Grade 5 Math Pacing Guide
1st Nine Weeks / Standards / EnVision Math / Math Out of the Box / OtherNumbers and Operations
August / 5-2.1Analyze the magnitude of a digit on the basis of its place value, using whole numbers and decimal numbers
through thousandths. / Topic 1: Lessons 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
Topic 2: Lessons 2-2, 2-5 / Practice and Challenge lessons 2.1 & 2.2 – Harcourt Math (old text)
5-2.4Compare whole numbers, decimals, fractions by using symbols <, > and =. / Topic 1: Lesson 1-2, 1-4
Topic 9: Lesson 9-5 / Practice and Challenge lesson 2.4 (old text)
September / 5-2.6Classify numbers as prime, composite,
or neither. / Topic 4: Lesson 4-8,
Topic 9: Lesson 9-6 / Practice and Challenge lesson 15.5 (old text)
5-2.7Generate strategies to find thegreatest
common factor and the least common
multiple of two whole numbers. / Topic 10: Lesson 10-2 / Practice and Challenge lesson 15.2 (old text)
5-2.5Apply algorithm to add and subtract decimals through thousandths. / Topic 2: Lessons 2-6, 2-7,
October / 5-2.2Apply an algorithm to divide whole numbers fluently. / Topic 4: Lessons 4-4,4-5, 4-6
Topic 5: Lesson 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, (7-6, 7-7, 7-8 enrichment)
5-2.3Understand the relationship among the divisor, dividend, and quotient. / Topic 4: Lesson 4-5
Topic 5: Lessons 5-4, 5-6
5-2.9 Apply divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9 / Topic 4: Lesson 4-7 / Practice and Challenge lesson 15.1 (old text)
Grade 5 Math Pacing Guide
2nd Nine Weeks / Standards / EnVision Math / Math Out of the Box / Other
Numbers and Operations
November / 5-2.8Generate strategies to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. / Topic 10: Lessons 10-1,
10-3, 10-4
(10-6 enrichment)
5.3.1Represent numeric,
algebraic, geometric patterns in words, symbols, algebraic expressions, and algebraic equations / Topic 3: Lesson 3-2
Topic 5: Lesson 5-1
Topic 6: Lesson 6-2
Topic 15: Lesson 15-4 / Steps and Distance / HBJ Practice and Challenge lessons
5-3.2Analyze patterns and
functions with words, tables, and graphs / Topic 1: Lesson 1-5
Topic 6: Lesson 6-2
Topic 7: Lesson 7-5
Topic 15: Lesson 15-4
Topic 16: Lesson 16-5
Topic 17: Lesson 17-4
Topic 20: Lesson 20-4 / Steps and Distance
December / 5-3.3Match tables, graphs, expressions, equations, and verbal description of
the same problem. / Topic 2: Lessons 2-4
Topic 3: Lesson 3-8
Topic 4: Lesson 4-9
Topic 6: Lesson 6-1, 6-3
Topic 11: Lesson 11-5
Topic 14: Lesson 14-9
Topic 16: Lesson 16-9 / Steps and Distance
5-3.4 Identify application of commutative, associative, and distributive properties with whole numbers. / Topic 2: Lesson 1-5
Topic 3: Lesson 3-1, 3-2
Topic 6: Lesson 6-4 / Steps and Distance
5-3.5Analyze situations that show change over time. / Topic17: Lesson 17-4
Topic 18: Lesson 18-3 / Steps and Distance
Grade 5 Math Pacing Guide
3rd Nine Weeks / Standards / EnVision Math / Math Out of the Box / Other
Data Analysis and Probability
January / 5-6.1 Design a mathematical investigation to address a question. / TE 468B, 488B, 492B, 499F
5-6.2Analyze how data-collection methods affect the nature of data set. / Topic 18 Lesson 18-1,
TE 461A
5-6.3Apply procedures to calculate the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode). / Topic 18 Lesson 18-7, 18-8
5-6.4Interpret the meaning and application of the measures of central tendency. / TE 550B-553B
5-6.5Represent the probability of a single-stage event in words and fractions. / Topic 20 Lessons 20-2,
TE 488B, 491B
5-6.6Conclude why the sum of the probability of the outcomes of an experiment must equal 1. / Topic Lesson 20-2
TE 499E
5-5.1Use appropriate tools and units to measure objects to the precision of one-eighth inch. / Topic 12 Lesson 12-1
5-5.6Apply procedures to determine the amount of elapsed time in hours, minutes, and seconds within a 24-hour period. / Topic 14- Lessons 14-6, 14-7,
TE 373A
Grade 5 Math Pacing Guide
3rd Nine Weeks
(cont.) / Standards / Envision Math / Math Out of the Box / Other
February / 5-5.7Understand the relationship between the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales. / Topic 14 Lesson 14-8,
TE 346B
TE 346D
5-5.2Use protractor to measure
angles from 0 to 180 degrees. / Topic 8 Lesson 8-2,
5-5.4Apply formulas to determine the perimeters and areas of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms. / Topic 12 Lessons 12-3,
12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-8
5-5.5Apply strategies and formulas to determine the volume of rectangular prisms. / Topic 13 Lessons 13-5,
March / 5-5.3Use equivalencies to convert units of measure within the metric system: converting length in millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers, converting liquid volume in milliliters, centiliters, liters and kiloliters, and converting mass in milligrams, centigrams, grams, and kilograms. / Topic 14 Lessons 14-2,
