Arts Administration Program
AAD 399 Arts Administration Practicum
Student Evaluation Form
Instructions: An important part of any practicum experience is the feedback that you receive from the person supervising your practicum. At the end of your practicum you should ask your supervisor to evaluate your performance by completing a practicum evaluation form. At the same time, you should complete a practicum evaluation form on yourself, and then schedule an exit meeting with your practicum supervisor to review how the two of your have perceived the experience.
At the end of your exit meeting you should request a copy of your supervisors signed evaluation form. This form, plus your copy of your signed evaluation form should then be given to the person from the Arts Administration Program teaching the AAD 399 course.
Student Name______Supervisor Name______
Email address______
Telephone Number______
Department/School/Program/Other Unit through which the Practicum took
place______Number of hours worked ______
List the principle activities you performed during the practicum
Describe how effective you were in carrying out these activities.
From the experience, describe what skills do you need to develop further.
How would you rate yourself on the following traits in relation to the practicum?
Traits / Excellent / Good / Average / Poor / Very PoorDependability
Overall, how would you rate your performance in this practicum
Excellent_____ Good_____ Average_____ Poor_____ Very Poor_____
Comments on the above ratings.
Describe any steps that could be taken by the Arts Administration Program to make future practicums more successful.
Arts Administration Program
AAD 399 Arts Administration Practicum
Supervisor Evaluation Form
Instructions: An important part of any practicum experience is the feedback that the student receives from his or her supervisor. Please assist in this process by completing this evaluation form, and meeting with the student to discuss your observations.
At the end of that meeting the student will ask you for a signed copy of this form, and will give it to the person from the Arts Administration Program teaching the AAD 399 course.
Supervisor Name______Student Name______
Email address______
Telephone Number______
Department/School/Program/Other Unit through which the Practicum took
place______Number of hours student worked ______
List the principle activities performed by the student during the practicum
Describe how effective the student was in carrying out these activities.
From the experience, describe what skills you believe the students need to develop further.
How would you rate the student on the following traits in relation to the practicum?
Traits / Excellent / Good / Average / Poor / Very PoorDependability
Overall, how would you rate the student’s performance in this practicum
Excellent_____ Good_____ Average_____ Poor_____ Very Poor_____
Comments on the above ratings.
Describe any steps that could be taken by the Arts Administration Program to make future practicums more successful.