Archibald Blansit
Materials in Military Pension File (Mexican War)
National Archives & Records Administration
viewed & photocopied Nov 2003, transcribed by Janet Wright
REFERENCE NUMBERS FOR THIS CASE [in pdf file, my handwritten note:]
Rejected Application 12513
Widows Original17976
Widows Certificate14097
Bounty Land Warrant79487-160-47
[Single card]:
No. 538
B.L. No 79487-160-47
Archibald D. Blansit
Sulpher Spg’s DeKalb Co Ala
1st Sergt Capt Z Thomason
B 1st Ala Vols
Enlisted May 12, 1846
Discharged May 28, 1847
Age 64
Disability [left blank]
___[illegible term here – one? ] claim on file Reg[?] No 12513
Mar 1[?]/ 87 Isaac Bull Clerk
Received Mch 12 1887
Act of January 29, AD 1887
[This is a printed form with hand-written entries:]
State of Alabama
County of Dekalb
On this Eighth day of March A.D. one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-seven, personally appeared before me,
A. D. Blancitt, a resident of Sulphur Springs, in the county
of DeKalb, in the state of Alabama, who being by me first duly
sworn according to law, deposes and says:
I am the identical A.D. Blancitt who served under the name
of Archibald D. Blancitt as a 1st Sargeant in the company
commanded by Captain Zachariah Thomason in the 1st regiment
of Alabama vols commanded by Col. John R. Coffey in the
war with Mexico; that I enlisted at Lebanon Ala on or about the12
day of May 1846, for the term of 12 months, and was
honorably discharged at New Orleans, LA on or about the 28th day of May AD 1847.
That being duly enlisted, as aforesaid, I actually served sixty days with the Army of Navy of the United States in Mexico, or on the coast or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that Nation, which service was as follows:
went from Mobile Ala to Brasos Island from then to mouth of Rio Grand River from then to Camp Bell Knap from thence to Camargo from thence to all points ordered.
That I am 64 years of age, having been born at Jackson Co. Ala.
on the 25th day of December 1822
That I was mustered into service into service
at Mobile Ala June 12th 1846
[Transcriber note: some sections stricken out as not applicable]
I was actually engaged in battle with the enemy in the war with Mexico, to wit:
in the battle of Vera Cruze on the 22 of March 1847.
[Transcriber note: section d, “that I am disabled by reason of...” is stricken out as not applicable]
That I am married; that the maiden name of my wife was Nancy Cooper
to whom I was married at Clover Dale in the State of
Ga on or about 1st day of Sept 1885; that my wife
is now living. That the name of my present wife is Nancy Blancitt.
That in support and proof of my right to pension I tender herewith, under the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, the following evidence: The testimony of A.B. Green and James J. Lewis who served in the same company and Regiment
with me in the war of 1846.
That since my discharge from the service I have resided as follows, to wit,
Near Sulphur Springs DeKalb County Alabama
That I am not laboring under any political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
A.D. Blansit
A.B. Green
James J Lewis his mark
State of Alabama
County of DeKalb
Before me, W. T. Fuller, a clerk of a court of record, on this 8th day of March AD 1887, personally appeared A.D. Blansitt known to me as the person described in, and who signed and executed the foregoing declaration for pension, and whom I certify to be a credible person and of good repute for truth and veracity in the community in which he lives, who, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read (if claimant cannot read, read to him and so state in acknowledgment,) the foregoing declaration and knows the contents thereof, and that all of the facts therein stated are true.
WT. Fuller
Clerk Circuit Court
[Hand-written document]
State of Alabama
De Kalb County
This day personally appeared before
me the undersigned a justice of the Peace & for
the county of DeKalb & state of Alabama Archibald D. Blansit
who after having been duly sworn according to law declares that he was
mustered into the service of the United States as an orderly Sargeant
in a company commanded by Captain Zachariah Thomason
company B 1st Regiment Alabama volunteers commanded by
Colonel John R Coffee on the 12th day of June AD 1846 to serve for
the time of twelve months in the war with Mexico. Affiant states that
whilst in the service of the United States and in the line of
his duty on his passage (up the Rio Grande River) to
Camargo Mexico about the 28th day August AD 1846 he was
attacked with a disease called bilious Fever & Diarrhea
which disease rendered him unfit for military duty up
to the end his term a great portion of the time, affiant states
that he continued in said service as an orderly Sargeant notwithstanding
said disability when he was able to perform his duty under the attention of
a Surgeon. Affiant states that he is laboring under a disease called
chronic inflammation of the liver and that he is unable to do military duty or to make
his living by manual labor and that he makes this declaration
in order to obtain a pension from the United States in consequence
of having incurred said disability or inability. Interlined befor sworn to [ie there were some handwritten changes to the text-JW].
Archibald D Blansit
Sworn to & subscribed befor me this the 14th June 1851
Elijah Bauldin J.P.
