University Faculty Course Evaluation-Appeal

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Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

University Faculty Course Evaluation

For Multiple Courses in the Same Discipline

Deleted or Scheduled for Deletion from the

Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM)

General Instructions: Complete this form to evaluate multiple courses in the same discipline which have been deleted or are scheduled to be deleted from the ACGM. The ACGM is the official list of lower-division Texas common courses (TCCNS) approved for general academic transfer that are funded and may be offered by public community, state, and technical colleges in Texas. Recommendations from public university faculty and academic administrators are sought and considered by the ACGM Advisory Committee in making changes to the ACGM. The ACGM is available online at:

It is the responsibility of the institution making the appeal to substantiate the need for the course and to provide information that the criteria for inclusion of a course in the ACGM can be met by the course. The course must either satisfy a discipline-specific requirement in the major or satisfy a prerequisite requirement of the major of a baccalaureate program at five or more Texas public universities. As part of the appeals process courses must be reviewed and recommended by academic department chairs and chief academic/instructional officers at Texas public universities offering degree programs in the appropriate discipline area.

If the appeal of the deletion of the course from the ACGM is successful the course would be available to be offered by all Texas public 2-year institutions and the course would be fully transferable to Texas public colleges and universities.

Information: Contact the Division of Academic Quality and Workforce at (512) 427-6200

Sections 1 and 2 are to be completed by the institution requesting the appeal of the deletion of courses from the ACGM.

1.  Institution Initiating Appeal

Institution Contact

2.  Course Information for Each Course to be Evaluated

Course Rubric and Number:
Course Title:
Attach a copy of the course entries from the ACGM including descriptive title, content description, semester credit and contact hour limits, prerequisites, and student learning outcomes. If courses are in a group of courses all courses with the same description should be included. A course syllabus should also be provided to the evaluator for each course.

THECB Rev. 1/2016

University Faculty Course Evaluation-Appeal

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Sections 3 and 4 are to be completed by the university faculty evaluator and university representatives.



Evaluator’s Position:______

Please review the attached course descriptions, student learning outcomes, and syllabi for the courses. Your evaluation of the courses and your institution’s ability to make use of the courses in fulfilling degree requirements will be considered by Coordinating Board staff and the ACGM Advisory Committee. Please address the applicability of the courses to a specific degree plan or plans, and indicate whether the courses are transfer equivalents or could be used as a major/degree plan substitutions for any of your native courses.

3.  Complete the table for each ACGM course providing detailed information as applicable. Use NA to indicate the question is not applicable or there are no specific responses. Expand the grid as needed to accommodate answers. The table may be duplicated for more than five courses.

ACGM Courses Scheduled for Deletion or Deleted
University’s Equivalent Course – The courses have the same content, learning outcomes, credit hour value and are both lower division. (NA if there is no equivalent)
University’s Course Semester Credit Hours (NA if there is no equivalent)
University Course Title (NA if there is no equivalent)
The ACGM course satisfies a degree requirement in the major. (List major(s) or NA)
The ACGM course if used in the major is an option among choices. (Yes or No or NA)
If other ACGM courses satisfy same degree requirement as the equivalent course provide those ACGM course numbers. (NA if there are no other ACGM courses)
If there is no direct equivalent and the ACGM course would be used as a degree plan substitution, provide degree name(s). (NA if there are none)
If other continuing ACGM courses could be used as the same degree plan substitution provide those ACGM course numbers. (NA if there are none)
ACGM Courses Scheduled for Deletion or Deleted
The ACGM course would transfer as generic elective credit only with no specific degree applicability. (Yes or No or NA)
Other recommendations or comments in regard to each course.

1.  Required Signatures

University Academic Department Head:



Signature Date

University Chief Academic/Instructional Officer:



Signature Date

Please return the evaluation form to the institution making the request to appeal the deletion of the course from the ACGM. The institution making the appeal is responsible for submitting all materials to the Coordinating Board through the online submission portal.

THECB Rev. 1/2016