
Matthew Angus

Matthew is a Senior Solicitor who advises clients (mostly social workers and senior managers) in relation to a wide range of Adult Social Care, Mental Health and Adult Protection matters. This includes advice on:

·  Assessment, care planning & community care services

·  Hospital discharges

·  Ordinary residence

·  Care Home Accommodation and ‘top-ups’

·  Direct Payments

·  Applying the Mental Capacity Act 2005

·  Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

·  Adult Safeguarding

·  Applying the Mental Health Act 1983 and advice to AMHPs

·  Court of Protection advice (e.g. Deputyship & powers of attorney)

·  Policy drafting

·  Judicial Reviews relating to adult social care services

Matthew also conducts litigation in the Court of Protection (Welfare Applications) and the High Court (e.g. under the court’s inherent jurisdiction).

Where appropriate Matthew undertakes his own advocacy.


Matthew’s experience includes:

·  Conducting High Court litigation to seek a restraining order in order to protect a person who had the requisite mental capacity, but was under the undue influence of another family member, by requesting the court to use its inherent jurisdiction.

·  Conducting litigation in the Court of Protection generally (including advocacy at times). One of Matthew’s cases has been reported, but reporting restrictions prevent any further information being given.

·  Conducting Judicial Review proceedings on behalf of Staffordshire County Council in the case of Fairer Fee Forum Ltd v Staffordshire County Council and the subsequent care home fees review.

·  Advising Social Workers and Managers on a regular basis.

Strategic Talents

·  Public Speaking & Presentation

·  Negotiation

·  Customer Relations

·  Teaching others

·  Writing

Current role

Matthew’s current role is more “People” focussed and has tended to focus on court work. Matthew was previously a non-contentious commercial lawyer. Matthew finds his previous experience is often useful when considering contracts and drafting policies.

Professional Qualifications and Memberships

Qualification type / Subject / Date attained
LLB (Hons) / Law / 1996
BVC / Bar Vocational Course and pupillage / 1997/98
QLTT / Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test (transfer to be a solicitor) / 2006