from 10.00am to 3.00pm

Horndean Technology College, Barton Cross,

Horndean, Waterlooville PO8 9PQ

A wide variety of exhibitors, from the voluntary, statutory and commercial sectors, will be available to offer information and advice on a range of issues relating to special needs. When you arrive at the event, you will be given a welcome sheet, with information about what to see and do, to help you plan your day. You will also receive a list of exhibitors whose stands will be in Barton Hall.

Food and beverages will be available to purchase throughout the day. Please note that we are unable to cater for special dietary requirements.

Freedom Childcare is once again joining us to offer limited childcare facilities. If you would like to book a place for your child, please email: . Please note you will be invited to make a small donation of £3.00 for up to 2 hours.

The Honeypot Playbus, Caterpillar Crafts and Mr Giant will be there to entertain children, but please note parent carers are required to remain with their children. Look out also for the Sensory Tent being brought along by Head2Head Theatre.


See pages 2 to 6for further information about the time, content and approximate length (including questions and answers) of each pre-bookable workshop and talk. Please note that these sessions are intended for parent carers, and for young people as indicated, but if there is capacity, we will endeavour to accept bookings from practitioners.

Places can be reserved by:

-(preferably) following the Survey Monkey link

-contacting Support4SEND by email – , or

-completing and sending by post or email the booking form on page 8.

Support4SEND01962 845870

Talk: / Content:
Autism Awareness / Basic explanation of autism, how it affects people and strategies. Information about the services provided by Autism Hampshire
Led by:
Jane Morse / Jane joined Autism Hampshire in 2014. She previously worked with pre-school children with special needs and set up an autism support group for parents. Jane has a 20 year son with autism.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
10.30am and 12.30pm / 60 mins / Any age
Talk: / Content:
Changes to Benefits and Support for young people age 16+ / Information about benefits and changes for your son and daughter as they go through the 14 to 25 age range
Led by:
Janet Chierchia / Janet is a parent of a young lady with Downs Syndrome, now in her 30s, living independently. Janet has been a Trustee of several voluntary organisations
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of young people aged:
10.30am and 12.00pm / 60 mins / 14 +
Workshop: / Content:
An overview of the Education Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment process and EHC Plans, and the role of Independent Support / If a request has been made for your child to have an EHC needs assessment, or if your child is already being assessed, or if you are going through the transfer review process, come along to learn about the new legislation that has led to the changeover from Statements to Education Health and Care Plans. One of our team of Independent Supporters will give an overview of the process involved in producing an EHC Plan, and the advice they can offer along the way.
Led by:
Richard Uren / Richard has worked for Parent Voice for 6 years as a Parent Voice Worker, Independent Supporter, and Direct Payment Adviser
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
11.30am and 1.30pm / 60 mins / Any age (if your child may be/is having and EHC needs assessment, or is going through the transfer review process)
Workshop: / Content:
Growing up with autism: Learning to accept and embrace autism / This talk is aimed at young people who have autism themselves. Alex shares his teen personal experience of always feeling different and wanting to know why and eventually finding out he had autism. This is a positive talk that will help young people who have autism to not feel ashamed of who they are.
Led by:
Alex Lowery / Alex Lowery is an inspirational public speaker best known for his insights into the autistic mind. Alex Lowery is twenty one years of age. At the age of seven his IQ was 73 and his parents were told not to expect too much. Despite this Alex has exceeded everyone's expectation
(See Alex’s biography on page 7)
Time: / Length: / Relevant for young people aged:
11.00am and 1.00pm / 90 mins / 14+
(note: parent carers are also welcome to attend this workshop)
Workshop: / Content:
The Hampshire Local Offer / A brief presentation giving a description of the Local Offer and how to use it, what it offers parents/carers, the importance of their feedback and plans for future development.
Hands-on workshop session
Led by:
Al Crabtree / Al Crabtree has worked at ParentVoice for over 3 years in a variety of roles. She has a 16yr old son with cerebral palsy.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
11.30am and 1.30pm / 60 mins / Any age
Workshop: / Content:
How does the environment affect behaviour? / Managing the environment is a key part of preventing and managing challenging behaviour.
Identify environmental triggers to unwanted behaviours including the physical environment, activities and people.
Led by:
Becky Bolger / Becky has more than 16 years experience of managing challenging behaviour. She enjoys delivering workshops that enable others to develop their own skills when confronted with behaviour that challenges them.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
10.30am and 1.00pm / 90 mins / Pre-school through to young adults
Workshop: / Content:
Parenting children with Dyspraxia / Presentation about dyspraxia, and opportunities to discuss challenges and successes in raising a child with this condition and how to access support
Led by:
Claire Howlett / Claire is a mother of a teenager who was diagnosed with dyspraxia at the age of 7, and she is local co-ordinator for the Dyspraxia Foundation
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
11.00am and 1.15pm / 90 mins / Age 2 to adulthood
Workshop: / Content:
Self-confidence: Finding your inner lion / The focus of this workshop will be on helping young people to understand self-confidence, identify factors that sometimes stop us from building self-confidence and consider ways in which they can be active in building self-confidence. There will be practical activities, discussion and debate
Led by:
Rebecca Horner and Alex Wood / Rebecca Horner is a trainee educational psychologist with a key interest in helping young people preparing for college and adulthood.
Alex Wood is an educational psychologist who has worked with a range of young people from local secondary schools and colleges.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for young people aged:
1.30pm / 60-75 mins / This session is aimed at young people age 16+ with SEND who wish to think more about developing their self-confidence. Parental attendance is not required, unless the young person would benefit from additional support to access to session. There will be a limit of 20 young people per session.
Talk: / Content:
Supporting young people with speech and language difficulties to manage their behaviour at home /
  • Brief Overview of Speech and Language difficulties
  • Activities to raise awareness of the experience of having speech and language difficulties
  • Useful strategies that have been effective in helping these young people to manage their behaviour

