MatML Coordination Committee Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2005

AeroMat, Orlando Renaissance, 5:30 pm until 8:00 pm

In attendance:

Gil Kaufman

Jana Jackson (Battelle)

Will Marsden, Craig Seymour, (Granta Design)

Brett Johanson, Jim Pillars (Boeing)

Jim Rossi, Mike Rossi, Charles Boyle (Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research)

Scott Henry, Steve Weiss, Sally Fahrenholz-Mann (ASM)

Action Items:
  • Craig Seymour to schedule WebEx meeting to discuss proof of process with Westmoreland, Boeing, Batelle, Granta and ASM representatives
  • Steve Weiss will consider means to provide a project manager for the pilot proof of process
  • Gil Kaufman, Steve Weiss, Craig Seymour, Laura Bartolo (and any other interested committee members) to communicate with Ed Begley regarding requirements for a MatML editor.
  • Fran/Sally will schedule the next MatML meeting at MS&T in Pittsburgh
Committee organization

The MatML Coordination Committee is an umbrella over the following technical subcommittees:

Specification Development (OASIS TC), chaired by Brett Johanson

Schema Development, chaired by Craig Seymour

Enabling Technologies, Chair TBD

Craig Seymour is now Vice Chair of the MatML Coordination Committee

ASM Board alignment with MatML

Steve Weiss reiterated ASM’s support for MatML at the board level. ASM has secured funding to facilitate activities centered around MatML to encourage communication, development, and acceptance of its use for Materials Property data.

Educational and Promotional Activities

Committee members identified a need to apply concerted effort towards development of training, white papers, workshops and reference material.

Gil Kaufman has discussed the development of a publication about MatML for educational purposes. It was agreed that further education resources are needed to support the continued adoption and understanding of MatML., but that a separate publication may not meet this need.

We need to develop a plan for some of the following suggested initiatives:

Workshop that might include representatives from FemML, ChemMl, MathML

WebEx seminars

Tools available through MatML website

Virtual meetings

Competition for students -- applications/tools involving MatML

Targeted audience for any of the above are organizations that consume materials data but don’t have a lot of access to it.

NIST -- Development of MatML Editor

Ed Begley has secured funding for the development of a MatML editor and is seeking requirements.

Gil Kaufman, Steve Weiss, Laura Bartolo, Craig Seymour will be coordinating the requested feedback to Ed on the scope and capabilities of the editor.

Thesaurus Development

One of the strengths of MatML is its openness in terminology; there is no standard set of material or property names required in its use. However, some of the organizations testing the application of MatML to their data have voiced a need to reference a thesaurus to use, among other purposes, to map terms to it.

This preliminary testing reveals a need for a supporting thesaurus of standard and interrelated terms and synonyms for property names. This thesaurus can aid those who may need to reference or choose property names for data interchange.

We agreed that we would undertake materials and properties thesaurus research and development, and that such development can occur in parallel to the other current MatML initiatives. It was agreed that ASM’s materials hierarchy might be an appropriate starting place for the materials terminology.

MatML Data Exchange Proof of Process

Committee members stated the need to show progress with electronic data inside their own organizations.

A demonstration of MMPDS Handbook data could garner a lot of interest in MatML.

The Committee agreed to support a data exchange proof of process using MatML to be undertaken by Boeing, Batelle and Westmoreland, with probable participation by Granta and MSC.

Members of the committee from the participating organizations agreed that the upcoming MMPDS meeting in early October serves as an appropriate target date for a presentable proof of data exchange. Presentation at Materials Science and Technology 2005 in Pittsburgh (September 27 - 29) is also a possibility.

A process such as the following was discussed briefly, with further action needed to create a detailed project plan.

  1. Requirements for test data (aircraft materials) sent from Boeing and Batelle to Westmoreland
  2. Pass data back from Westmoreland to Boeing and Batelle
  3. TBD -- target outputs needed by Boeing and Batelle. There was some discussion that Granta MI supports output to MatML (Boeing) and MSC supports Battelle
  4. The process would demonstrate, among other things, the use of different units of measure and software.

Members of the committee volunteering to participate in this proof are Jana Jackson (Battelle), Jim Rossi (WMTR), Jim Pillers (Boeing), Craig Seymour (Granta Design) and Debbie Mies (MSC Software).

Steve Weiss has offered funding from ASM’s MatML initiative for project management.

Craig Seymour will schedule and facilitate a WebEx meeting to further map out the project plan.

Also for discussion during this WebEx meeting is the formation of a working group for thesaurus and other tools to provide selection from the thesauri and to support organization-centric mappings.

The development of the thesaurus and the OASIS draft specification can occur parallel to the working group activities.

SVG graphics

After brief discussion of the creation of graphics from data points and the referencing of graphics from materials data stores, it was decided that further research is needed to determine how SVG graphics might be used with MatML.

NSF/NIST meeting in Boulder

Gil Kaufman will be reporting back from the June 13 NSF/NIST/ASM sponsored meeting in Boulder. Other groups working with related types of markup languages will be in attendance, as set up by Co-Chair Bartolo, and we will be inviting their collaboration with us.