State of Alabama, DeKalb County
I Ruebin Estes Judge of the Probate Court in &
for the County and state aforesaid do herby certify that
Elijah Bauldin whose signature appears to the foregoing affidavit
is and was at the time of signing the same a Justice of the Peace
in & for said county and State aforsaid
duly commissioned & qualified that all his
official acts as such are entitled to full faith
and credit and the signature is genuine.
[made?] under my hand and seal of office at office
14th June 1851
R Estes
Judge of Probate
[same page]
State of Alabama
This day personally came before me the undersigned
one of the acting Justices of the Peace in & for the county of
DeKalb & State of Alabama George W Malone who after being duly
sworn according to law deposeth and saith that he was late a 2nd Lieutenant
in the service of the United States in the late war with Mexico in a company
commanded by Capt Zachariah Thomson, Com. B 1st Regiment
Alabama volunteers commanded by Col John R Coffee. Affiant states
that Archibald D. Blansit an orderly Sargeant in said company who
was mustered into the Service of the United States on the 12th day of June AD 1846
to serve for the term of twelve months in said war that whilst the said Archibald
D Blansit was in the service of the United States and in the time of his duty as
a faithful Soldier was attacked with a disease called Bilious fever
and Diarrhea on his way to Camargo Mexico about the 28th
day of August 1846. Affiant further states that the said disease rendered
the said Archibald D. Blansit unfit for the remainder of the term of his term
of service unfit of military duty. He further states that the said Blansit
was not discharged upon a surgeons certificate but continued in the service of
the United States until the expiration of his time of service when he was mustered out of
said service at New Orleans Louisiana on the 27th day of May 1847
at which last mentioned place the said Blansit was paid for his said service by
______P.M. U.S. A. Affiant further states that no remarks were
made upon the parol [payroll?] of said company of the sickness of said Blansit nor did affiant
know that it was necessary so to do, to enable the said Blansit to receive a pension
from the United States. Sworn to & subscribed before me this 14th June 1851.
Geo. W Malone 2nd Lieut
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal of office June 14 1851
R Estes Judge of Probate
[same document, continued]
DeKalb County
It is hereby certified that Archibald D. Blansit
who was an orderly Sargeant in the company
commanded by Capt Zacharia Thomason Com. B 1st Regiment
Alabama Volunteers commanded by Col. John R Coffee is rendered
incapable of performing the duties of a soldier by reason of injuries
inflicted while in the service of the United States and while in the line of his
duty by the most satisfactory evidence and accurate examination it appears that the
said Archibald D. Blansit while in the service of the United states
on his passage up the Rio Grande river on his way to Camargo about
the 28th day of August AD 1846, was attached with disease called bilious
fever and diorrhea and he is at present afflicted with chronic
inflammation of the liver originating from the aforesaid attack of bilious
fever and diorrhea and continued [illegible word] while in the service of
the United States as aforesaid which disease so afflicts and
reduces the said Archibald D. Blansit as to render him unfit as aforesaid
for military duty and totally disables him from earning his living
by manual labor
Anthony B Green Surg
Sworn to & subscribed before me
this 14th day June 1851. In testimony whereof I
have hereunto set my hand & seal of office
JnoCarden N D [this signature was beside the “sworn to” passage]
R Estes Judge of Probate
I Anthony B Green a practicing physician do certify that I was an
assistant surgeon in the above mentioned Regiment & that the above named Archibald
D. Blansit was afflicted then, with the above named disease (Bilious fever & Diorrhea)
& that he is still afflicted to my knowledge, having taken medicine from me.
Anthony B. Green Surg
Sworn to & subscribed before me
This June 14 1851 In testimony whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and seal of office
Re Estes Judge of Probate
State of Georgia County of Dade
To any Judge Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel
You are hereby authorized to join A. D. Blansit and Nancy Cooper
in the holy State of Matrimony according to the Constitution and
Laws of this State and for so doing this shall be your License.
And you are hereby required to return this License to me, with your
Certificate hereon of the fact and date of the Marriage
Given under my hand this 2nd day of Sept 1885 [note: the template 190_
is stricken out, so this is obviously a re-issue]
J. A. Bennett (L.S.) Ordinary
I certify that A. D. Blansit and Nancy Cooper
were joined in Matrimony by me this 3rd day of September 1885
Recorded Book B Marriage Rec Sept 3 1885
J Bennett ordinary
[on reverse of marriage license]:
of A D Blansit and Nancy Cooper
Issued Sep 2 1885
and Recorded on Page 486 Book
B of Marriage Licenses – J A Bennett Ordinary
In claim of Nancy Blansit
Widow of Archibald D Blansit 1st Sergeant
Co B 1st Ala Vol Mexican War
late a pensioner
under Certif No 347
Filed by J N Winston
Valley Head
[- Mar 24 and 25 and 28 1905]
Date of death Jan 23rd 1905
Name in full Arch. D. Blansit
Date of birth not given
Age 82 years 1 month
Sex Male Color White Occupation Farmer
Name of Father __
Name of Mother ___
Cause of death Apoplexy
Place of death, beat or ward Beat no 14
Place of burial Sulphur Springs Cemetery
D.S. Middleton, MD PO Rising Fawn, Ga.
