Clay Ogilvie 10 September 20071

Master Index of Harold Weisberg Books © 2001


M-1 CO 93

Mabey, Edward J., FBI agent, Dallas, TX C 39

Macassar N 82, 83

Mac's Discount House O 614

Macbeth PM 455

Macbird C 26

MacCannon, Jim PW 207

MacHann, Father Walter

See McChann

Mack, Gary N 29

MacNeil, Robert W2 152

MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, The N 323, 324, 345, 403

MacRae, Robert R. N xxv

Madagascar C 133

Madden, James, Chicago Police C 158

Madden, Marcelle, New Orleans Police Department,

New Orleans, LA O 435, 617

Maddox [Destroyer] N 450

Maddox, Lester, Governor, GA C 427, 432

F 280, 289

Madison, James N., President N 421, 452

W4 170

Madonia, V., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy PM 276, 558

Mafia C 68-70, 73-4, 188-9, 224, 274, 390

F 236, 455-6

O 321, 386, 578

See Organized crime

Mafia Kingfish [Davis] N 20

Magic bullet CO 61, 89

Magic-bullet theory

See Single bullet theory

Magic Mushroom, The C 70

Magyar, David Pearce O 585-6

Mail interceptions N 357

Mailers Service Company O 633

Main Post Office, New Orleans O 103

Main Street CO 12, 149, 158

N 328, 329, 370, 375, 381

Maison Blanche Building, New Orleans, LA C 91

O 113, 405, 415, 427, 436, 438

Majority Citizen's League of South Carolina C 127

Malcolm X C 65, 75, 89, 196, 203, 397

F 447-8

Maleki, Sissi CO 163

Malkin, Lawrence, AP C 236

F 18

Malley, J. R., FBI Inspector C 72

N 372, 373

PM 119, 315, 473-4, 501

PW 143, 280

W2 174-5

Manchester, William, Author C 209, 271, 438

CO 57

F 66, 297

N ix, 16, 17, 113-115, 117, 122, 146, 198, 251, 324, 340, 366

O 248

PM 27, 29, 239-42, 244, 264

PW 21, 124

W2 238-40

Scandal C 16

Mancuso O 343

Manek, see Raoul C 438

F 463

Mangold, Tom CO 49, 54, 105

Manhattan's Hospital for Special Surgery N 265, 266

Manhole cover N 392

Mankiewicz, Frank, Reporter C 11, 13-4, 35, 43, 81, 120, 125, 132, 160-2, 209, 390, 392, 515

F 235, 461

PM 290, 292, 296, 302, 330, 360

Mannlicher-Carcano carbine, 6.5-mm CO 62, 93, 154. 156

N 3, 72, 185, 250, 299, 300, 302, 304

Manuel O 379

Manson, Charles CO 17

Mao Tse-tung C 194

PM 322

Maps C 358-61, 367, 370-1, 423, 426-7

Marachini, Dante O 375

Maranatha Baptist Church O 695

Marathon, FL C 84

Marc Antony C 418

W2 232

PM 301

Marcantonio. Vito N 446

Marcello, Carlos C 69-70, 189

O 140, 183, 185, 321-2, 577-8

Marcello, Joseph C 189

Marcello, Vincent Joseph C 189

Marcus, Raymond [Ray] PM 19, 305

PW 34, 106

Marine Corps, U.S. CO 47, 93

PM 6, 15, 391, 394

PW 110, 260

W1 10, 25-6, 30, 123-4, 125, 132, 140-1, 147, 153

W2 1, 18, 107

W4 116, 155

Assistance to Oswald in obtaining passport W1 124, 132

Courts martial of Oswald W1 123

Discharge Oswald’s W1 10, 123-5, 132, 141, 151

Oswald's service in W4 101, 116, 155

Mariner Hotel O 545

Maritime building, O 703

Markham, Helen, Eyewitness, Tippit W1 56-9, 76, 80, 113, 114-7

W2 27, 90, 129

Markham-Lane, tape recording W1 113-7

Marks, Sid C 84, 86

Marlow, James O 167

Marmor, Arthur, Staff PM x

Marmor [sic] PW 269

Marquez Sterling, Carlos O 642, 650-1

Marquis de Sade O 222

Marrs, Jim CO 61, 84

Marsden, Dave N 428

Marshall, Burke PM 137-8, 140-1, 180, 283-4, 287, 325-6, 330, 338, 374, 384-6, 388, 392-3,

