TSS/Circ./026/2017 Academic Session (2017-18) 8th May 2017

Holiday Homework

Class VI

Dear Parents,

Summer vacation provides an opportunity to the student to pursue hobbies and interests with greater involvement. It is the ideal time to blend both leaning and recreation by organizing family visits to places like National Science Centre*, British Council Library, Lalit Kala Academy, art galleries at India Habitat Centre etc. Children are greatly benefitted by the wonderful educational opportunities these places offer. Some of these organizations offer membership to innovative educational programmes at nominal cost. Your child may become an individual member of a programme that catches his/ her interest.


The home work for summer vacation has been designed keeping in mind that the student may be able to do it independently with some parental guidance. We aim to develop skills of problem solving and critical thinking through the assigned tasks. You will therefore notice students are encouraged to pursue each challenging task and come to a logical conclusion. This originality and creativity will be appreciated during evaluation.


"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." — Jorge Luis Borges. Create your own paradise by enjoying reading the following in the summer break. Present your work using A4 size coloured sheets.

Q1. Read ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Road Dahl. Write a short summary of the story (150 words) and name the main characters.

Q2. Read ‘The Jungle Book’ by Rudyard Kipling. Choose ten interesting adjectives from the book and find their dictionary meanings. Find one synonym and one antonym for all the ten words.

Q3. Read ‘As You Like It’ –‘Tales From Shakespeare’. Who is your favourite character in the novel? Draw a picture of your favourite character and write down the character sketch in about 100 words.


‘vahicaiD,yaajaao’ kivatakaoAaQaarmaanakrsvayaMkaoekfUla¸ ekphaD,¸ eknadI ¸ekittlaIAaidmaoMsaoiksaIek $p maoMkilptkIijaetqaaApnaIklpnaakaokhanaIyaakivataka $p dIijae.

maUlyaaMkna AaQaar:¹ ivaYayavastuAaOrmaaOilakta ¹ 5 AMk ¸ p`stuitkrNa¹ 3 AMk ¸ BaaYaa Saud\Qata ¹ 2 AMk


1½kivatayaakhanaIkaoklaa%mak $p donaokoilaeAapA¹4 SaITkap`yaaogakIijaetqaa [sasaoosaMbaMiQatica~ BaIicapka[e.



Keeping the upcoming Maths exhibition in focus, individual projects based on the topics like ‘Mathematics in other subjects’, Properties of 3D shapes, Body Mass Index, etc. will be discussed and assigned by their subject teacher in the class.



The waste pickers(kabadiwallah or raddiwallahs) – collectors of household waste –encourage people to sell them their recyclable waste, bottles, paper cloth etc. While they make a living collecting our waste, they also, perhaps unintentionally, make the most crucial contribution to the cycle of waste collection. Junk dealers are a crucial link in the chain of recycling which starts with the kabadiwala. As they deal with junk at a larger scale and are often the people who send the junk to recycling units. Taking part in recycling the waste we produce makes us think about the effect we are having on our environment and enables us to contribute towards a greater level of sustainability.


Let us perform the activity to find out what we can to reduce bottle waste in our home and discover the journey from waste generation to recycling units.


Be an investigative eco-journalist! Call kabadiwala to your house to collect household waste material. Inform him about your school project and then interview him.


[Don’t get disheartened if you are not able to get answers to all your questions. Tell kabadiwala in the beginning that you are asking these questions for your school project.]

His name
Number of years spent in the trade
What things does he carries?
What mode of transport does he use to roam around your colony? (Put tick mark) / Cycle Motorcycle Four wheeler
Cart Walks

Where does he go to sell his products? Note down the address of the shop and ask for the location.

Ask him if he accepts products other than paper. Tick the items and verify the money offered for each.

Item / Money offered per kg / Item / Money offered per kg
Metals-iron,copper etc. / Plastic
Cardboard / Bottles-plastic, metal
Wood / Electronic waste
Others (Specify)

Reflect upon, what new did you learn from your interaction with the kabadiwala?

Visit the shop of the junk dealer, where your kabadiwala sells his stuff. (The address of the shop you have already taken taken)


His name
Number of years spent in the trade
What products does he deal with?

Find out where these materials go for recycling

Item / Where it goes for Recycling
(Name of the place) / Item / Where it goes for Recycling
(Name of the place)
Metals-iron,copper etc. / Plastic
Cardboard / Bottles-plastic, metal
Wood / Electronic waste
Others (Specify)

Reflect upon, what are the various benefits of waste recycling?


Topic-Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

Name of Activity - Project

Description of the homework – The study of an ancient city can help modern viewers imagine what life was like hundreds or thousands of years ago. While these centres of ancient civilization can seem remote and disconnected from the modern world, it turns out that they are surprisingly similar to the way we organize and develop urban centres today.

Prepare a project on any ancient town or city of India like Mathura, Bharuch, Arikamedu. All these cities have been excavated by archaeologists. Find out about them and prepare a project on them under the following sub-headings.

  • Location
  • History
  • Objects revealed in excavation
  • Peculiar features of the city
  • Compare the features of the city with your own city

Prepare a project of not more than 6-7 pages. Paste relevant pictures of the excavations.

Criteria for Assessment-

  • Relevance of information given 2 marks
  • Originality 1.5 marks
  • Creativity 1.5 marks


Make a collage showcasing different aspects of Spanish culture. You may include Spanish dances, sports, festivals, architecture, gastronomy, famous things etc. Present it on an A3 size sheet with the help of pictures and write its Spanish translation.

Criteria of assessment:

  • Cultural knowledge 2 marks
  • Presentation 2 marks
  • Creativity 1 mark


i.ग्रीष्मावकाशमेंआपजिनस्थानोंपरघूमनेगये ,जिनमित्रोंयापरिवारकेसदस्योंसेमिले,उनकेनामसंस्कृतमेंलिखिए |


  1. कुल 5 नामलिखकरबतायेंकिइनका आरम्भ स्वरसेहोताहै अथवाव्यञ्जनसे |
  2. अपनेइनपरिवारकेकिन्हीं 5 सदस्योंके नामोंकावर्ण–विच्छेदकीजिए |

ii. किन्हीं 5 पशु–पक्षियों,फलोंकेनामतथाउपयोगी वस्तुओंकेनामसंस्कृतमेंलिखकरउनकेचित्रबनाएँ/ चिपकाएँ एवं आकर्षकरूप से उनकीप्रस्तुतिकरें |

दोनोंकार्यों को A-4 रङ्गीनपृष्ठों[A-4 coloured pastel sheet] पर करेंएवंउन्हेंजोड़करसुंदरअलबम केरूपमेंप्रस्तुतकरें |

Vincent Ashish Moses SheenamKohliParamjitKaur


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