STT 411Design of Experiments


Basic computer skills:

  1. ability to interpret the standard output from R. (find out H0, H1, p-value, and the associations between numbers in the output. Eg, in Anova, the associationb/w Df, Sum Sq, mean Sq, and F-value. Draw non-statistical conclusions about the analysis based on the p-value)
  2. ability to use the R package (t.test, aov, anova) in the right way.
  3. Read the data into R, by hand and from a file.
  4. Understand how to use the following R commands: pnorm;qnorm; pt; qt; qqnorm; qqline;t.test; Bartlett test; pairwise t.test

Basic Statistical skills:

  1. Sampling distribution of sample average
  2. Steps for hypothesis testing
  3. model selection for a given problem with data

(One sample Z-test;CI for population avg when population SD is given;

One sample t-test; CI for population average when sample SD is given

Two sample Z-test;

Two sample t-test with equal variance assumption;CI for the diff of two population avg with equal variance assumption

Two sample t-test without equal variance assumption; CI for the diff of two population avg with equal variance assumption


  1. ability to decompose the total deviation SST in Anova to SSE, SStreatment
  2. ability to find the degree of freedom for t-test and Anova
  3. **ability to prove the identities we proved in class or similar one.
  4. **find the p-value for the F-statistics Anova, and t-statistics for t-test, under certain Hypothesis.
  5. connection between t-test and Anova.
  6. From Anova to t-test, and pairwise-ttest.
  7. Check normality assumption
  8. Check equal variance assumption with Bartlett test.

Advanced Statistical skills:

  1. with a given problem without data, create a design that can successfully solve the problem. With the given conditions, you need to choose the right model and conduct the design by avoiding bias as much as possible.
  2. ## Advanced R programming ##.

Sample Problems:

  1. Homework problems.
  2. (30 points) The following is an output from R by doing one sample t-test.

One Sample t-test

data: x

t = -1.5815, df = 4, p-value = 0.9055

alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 23

95 percent confidence interval:

12.19929 Inf

sample estimates:

mean of x


  1. what is H0 and H1
  2. How many observations in the dataset x? ______
  3. What should be the reasonable alternative hypothesis if you see this output?
  4. According to the alternative hypothesis in c, should we reject H0 with alpha=0.10?
  5. What is the SD of the observations in the dataset?
  6. What should be the p-value if we do the two-sided t-test instead of one-sided?
  1. The following is an output from R by doing one sample t-test

Two Sample t-test

data: x and y

t = -2, df = 24, p-value = 0.028

alternative hypothesis: censored

sample estimates:

mean of x mean of y

84 86


  1. what is H0 and the should be H1?
  2. How many observations in the dataset x and y combined?
  3. should we reject H0?
  4. What is the SDpool if we assume that x and y share the same SD?