E. P. Nicholson, M.D.
County Health Officer
DeKalb Co. Ala.
[Printed form with hand-written entries:]
Mexican War Pension (Act of January 29, 1887)
Declaration of Widow
Nancy Blansit, Applicant
Archibald D Blansit
1st sergeant Co B 1st Regiment Alabama Vols
Enlisted as heretofore stated by him
Discharged at time and place heretofore stated by him
Filed by J W Winston
Valley Head Ala.
State of Alabama County of DeKalb, SS:
On this 20th day of February, A D one thousand nine hundred and five, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, within and for the county and state aforesaid, Nancy Blansit aged 72 years, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Archibald D Blansit, deceased, who was the identical person who served under the name Archibald D Blansit as a 1st Sergeant in the company commanded by the Capt heretofore stated by him in the First regiment Alabama Volunteers commanded by the General heretofore stated by him, in the Mexican war; that he enlisted at the place heretofore stated by him on or about the date stated by him and was discharged at the place heretofore stated by him in his application for Pension which was granted under certif 347 herewith attached; that he was engaged in battles heretofore stated by him if so engaged in a battle or battles that he was not otherwise employed in the military or naval service of the United States; that he also served in the war of the rebellion in Co. stated by him.
That at the time of entering the service claimed for, her said husband was about 25 years of age or as stated heretofore, 5 feet 8 inches in height, with blue eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, by occupation a farmer, and that he was born to the best of her recollection in the county of Jackson, State of Alabama. That after leaving the service he resided principally in this County (DeKalb) and State (Alabama). That she was married to him on the 3rd of September A.D. 1885, at or near Clover Dale Ga. by Esq W.J. Taylor, a Justice of the Peace under the name of Nancy Cooper; that he had not been previously married; that she had not been previously married. That her said husband died at Sulphur Springs Ala., on the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1905; that she has not since remarried.
That she is 72 years of age, and was born on the 29th day of June A. D. 1832, at Monticello, Wayne Co., Ky. That she has been dependent for support wholly since January 23, 1905 upon her Son A D Blansit Jr not legally bound for her support; that she owns real estate as follows: Forty acres of land of small value near Sulphur Springs Ala and personal property as follows: one horse, some clothing & some cheap house furniture and that her income from all sources except her own labor is nothing.
That she has not heretofore made application for pension; that she is not a pensioner of the United States; that she has not made application for bounty land; that her husband did make application for pension, the number of his claim being unknown to her; that her husband was a pensioner of the United States under certificate No. 347; that he did (or did not) make application for bounty land, the number of his warrant being unknown to her.
That she makes this application for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the provisions of the act approved January 29, 1887, and hereby appoints J W Winston of Valley Head Ala her true and lawful attorney.
That her post-office address is Sulphur Springs, county of DeKalb, State of Alabama.
Nancy Blansit X her mark
David Long
A.D. Blansit Jr
Also personally appeared David Long, residing at Sulphur Springs, Ala and A.D. Blansit, Jr. residing at Sulphur Springs, Ala, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present, and saw Nancy Blansit, claimant, make her mark to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said clamant and their acquaintance with her of 35 years and 40 years respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
David Long
Archibald D Blansit Jr.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of February, A.D. 1905 and I do hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing declaration and affidavit were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words “day of” “18” “Co” “Regt” “vols” “the following named” “years” etc erased, and the words “his application” “Dekalb” added; and that I have no interest, direct of indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
Pleasant D Phillips, a J P
Certificate on file herewith attached
[hand-written document:]
State of Alabama
DeKalb County
I J. A. Croley[?] Judge of
Probate in and for said County
and State Do hereby certify that
Pleasant D. Phillips a Justice of the
Peace of Beat No. 13 of said County &
State who signature is genuine to
the attached affidavit. The said
Pleasant D. Phillips was duly
elected as such Justice of the Peace on the
8th day of Nov 1904 and commissioned on
Nov 21 1904 and his term of office
will expire on Nov 21 1908.
Given under my hand & seal this March 6th 1905
J.A. Croley Judge of Probate
State of Georgia County of Dade
In the matter of Pension claim of Nancy Blansit
widow of Archibald D Blansit late a pensioner under certif 347
Mexican War
On this 14th day of March AD 1905 personally appeared before me [illegible] in and for aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths The Claimant
aged 72 years, a resident of Sulphur Springs, in the County
of DeKalb and state of Alabama
whose Post-office Address is Sulphur Springs Ala
well known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in realtion to aforesaid case as follows:
My husband the aforesaid soldier Archibald
D Blansit made no written will. During his last
and fatal sickness he told me and some of our children
how he wanted his property divided in the event of
his death, and our purpose is to carry out his
wishes. His property was assessed for taxation in
1904 as follows 137 acres of Land valued at one
thousand (1000) dollars and personal property valued
at seven hundred and forty-five (745) dollars.
This included my 40 acres and also my personal
property mentioned in my application. Our property was