established by the California Workforce Investment Board in September 2014 to ensure that California’s implementation of the new law reflects state strategies and aligns resources accordingly. The work group includes the following representatives:
- Department of Education
- Board of Education
- Chancellor’s Office
- Employment Training Panel
- Department of Social Services
- Department of Rehabilitation
- Local Stakeholders
The WIOA Implementation Work Group is in the process of developing the WIOA performance measures and multi-agency metrics, developing policy, catalyzing systems alignment and regional collaboration, and determining any needed governance changes. The unified state plan is due to the ED in April 2016.
The CDE recommends that the SBE approve the CSP for the WIA, Title II: AEFLA for 2015–16 (which includes the proposed performance goals and transition plan to WIOA).
The WIA, Title II: AEFLA law required eligible state agencies to prepare five-year state plans consistent with the OCTAE Guide for the Development of a State Plan under AEFLA. The SBE adopted the initial submission of the CSP (1999–2004) for the WIA, Title II: AEFLA in March 1999. One-year extensions have been provided by the ED since 2004.
As an eligible state agency, the CDE has submitted revised annual performance goals in the CSP to the ED.The revisions enable the ED to extend the plans for one year and make allotments of federal adult education funds on July 1 of the upcoming program year.
The WIOA was signed into law by President Obama on July 22, 2014, and goes into effect on July 1, 2016. This Act reauthorizes the AEFLA with several major revisions. The key elements of the WIOA are as follows:
- Program Alignment
- Unifies strategic planning across core programs
- Enhances role of State and Local Workforce Development Boards in developing and implementing a Unified State Plan
- Increased Accountability
- Establishes common measures across core programs
- Increases accountability and transparency through reporting and evaluations
- Enhanced Service Delivery
- Promotes engagement of employers and alignment of education and training activities through career pathways
- Strengthens partnerships and investments in one-stop delivery system
The SBE has approved annual revisions to the CSP. The most recent approval was in March 2014, when the SBE approved the 2014–15 performance goals and a one-year extension of the CSP (through June 30, 2015).
This is a one-year extension and transition of the existing provisions of the CSP of the WIA with revisions pertaining to the planning for and incorporation of the WIOA. The extension is required for California to continue to receive funding through the AEFLA. No state funding is required or requested. Failure to approve the CSP revision may result in the loss or delay of an estimated amount of$86 million in federal WIA, Title II: AEFLA grant funds for 2015–16.
Attachment 1: California State Plan Transition Year 2015–16 (55 Pages): Adult
Education and Family Literacy Act (Title II of the Workforce Investment
Act of 1998 to Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of
2014). A copy of the California State Plan 2014–15 is available via the
World Wide Web at
Attachment 2: Program Memorandum from Johan Uvin, Acting Assistant Secretary,
Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education
(1 Page).
Attachment 3: Guide for the Development of a State Plan Under the Adult Education
and Family Literacy Act (Transition Year Guidance: Title II of the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to Title II of the Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act of 2014) (26 Pages).
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California State Plan
Transition Year
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
Title II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
(transition to)
Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814
April 1, 2015
Attachment 1
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Table of Contents
1.1Revising a State Plan...... 4
1.2 California Department of Education Organization..……………………………… 5
1.3 Preface.………………………………………………………………………………….6
2.0 Eligible Agency Certifications and Assurances
2.1Certifications...... 8
2.2Assurances...... 9
2.3Assurance for Unified Plans Only...... 10
3.0Needs Assessment
3.1Individuals Most in Need...... 11
3.2Populations...... 11
4.0Description of Adult Education and Literacy Activities
4.1Descriptions of Allowable Activities...... 14
4.2Special Rule (Uses of Funds for Family Literacy)...... 16
4.3Descriptions of New Organizational Arrangements and Changes...... 16
5.0Annual Evaluation of Adult Education and Literacy Activities
5.1Annual Evaluations...... 18
6.0Performance Measures
6.1Eligible Agency Performance Measures...... 20
6.2Optional - Additional Indicators...... 22
6.3Levels of Performance...... 22
6.4Factors...... 25
7.0Procedures and Process of Funding Eligible Providers
7.1Applications for Section 231/225 Grants...... 26
7.2Eligible Providers...... 27
7.3Notice of Availability...... 28
7.4Process of Funding Eligible Providers for 231/225 Grants...... 28
