Math 20-3 Course Syllabus

Peace River High School 2017-2018 (Semester 1)

Mrs. Castelino – Room

Course Materials

Bring a scientific calculator, binder, pencil and eraser

Course Evaluation

Unit / Course Weighting / Approximate Dates
Measurement / 15% / Sep 5 – Sep 26
(16 classes)
Slope and Rates / 16% / Sep 27 – Oct 20
( 16 classes)
Geometry / 22% / Oct 24 – Nov 23
( 22 classes)
Finance / 16% / Nov 24 – Dec 19
( 18 classes )
Graphing / 6% / Dec 20-Dec 22, Jan 8 – Jan 12
( 8 classes)
Christmas Break: Dec 25 – Jan 5
Review / Jan 15 – Jan 19
( 5 classes)
Final / 25% / TBA


  • Grades for each unit will be based on a variety of assessments such as quizzes, assignments, and activities worth 70% of the unit and 30% on unit tests.
  • Final exam will take place during the scheduled final exam week in January and will cover material from the entire course.
  • The above dates are a rough estimate of the timeline. It may change according to the needs of the class.

Expectation of Students for Success:

  • Attend every class
  • Arrive on time
  • Bring a calculator, binder/paper, pencil and eraser
  • Be ready to work for the full class block

Music & iPods:Okay sometimes….

  • During independent seat work, you are welcome to listen to music.
  • You may NOT listen to music during instructional time or during any quiz, test, or exam.
  • This is a privilege and can be easily removed.

Cell phones: When entering the classroom you may keep your phone in the cell phone parking lot. The cell phone parking lot is only accessible before or after the class. If your phone is not in the cell phone parking lot and is causing a distraction from work in class, you will be directed to “park” your pone and may pick it up after the class.

Expectation of Teacher for Success

  • Provide time to learn and practice each step.
  • Provides reviews as necessary.
  • Provides frequent feedback
  • Teach in a variety of ways (notes, worksheets, assignments, group work, hand-on activities)

If extra help is required, I am available before school or during the success blocks. Please talk to me and together we can make arrangements to meet.

General Outcomes (As per Alberta Program of Studies)


Develop spatial sense through direct and indirect measurement.

Students will:

  • Solve problems that involve SI and imperial units in surface area measurements and verify the solutions.
  • Solve problems that involve Si and imperial units in volume and capacity measurements.


Develop algebraic reasoning.

Students will:

  • Solve problems that require manipulation and application of formulas related to volume and capacity, surface area, slope and rate of change, simple interest, and finance charges.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of slope.
  • Students will solve problems by applying proportional reasoning and unit analysis.


Develop number sense and critical thinking skills.

Students will

  • Analyze puzzles and games that involve numerical reasoning, using problem-solving strategies.
  • Solve problems that involve personal budgets.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of compound interest.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of financial institution services used to access and manage finances.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of credit card options including credit cards and loans.


Develop spatial sense.

Students will

  • Solve problems that involve two and three right triangles.
  • Solve problems that involve scale.
  • Model and draw 3-D objects and their views.
  • Draw and describe exploded views, component parts and scale diagrams of simple 3-D objects.


Develop statistical reasoning.

Students will

  • Solve problems that involve creating and interpreting graphs, including: bar graphs, histograms, line graphs, and circle graphs.

Important Dates

Parent, Student, Teacher Conferences: Oct 11th, 2017 & Nov 15th , 2017

Final Exam: Last week of January

Report card 1 : Nov 3rd , 2017

Report card 2 : Feb 2nd , 2018


Students and parents can view attendance and marks at any time by logging into Maplewood connectEd . Attendance is taken daily, and marks will be entered as tasks are completed and evaluated.
