Mathematics across the College - a short self assessment questionnaire
This questionnaire is designed to prompt conversations about how mathematics is organised and should help inform the inform decisions that your college is making with regard to mathematics provision.
Please identify all the mathematics and numeracy provision across the college:
Faculty/Dept /School responsible for managing this mathematics provision / Who teaches this provision (maths teachers? vocational teachers? SFL Numeracy teachers?... / Total number of students (approx) / Hours taught per group per week / No. of groups / CommentsKey Skills Application of Number
Skills for Life / Numeracy
GCE AS / A Level Mathematics
GCE AS/A Level Further Mathematics
Faculty/Dept /School responsible for managing this mathematics provision / Who teaches this provision (maths teachers? vocational teachers? SFL Numeracy teachers?... / Total number of students (approx) / Hours taught per group per week / No. of groups / Comments
GCE AS Use of Mathematics
Free Standing Mathematics
Access maths (please give some details in comments column)
Maths in vocational programmes (eg Engineering)
(please give some details in comments column)
Learning Support / drop in workshop
(please give some details in comments column)
How does your college….
ensure that mathematics in all its forms is coherent and coordinatedensure that there is a ‘mathematics voice’ at a senior level?
ensure mathematics teachers meet and share ideas and practice?
ensure that most of the mathematics provision is taught in specialist mathematics accommodation?
ensure that the teaching and learning of mathematics is discussed in mathematics team meetings?
make arrangements to support non- mathematicians who have responsibility for teaching mathematics?
make arrangements for mathematics resources to be shared across all the mathematics provision across the college?
ensure that mathematics issues are picked up through the quality assurance process?
ensure that all teachers of mathematics in all its forms have access to regular professional development that addresses issues of mathematics pedagogy?