7.5Evaluation of Applications for 231/225 Grants...... 28
7.6Special Rule...... 30
8.0Public Participation and Comment
8.1Description of Activities ...... 31
8.2Governor’s Comments ...... 31
9.0 Descriptions of Program Strategies for Populations
9.1Strategies for Target Populations...... 32
9.2Integrated Education and Training…………...... 34
10.0Integration with Other Adult Education and Training Activities
10.1Description of Planned Integrated Activities...... 37
10.2State Unified Plan……………...... 38
11.0Description of the Steps to Ensure Direct and Equitable Access
11.1Description of Steps...... 40
11.2Notice of Availability…………...... 40
12.0Programs for Corrections Education and Other Institutionalized
12.1Types of Programs…………...... 41
12.2Priority…………...... 41
12.3Types of Institutional Settings…………...... 41
13.0State Leadership Activities
13.1Description of New Required Activities…………...... 43
13.2Description of Permissible Activities…………...... 45
13.3Collaboration…………...... 47
14.0English Literacy/Civics (EL/Civics)…………...... 49
15.0Description of Joint Planning and Coordination for Unified Plan Only...... 52
16.0 Description of Activities under Section 427 of the General Education
Provisions Act (GEPA)………………………………….…………………………..53
17.0One-Stop Participation…………...... 55
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Revising a State Plan
On July 22, 2014, the President signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which reauthorizes the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of 1998–2004. As a result of this reauthorization, states are required to submit a plan to transition from the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) that previously authorized AEFLA to the new WIOA. As the state agency designated by the Governor to manage this program, the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to submit any revisions in the California State Plan (CSP), including performance targets, and the transition activities necessary to prepare for the full implementation of WIOA in 2016–17. The established performance targets must exceed the actual performance for the 2014 year. This revised CSP must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) no later than April 1, 2015.
The ED distributed a revised Guide for the Development of a State Plan under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. This includes the “Transition Year Guidance: Title II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.” The CDE’s CSP follows this guidance in its revision of the required and pertinent sections. The revision contained in this document includes updated sections of the state’s original plan and current program information. Additionally, the CSP has been updated to include existing adult education information, such as current student demographic and program information. The CDE is required to submit a new WIOA state plan to the ED by April 2016.
The following are the new subsections of the CSP:
- 1.1Revising a State Plan
- 2.3Assurance for Unified Plans Only
- 4.1Descriptions of Allowable Activities
- 4.3Descriptions of New Organizational Arrangements and Changes
- 6.3Levels of Performance
- 7.1Applications for Section 231/225 Grants
- 8.1Description of Activities
- 8.2Governor’s Comments
- 10.2State Unified Plan
- 13.2Description of Permissible Activities
The following are new sections as required of the CSP:
- 14.0English Literacy and Civics Education (EL/Civics)
- 15.0Description of Joint Planning and Coordination for Unified Plan Only
- 16.0 Description of Activities under Section 427 of the General Education
Provisions Act (GEPA)
- 17.0One-Stop Participation
1.2 California Department of Education Organization
CDE Leadership
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Tom Torlakson
Interim Chief of Staff
Glen Price
Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Learning Support Branch
Lupita Cortez Alcalá
Director, Career and College Transition Division
Russell Weikle
Administrator, Adult Education Office
Christian Nelson
CDE Adult Education Office Staff:Amukela Gwebu
Carmen Martinez-Calderon
Catherine Peacock
Chiem-Seng Yaangh
Clifford Moss
Diane Hurley / David Stang
Irene Castorena-Krueger
Myra Young
Shadidi Sia-Maat
Vicki Prater
Rich Berry / Cynthia Crowl
Gina Wong
Janet Morrison
Laura Cropper
Mary Molina
Melissa Spero
Current Leadership Project Contractors:
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)
Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN)
California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO)
Agency Partners:
Local School Districts
County Offices of Education
Community Colleges
Public Libraries
Community-Based Organizations
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
1.3 Preface
The CDE’s adult education system builds upon the goals and principles that have guided the development of adult education programs over the past 155 years.
The mission of the California Department of Education Adult Education system is to advance California’s economic, workforce development and societal goals by preparing adult learners for college, career, and civic responsibility.