397-400, 402, 562-3, 565, 574, 626

W4 9-10

Statement PM 574

Marshall, John A., Secret Service, Miami, FL O 471, 511

Martel, S. P., Auditorium O 695

Martello, Francis L., Lieutenant, New Orleans Police

Department, New Orleans, LA O 36, 202-4, 482-4, 488, 490, 500, 537, 549-50, 573, 597-602, 634

W2 60-3

Paper from Oswald W2 60-3

Martens, Layton O 244, 357, 373, 375-7

Charged with perjury C 2. 58

Martin, B. J. N 398

Martin, Ben O 418-9, 579

Martin, Bobbie O 419, 580

Martin, [FNU], Uruguay O 506

Martin, Jack O 416-8, 579, 581-2

Martin, Jack S. O 176-83, 191, 196, 240, 328-9, 339, 342-3, 349, 351-3, 373, 379-80,

479, 574-5, 578, 596

Martin, Jack S., Mrs. O 351-3

Martin, Jack W. O 418-9, 579-80

Martin, James PM 111, 606, 628

W2 21

Martin, John [Juan], Pictures PW 106, 254-5

W2 66-7

Martin, John O 515, 521

Martin, Juan O 471-3, 511-3, 515

Martin Luther King: The Assassination [Weisberg] N viii

Martin, Marie C 357, 425

F 190, 278

Martin, Shirley O 189, 292

Martin, Thelma O 418-9, 579-80

Martin, William [Bill], New Orleans District Attorney O 395-6

Martons, Patrick L. O 197

Marx, Karl C 253

O 606, 633

W2 46-7, 50

Maryland C 30, 80

Post Mortem Examiners, Department of PM 596

Maryland, University of PM 155, 160, 580


See Masferrer

Masferre, Rolando O 654

Masferrer, FNU O 534

Masferrer, Kiki O 562, 565, 568, 571

Masferrer, Rolando C 103-4

O 362-3, 562, 571, 650

Masland, John N 247

Mason, Clyde, Assistant Deputy Attorney General C 453

F 318

Mason, John Thomas W1 28

Mason, Perry C 256, 291, 499

F 94, 388

Masonic Temple C 477

F 355

Masonic Temple Building O 618

Massarini, Thelma, Medical Records Librarian O 414

MATS swindal PM 240

Maximilian, Eugenio O 363

May, Hoke O 399

Mayes, Merle O 695

Mayo Hospital C 28

Maynor, Kenneth O 546

McAllister, Bill N 439

McArthur, Charles C 134

PM 35

McBride, James, see Ray, James Earl

McBride, Pierce W1 186

W2 110

McCabe John A., Detective, Irving Police Department W1 81

McCarthy, Abigail C 157

McCarthy Era C 287

McCarthy, Eugene J. C 3, 19, 22, 24, 34, 156-7

McCarthy, Helen O 477

McCarthy, John M. O 436-7

McCarthy, Lark N 45

McCarthy, Rogan CO 75

McCarthy, Roger CO 58-59, 62-63, 75-77

McCarthy, William J., FBI, LA C 288

F 89

O 451

McChann, Walter J., Father, Priest W2 66-7

O 284-6, 288-9, 291-2, 294, 471-2, 507, 551-2, 512-21

[NOTE: Correct spelling is Machann]

