JohnsonWales University’s employee benefits package includesinsurance,paid time off, 401(k) and more. *
We understand thatthechoices you make when selecting your benefitsareimportantto you, so we devote many
of our resourcestoward developinga competitive, comprehensive package.
Offered undera university group plantoemployees and theireligiblefamily members, JWU employees can choose between 3 health insurance plan options. JWU’s healthinsuranceplansfullyor partiallycover office visits, medical/surgicalcare, hospitalization and prescriptiondrugs. Employees and JWU togethersharethecost of the health insurance plan.
Offered undertheuniversity group dentalinsuranceplan toemployees andtheir eligible family members,JWU
employees can choosebetween 2dentalinsurance options; a basic or an enhanced plan.Employees andJWU togethersharethe costofthe dentalinsurance plan.
Health CareFlexibleSpending Account(HCFSA)
An HCFSA provides a tax-savings option for you or your eligible family members’ qualified medical expenses during the calendar year.
Dependent CareFlexibleSpending Account(DCFSA)
A DCFSAprovides atax-savings optionfor those who incur dependentcare expenses.Employees can use a
pre-tax payrolldeductiontosetasidefundsto payfor dependentcare expenses.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
An HSA is your personal account in which to save fundson a pre-tax basisfor qualified medical expenses.
401(k) RetirementPlan
Thisdefined contributionretirementplanallows eligible employees to save for retirementona pre-tax and/orRoth after tax basis.JWU willcontribute upto 10% of an employee’s pay: 6% fixed employercontributionplus a 4% matchingcontribution.
JWU’s group term life insurance plan isfullyfunded bytheuniversity.The amount of insuranceiscalculated based on the employee’s payand is the equal totwotimes an employee’s annual earned compensation ortwo times base compensation, whichever is greater,subjecttoa $40,000 minimumand a $500,000 maximum.
Long-TermDisability Insurance
Employees are provided with group Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD), which isfullyfunded bythe university. Theinsurance plan providesemployees with loss ofincome protections iftheybecome disabled. The amountpaidis based ontheemployee’s monthlyearnings priortothedisability and provides upto 60%incomereplacement witha maximumbenefit of $6,000 monthly.
Short-Term Disability Insurance
Employees workingin states wherethereisnota state-run disabilityprogramhavethe option to enrollin an
employee-paid, individual short-termdisabilityprogram. JWU’splan provideslossofincome protectionif an employee becomes disabled. The benefit varies basedon theemployee’sindividualchoice inthe plan.
Educational AssistancePrograms
JWUprovides arange of programs to encourage employees to enhance their existingskills and/or education. As
an added benefit,several programs mayprovide educationalbenefits totheemployee’s spouseand eligible children.JWU’s educational assistanceprograms include
- 100%tuition waiverfor enrollmentinJWUundergraduatenon-onlineacademic programs (availableto employees and eligible family members).
- 75%tuition waiverfor enrollment in JWU undergraduate online academic programs (availableto employees).
- 90%tuition waiverfor enrollment in JWU graduate non-online academic programs (availableto employees)
- 75%tuition waiverfor enrollment in JWU graduate online academic programs (available toemployees)
- Tuition Exchange Scholarship program, which providestuition scholarship atparticipatingcolleges and universities(availableto dependentchildren).
- Doctoral Degree FinancialSupport, which provides partialtuitionreimbursement(available tofaculty).
Employee Assistance Program
This programprovidestheopportunity to obtain areferraland accessprofessionaland confidential counseling services for helpin dealing withissuesthat maybe causingdifficultiesathome orat work. Italso provides
referrals for child care,elder care, and financialand legal services.
Paid Time Off
- Vacation
JWUemployees are granted vacation based ontheir full-time years of service:
0-2 years:2 weeks (proratedinthefirst year of employment) 3-9 years:3 weeks
10+ years:4 weeks
JWUdesignates and observes a certainnumberofdaysas paid holidays each year, includingholiday
shutdown overthe Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
Sick/Personal Time
This covers absencesfrom workfor reasonsincludingsickness, injuryorotherunavoidable personal
situations. Thenumberofdays isdetermined based on employmentstatus.
Summer Work Schedule
Theadjusted summerscheduleincludes earlyrelease on Fridayafternoonsduringthe summer months.Equivalentpaidtime offis given to employees whosedepartment is unableto participate inthe Friday earlyreleaseprogram.
JWUprovidesfree parkingfor employees.
Fitness Center Access
JWUemployees have access to alluniversityfitness centers.
Library Access
JWUemployees have access tothe university library.
* Participation in any benefit programis subject to meeting eligibility criteria. The universityreserves theright to modify, amend, or terminate its benefit programs as they applyto all current and former employees.