14-3, 14-5, TE 373A
5-5.8Recall equivalencies associated with length, liquid volume, and mass: 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter, 100 centimeters = 1 meter, 100 meters = 1 kilometer, 10 milliliters = 1 centiliter, 100 liters = 1 kiloliter, and 10 milligrams = 1 centigram, 100 centigrams = 1 gram, and 100 grams = 1 kilogram. / Topic 12 Lesson 12-2
Grade 5 Math Pacing Guide
4th Nine Weeks / Standards / EnVision Math / Math Out of the Box / Other
April/May / 5-4.1Apply the relationships of quadrilaterals to make logical arguments about their properties. / Topic 8: Lessons 8-5, 8-6
5-4.2Compare the angles, side lengths, and perimeters of congruent shapes. / Topic 19: Lesson 19-4
TE 483B
5-4.3Classify shapes as congruent. / Topic 19: Lesson 19-4
5-4.4Translate between two-dimensional representations and three-dimensional objects. / Topic 13: Lessons 13-2, 13-3
5-4.5Predict the results of multiple transformations on a geometric shape when combinations of translation, reflection, and rotation are used. / Topic 19: Lessons 19-1, 19-2, 19-6
5-4.6Analyze shapes to determine line symmetry and/or rotational symmetry. / Topic 19: Lesson 19-5
5th grade pacing guide
August 10, 2009
Math Pacing Guide for Grade 5
1st Nine Weeks
Number Sense
5-2.4Analyze the magnitude of a digit on the basis of its place value, using whole numbers and decimal numbers through thousandths.
5-2.6Compare whole numbers, decimals, fractions by using symbols <, > and =.
5-2.6 Classify numbers as prime, composite, or neither.
5-2.7 Generate strategies to find the greatest common factor and the least common
multiple of two whole numbers.
5-2.7Apply as algorithm to add and subtract decimals through thousandths.
5-2.5Apply an algorithm to divide whole numbers fluently.
5-2.6Understand the relationship among the divisor, dividend, and quotient.
5-2.9 Apply divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9.
2nd Nine Weeks
Number and Operations
5-2.7Generate strategies to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike
5-3.1Represent numeric, algebraic, geometric patterns in words, symbols, algebraic expressions, and algebraic equations.
5-3.2Analyze patterns and functions with words, tables, and graphs.
5-3.3Match tables, graphs, expressions, equations, and verbal description of the same problem.
5-3.4Identify application of commutative, associative, and distributive properties with whole numbers.
5-3.5 Analyze situations that show change over time.
3rd Nine Weeks
Data Analysis and Probability
5-6.1Design a mathematical investigation to address a question.
5-6.2Analyze how data-collection methods affect the nature of data set.
5-6.3Apply procedures to calculate the measures of central tendency (mean,
median, and mode).
5-6.4 Interpret the meaning and application of the measures of central tendency.
5-6.5 Represent the probability of a single-stage event in words and fractions.
5-6.6 Conclude why the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes of an experiment
must equal 1.
5-5.1Use appropriate tools and units to measure objects to the precision of one-eighth inch.
5-5.6Apply procedures to determine the amount of elapsed time in hours,
minutes, and seconds within a 24-hour period.
5-5.7Understand the relationship between the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature
5-5.2Use protractor to measure angles from 0 to 180 degrees.
5-5.4 Apply formulas to determine the perimeters and areas of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms.
5-5.5Apply strategies and formulas to determine the volume of rectangular prisms.
5-5.3Use equivalencies to convert units of measure within the metric system: converting length in millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers, converting liquid volume in milliliters, centiliters, liters, and kiloliters, and converting mass in milligrams, centigrams, grams, and kilograms.
5-5.8 Recall equivalencies associated with length, liquid volume, and mass:10
Millimeters= 1 centimeter, 100 centimeters = 1 meter, 100 meters = 1 kilometer,
10 milliliters = 1 centiliter, 100 liters = 1 kiloliter, and 10 milligrams = 1
centigram, 100 centigrams = 1gram, 100 grams = 1 kilogram.
4thNine Weeks
5-4.1Apply the relationships of quadrilaterals to make logical arguments about their properties.
5-4.2Compare the angles, side lengths, and perimeters of congruent shapes.
5-4.3Classify shapes as congruent.
5-4.4Translate between two-dimensional representations and three-dimensional objects.
5-4.5Predict the results of multiple transformations on a geometric shape when combinations of translation, reflection, and rotation are used.
5-4.6Analyze shapes to determine line symmetry and/or rotational symmetry.
*The remainder of 4th nine weeks should be used to review/spiral skills.
5th grade pacing guide
August 10, 2009