McClelland, Robert N.,Dr., Parkland Hospital C 147

O 10

PM 59-60, 178, 376-7

W1 168-9, 187

McClendon, Gordon N 395

McCloud, Lee C 129, 175-6

F 469-470

McCloy, John J., Commissioner C 165, 167, 169

CO 133

N 65, 179, 222, 239, 292, 201, 304

O 77

PM 55, 96-7, 145, 275-6, 300, 357, 467, 488-9, 503, 528, 551-3, 626

W1 42, 175, 182

W2 95, 170, 174, 178-9, 181-2, 211-3 , 220, 234

W4 27, 35-6, 52, 55-64, 66-9, 72-5, 77-81, 86-7, 91-3, 97, 104, 106, 113,

116, 118, 120-1, 124, 127-9, 131, 133-5, 139-40

McCone, John A., CIA Director O 83-4

PM x

W1 120

W4 28, 68-9, 129, 134, 158, 164

denial of Oswald's CIA involvement W4 158

McCormack, Harry PW 104

W2 134-5

McCoy, C. C. W1 89-90

McCraw, James N. C 331

F 151, 160

McCreight, Allen N xviii

McCune, Leo W. O 197

McDonald, M: N. W1 60-2

McDonald, William F. O 103, 460

McElroy, Fabian W2 241

McFerrin, John C 480

McGee, Irene O 418, 579

McGee, Jim N 435, 436

McGillivary PM 432

McGinley, Conde C 177

McGintis, Connor [phonetic] F 472

McGovern, George, Senator C 11

McGraw Hill Co. C 119

McGrory, Mary, Washington Star C 389

McGuinness, Thomas, Jr., FBI, New Orleans O 547

McGuire, Alvin, Mrs. O 544

McGuirk, Dal N 495

McHugh, Godfrey, Brigadier General, N 115, 121, 152, 287

PM 72, 240, 244, 534

McHugh, Joseph R., INS O 656

McInerney, James N 360-361

McKann, See McChann

McKeithen, John J. O 372

McKenzie, John, Washington Post C 393, 523

McKinney, Jack N xxxviii

McKnight, Gerald CO 169

N xxv-xxvi, 420

McLaney, Mike O 68-9

McLaney, William Julius O 68-9

McLaughlin, E. J. O 547

McLaughlin, E. J., Mrs. O 547

McLean, VA C 189

McMahon, Brien N 361

McMaines, Harold O 240

McMaines, Lilly Mae

See Moffett, Sandra

McMillan, George E, C 210-1

F 450

McMillon, Thomas Donald, Dallas Police W1 95

McNamara, Robert S. N 25

McRae, Earl, Toronto Star C 466

F 338

McVey, Aleta O 545

McWatters, Cecil, Bus driver W1 53, 105-6, 108-9

W2 89

Affidavit W1 106

Testimony W1 106

MDC, See Christian Democratic Movement

Meagher, Sylvia C 161

CO 31, 48, 50

N xliii, 322, 453

PM 74, 370, 393, 395, 397

Index CO 31, 32, 33, 93

Media CO xii, 8, 45

N xi, xii, xvii, xix, xxiii, xxvii, 1, 41-48, 49-58, 67-71, 78-80, 90, 187,

194-195, 253, 263, 283, 289, 322, 323, 338, 365, 405, 406, 410, 413-418, 430, 434, 442, 466-467, 489, 497, 498

Medical Center For Federal Prisoners, MO C 160

Medical Findings and reports W1 172-6

Testimony and charts W1 159, 163, 165

Medical records N 133

Medical Society, State of New York PM 396

Journal PM 396

Medical Tribune N 58

PM 215

W2 111

Medical World News PM 396-7, 400

Medina, Jorge O 613

Medina, Maria Del Carmen O 613

Mediterranean C 224

F 455-6

Meet the Press, NBC C 523

Mehdi, Mohammed C 22-3

N 78

Mein Kampf C 183

Meller, Anna [Mrs. George], Russian Community O 30-1

W2 45-8, 50

Meller, George [Teofil], Russian Community W2 45-7, 50, 225

O 30-1

Memorandum of transfer PM 166, 274, 281-9, 323, 330, 405, 407, 558-9, 584, 626

Memorial Day Massacre C 520

Memorial Park, Dallas O 552

Memphis, TN C 46-8, 53, 57-65, 80, 143, 210-1, 214, 216, 218, 222, 228-9, 233, 236,