Led by:
Carolyn Elliott, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist / Carolyn is a specialist experiences speech and language therapist, currently working in mainstream schools in Hampshire supporting young people with speech, language and social communication difficulties.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
10.15am and 12.30pm / 90 mins / 11 to 16
Workshop: / Content:
True collaboration, including the voice of the child / This session will demonstrate the use of a child centred planning meeting, complete with graphics, to inform an Education, Health and Care Plan. Participants will get a flavour of this new approach to collaborative working, by taking part in or observing such a meeting in progress. They will get a chance to hear about recent experience of using this approach and the positive feedback from parents.
Led by:
Jackie Batchelor and Anne Hart, Educational Psychologists / Jackie and Anne are experienced educational psychologists, based in the Fareham, Gosport and Isle of Wight community team. Jackie has a particular interest in emotional well being and the use of story to address this. She leads the Hampshire Anti-bullying Good Practice Group. Anne has particular interests in early years work, Nurture Groups and supporting children from service families. She is also a lead on using Video Interactive Guidance.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and young people aged:
10.15am / 90 mins / 3 to 25
Talk: / Content:
Who decides? / Managing a person’s affairs and asset protection through Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection Applications, Wills and Trusts
Led by:
Ruth Keighley / Ruth is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, Co Regional Director of Solicitors for the Elderly (Surrey), Chairman of the Society of Trust and Estate practitioners (Surrey), Member of the Law Society Private Client Section and Dementia Friend Champion.
Time: / Length: / Relevant for parent carers of children and/or young people aged:
10.45am and 1.15pm / 90 mins / All ages

See page 9for the planner

Please note:

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your booking by email only (time permitting)
  • If you find that you are unable to attend the session you have booked, please do let us know – we usually have a waiting list of people wishing to book places
  • If you are arriving at the school by car, please follow the signs for visitors parking and once parked make your way back to Reception
  • Please arrange to arrive at the welcome desk in Reception at least 15 minutes before the start of your first workshop/talk, so that we can direct you or take you to the room
  • You will be asked to complete a feedback form for each session you attend
  • Please do allow yourself enough time to visit the exhibits before or after your workshops/ talks

Alex Lowery is an inspirational public speaker best known for his insights into the autistic mind.