- Preparation for college is the development of the literacy and numeracy skills necessary to transition to non-remedial coursework in a variety of postsecondary settings, including on-the-job training, industry certification programs, apprenticeships, the military, two and four year college and university programs, and high-level technical schools.
- Preparation for career is the development of the literacy, numeracy, and technical skills, as well as foundational workplace readiness skills, necessary to transition to apprenticeships or other on-the-job training, gain and retain employment, and advance in a career pathway.
- Preparation for civic responsibility is the development of literacy skills that enable students to understand their responsibilities and benefit from the rights of civic life.
Adult education is at a historic crossroads. By moving proactively, California continues to create an educational system that meets the needs of the ever-changing adult learner and positively affects our state’s economy. In addition, the adult education programs constantly focus on expanding and improving. Technology, for example, is used to provide individuals awareness of the learning opportunities available and to streamline the processes of enrollment and participation. Technology also provides alternative approaches to teaching to ensure that education is appropriate to adults and easily accessed by individuals with varying needs. The expanded uses of technology allows adult education courses to be provided at convenient times, utilizing instructional technologies such as interactive Web sites and computer assisted education programs. Technology based tutoring in conjunction with on-the-job training is offered to assist students to rapidly obtain successful transitions to postsecondary programs and employment.
Proper assessment and data collection assists agencies to ensure that the adult population has the education and skills to be successful in a competitive economy. Procedures for collecting and processing data serve the needs of students and schools as well as meet compliance requirements. Student achievement and program data guide program improvement efforts to ensure maximum return on the state’s investment in adult education. Data also guides periodic reassessment and prioritization of instructional programs so that the content of adult education remains attuned to state and local needs. For those who administer and teach adult education programs, WIA supplemental funds have been used to enhance and expand professional development.
The WIOA continues the goals and objectives established in AEFLA by strengthening the literacy skills of adults and helping to create stronger partnerships with the workforce development agencies in California. Collaborative planning among public and private stakeholders facilitates needed changes and establishes adult education as a critical pillar within California’s education system. This plan proposes a new commitment and a focused effort to improve adult education services to meet the unique needs of the adult learner. However, it does not propose a radical restructuring of existing educational institutions and programs, only a more integrated and coordinated effort among the providers of the adult education delivery system.
The activities proposed in this plan build upon existing partnerships and encourage the establishment of new partnerships among adult education providers. These changes are intended to improve the knowledge and skills of adult learners but will require commitment, responsiveness, and dedication on the part of adult educators. The intent is a more engaged and informed citizen and the promise of a better workforce for business. This can only be achieved through greater cooperation, commitment, and support from the entire adult education community.
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2.0 Eligible Agency Certifications and Assurances
Section 221(1) of WIOA requires the State to develop, submit, and implement the State Plan, and Section 224(b)(5), (6), and (8) require assurances specific to the State Plan content.
The AEFLA was enacted August 7, 1998, as Title II of the WIA of 1998 (Public Law 105-220) and the CDE submitted the original five-year CSP to be effective until June 30, 2004. The CDE has subsequently submitted annual renewals of the CSP to the EDand an extension of the CSP has been granted each year. The CSP serves as an agreement between our state and the federal government under the AEFLA, that the federal funds are administered in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations.
The CDE hereby submits its revised CSP extension to be effective until June 30, 2016. The CDE assures that this plan serves as an agreement between state and federal governments under the AEFLA and acts as the basis for the transition from WIA to the implementation of WIOA. This plan will be administered in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations, including the following certifications and assurances.
2.1 Certifications (EDGAR 76.104, Certifications and Assurances)
Education Department General Administrative Regulations (34 CFR Part 76.104)
- The Plan is submitted by the eligible State agency.
- The State agency has authority under State law to perform the functions of the State under the program.
- The State legally may carry out each provision of the Plan.
- All provisions of the Plan are consistent with State law.
- A State officer, specified by title in the certification, has authority under State law to receive, hold, and disburse Federal funds made available under the Plan.
- The State officer who submits the Plan, specified by the title in the certification, has authority to submit the Plan.
- The agency that submits the Plan has adopted or otherwise formally approved the Plan.
- The Plan is the basis for State operation and administration of the program.
2.2 Assurances (Section 224[b], [5], [6], and [8])