Math 9 Honors Geometry Course Outline 2017-2018
Mr. DeRosa
Welcome to Math 9 Honors Geometry!
Overview – This accelerated course of study follows the New York State Common Core Geometry curriculum. Topics will include transformational geometry, geometric constructions, proof, triangles, quadrilaterals, similarity, trigonometry, circles, parabolas, three-dimensional figures, and probability.
Students enrolled in this course will take the Common Core Geometry Regents examination in June. Students will earn one high school credit. In addition, final course grades will appear on the high school transcript and will count towards the overall high school transcript GPA.
The district Honors maintenance criteria is 90. This means that all students in honors classes are expected to maintain an average of 90 throughout the year. Any student that does not maintain a 90 average for the course may be recommended for a Regents level Algebra II class next year.
Important Test Dates
There will be a quarterly exam on Friday, November 3rd.
There will be a mid-year assessment at the end of the 2nd quarter on Tuesday and Wednesday January 23 and 24.
The Common Core Geometry Regents Exam will be taken during Finals week in June. Date to be deterined. The Regents Exam will be the Final Exam for the course.
Required Materials
3 Ring binder (2” minimum) with filler paper
3 hole pencil pouch with 20 pencils and cap erasers or block erasers.
Compass and a Ruler (6” or larger)
TI-84 Series Graphing Calculator is recommended. This calculator is permitted on the Geometry Regents exam you will take in June. So it is recommended that you purchase one at the beginning of the year.
Grades will be determined on a total points basis as follows: Tests and Quizzes 90%, Homework 10%.
The composite final course grade will be calculated with each quarter grade equal to 22%, and the Regents Exam grade as 12%.
There will be a homework assignment almost every day. All work must be shown on any questions that require a calculation. No work, no credit, no kidding!
Each HW assignment completed and shown to me on time (when I check it in class, on the day it is due) will be worth 2 HW “credits.” Assignments completed or turned in late (after I have checked it in class) will earn one credit. HW will be accepted late for full credit only in the case of an excused absence from class. I will not chase you for assignments you are missing. You must show it to me when you have completed it. Otherwise, you will not receive credit for having done it.
The HW grade will be determined by dividing the total HW credits earned by the total possible for the quarter.
Extra Help
Extra help will be offered during the 9th grade lunch, Period 7 on Tuesdays and the day BEFORE exams. Please make every effort to do the work you are responsible for BEFORE coming for extra help, and come prepared to ask specific questions. That means get any missing notes from a friend, and complete any missing homework or class work. Do not come and say, “I need help with everything we did this week.” It is YOUR responsibility to see me about any work that you missed due to an absence BEFORE any test or quiz on that material.
In addition, the Math Center in room 221 is open periods 5, 6 and 7 every day for extra help. The teacher will vary by period. I am there Period 5 every day.
Cell Phones
Cell phones are not permitted in class. They should be away in a backpack or purse when the bell rings to begin class, and should not be seen again until the bell rings to end class.
ATTENTION PARENTS !!! - Contacting Me Outside of Class
E-Mail is my preferred method of communication. Using e-mail will ensure the timeliest response. It is important that I have a current e-mail address for at least one parent/guardian for every student. You can e-mail me at .
1) PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL from the account to which you would like to receive correspondence from me. That will allow me to add that address to my contact list. Please make sure you indicate your child’s name and period in the email, especially if you have a different last name than them.
For 1 Extra Credit point!! E-Mail me your favorite clean joke. (A joke that can be shared with the students.)
If you send me that email, you will frequently receive an e-mail stating that there have been changes to my web site.
You can also contact me by calling the main office at 730-4700 and leaving a message on my voicemail. I may not check voicemail every day, so you might not get an immediate response. E-mail will be the most reliable method of contact.
Grades for all tests and quizzes are posted on the Parent Portal as soon as I am finished grading them. Please familiarize yourself with the portal and keep yourself informed of your child’s progress.
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______