Alex Lowery is twenty one years of age. At the age of seven his IQ was 73 and his parents were told not to expect too much. Despite this Alex has exceeded everyone's expectations. He is a public speaker, author, trainer and autism campaigner. In his short life he has met with MP’s, won awards and helped to arrange an Autism Employment Conference. Alex’s motto in life is that you have to keep on moving forward whatever difficulties you face.


Alex is autistic, diagnosed at four. As a child Alex found the world a horrifying place. He had heightened senses and a language of his own that very few people could understand. As he moved into his teens he found living life harder than everyone else. This was extremely difficult for him to accept. For years he was terrified of people finding out he had autism. Yet in truth most people could tell he had something. Alex spent a lot of his early teens in a very anxious state. His attempts at being cool and funny like his peers always ended in failure. This caused Alex to feel depressed and withdrawn. Alex’s attitude towards autism began to change when he learnt about adults with autism who lead successful lives. He learned that there are advantages to having autism. Thinking positively about autism helped Alex cope with having the condition. Nowadays, Alex is a positive role model who has learnt how to succeed despite the difficulties. Alex has written a book about his life and is in demand as a speaker and trainer on autism.

Alex has provided autism awareness training for Universities, local authorities, childminders, foster carers, college tutors, pupils in schools, parent groups, St John’s Ambulance, Riding for the Disabled Association, NHS professionals, schools, National Autistic Society, Care workers, Churches, Housing Association, FE Colleges, Trainee Teachers and Social Workers, Women’s Institute, Social Workers, GP Surgery, Volunteers, Union Members.

Special Needs Information Day, Saturday 17 October 2015

Horndean Technology College

Workshop/Talk Booking Form(see planner on page 9)

Workshop/Talk / Length (approx) / Time / No. of places
required / Time / No. of places required
Autism awareness / 60 mins / 10.30am / 12.30pm
Changes to benefits and support for young people age 16+ / 60 mins / 10.30am / 12.00pm
An overview of the EHC needs assessment process and EHC Plans, and the role of Independent Support / 60 mins / 11.30am / 1.30pm
Growing up with autism / 90 mins / 11.00am / 1.00pm
The Hampshire Local Offer / 60 mins / 11.30am / 1.30pm
How does the environment affect behaviour? / 90 mins / 10.30am / 1.00pm
Parenting children with Dyspraxia / 90 mins / 11.00am / 1.15pm
Self-confidence: Finding your inner lion / 75 mins / 11.00am / 1.30pm
Supporting young people with speech and language difficulties to manage their behaviour at home / 90 mins / 10.15am / 12.30pm
True collaboration, including the voice of the child / 90 mins / 10.15am / N/A / N/A
Who decides? / 90 mins / 10.45am / 1.15pm


Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………………………………………………………Postcode: ……………………………

Tel……………………………………………………email …………………………………………………………………

Are you attending as a (delete as applicable): parent / carer / member of school staff /

member of voluntary organisation / other professional / other (please specify)……………………………………………

Do you (or anyone accompanying you) have any special access requirements?

If so, please specify:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Freedom Childcare is once again joining us to offer limited childcare facilities. If you would like to book a place for your child, please email: .

Please follow this Survey Monkey link to book your place(s)

Alternatively, return this form by email to

Support4SEND 01962 845870

Special Needs Information Day 2015/workshops and talks1

Special Needs Information Day 17 October 2015, Horndean- Workshops and talks – planner

and time(s) / Title / 10.00 am / 10.30 am / 11.00 am / 11.30 am / 12.00 pm / 12.30 pm / 1.00 pm / 1.30 pm / 2.00 pm / 2.30
60 mins / Autism awareness
60 / Changes to benefits and support for young people age 16+
60 / An overview of the EHC needs assessment process and EHC Plans, and the role of Independent Support
90 / Growing up with autism
60 / The Hampshire Local Offer
90 / How does the environment affect behaviour?
90 / Parenting children with Dyspraxia
75 / Self-confidence: Finding your inner lion
90 / Supporting young people with speech and language difficulties to manage their behaviour at home
90 / True collaboration, including the voice of the child
90 / Who decides?

Special Needs Information Day 2015/workshops and talks1