238-9, 244, 251, 255, 261, 270-1, 273, 276, 279-80, 282-3, 289, 294-5, 302, 304, 309-10, 322, 324-5, 336, 338-9, 344, 349, 351-4, 359-61, 364, 367, 369, 372, 374, 381, 385, 388, 396-7, 404, 409, 423-4, 426-31, 437, 439, 441-3, 445, 447-51, 454, 470, 473, 475, 478-80, 484, 496, 499-500

F viii, 1, 8, 15, 20, 23, 31, 37, 41, 45, 48, 51, 54, 65-6, 69-70, 73, 78-82,

84, 90, 97, 110-1, 115, 118-20, 128, 138-9, 141-2, 151, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 169-70, 178, 180-2, 184-5, 190, 193, 195-6, 200, 205, 208, 211, 214, 216, 225, 229-30, 233-4, 239-41, 249-50, 252-3, 259, 269, 275-7, 280-4, 286, 288, 297, 299, 302-4, 306, 309, 311-4, 316, 318, 321, 325, 345-50, 352-6, 358-60, 362, 365, 383-4, 388-90, 394, 396, 403, 419, 428, 431, 437, 445, 449, 452-3, 456-61, 482, 486, 512

PM 263, 291

PW 295

W4 170

Airport C 440-1, 496

Ballistics technician C 377

City Council C 450

F 314

Coroner C 290, 316, 319-20

Cost of investigation C 387, 459

Criminal Court C 216, 219, 232, 257, 269-70, 272, 279, 282-4, 286, 293, 296, 298-302,

304, 306-7, 312, 315-7, 320, 328, 335, 337, 339, 345, 347, 363, 371, 377, 386, 416-7, 433, 436, 439-41, 448, 452, 470, 508-9

Clerk C 216, 305, 452

Court reporter C 216, 500

Judge C 54, 244, 255, 257, 259, 270, 272-3, 276-9, 285-6, 288-91, 293, 296-301,

303-5, 308, 310-6, 320, 328-9, 336, 339, 344, 346, 354, 357, 362, 375, 378, 381, 386, 435, 438, 442-4, 449, 452, 458, 460, 468, 491, 500-1

Jury C 298-9, 301, 315-6, 328, 343-4, 346, 350, 354, 357, 359, 362-3, 367. 375,

435, 468

Record C 315-8, 323, 350, 354-6, 367

District Attorney General Canale C 210, 298, 316, 334-40, 449, 470, 482

Letter from Office C 245

Staff C 376, 463

Firehouse C 317, 341-2, 435, 477

Firemen C 331, 477-8

Transfer of black C 477-9

Garbage Men's strike C 480

Hospital C 62-3, 290, 320, 379-80

Jail C 272, 278, 295

Motel C 60

Police C 2, 55, 60-5, 239, 274, 296, 300, 316-8, 322-5, 331, 334-5, 337-8,

341-2, 353, 367, 376, 379-80, 384, 387, 403-5, 423-4, 429, 435, 449, 458, 469, 471-80, 500

F 349, 353

Guarding King C 2, 55

Investigation C 387, 404-5, 459, 470-1, 499

Surveillance of King C 435

Transfer of Black C 478-9

Public Defender C 273, 275

Radio broadcast C 322, 324, 352, 469-71, 473-4

Rifle C 46

Rooming house C 317-21, 330-1, 337-8, 340-4, 351-3, 369, 419-25, 427-9, 435, 439, 462,

466, 481

Bathroom C 318-9, 321, 330, 334-5, 337-8, 342-3, 352, 369, 380, 435

Scuff Marks C 342-3, 369

Window C 246, 318-9, 321, 330, 342-4, 349, 369, 373, 380, 381-2, 435

Registration C 330

Trial C 244, 246, 251, 266-7, 274-5, 278, 335, 441-2, 459

Memphis-Arkansas Bridge C 473

F 349

Memphis Chamber of Commerce F 396

Memphis Commercial Appeal C 54, 273, 285, 330-1, 337, 339-40, 352, 367, 371, 396, 470, 474

Memphis Press-Scimitar C 54, 371, 396

Men Without Women O 210, 231

Menendez, Pepe O 680

Mengele [Posner] CO 2

Menlo Park, CA CO 58, 71

Mentesana, Ernest, Picture PW 99-100, 242-4, 254

Mephistopheles C 521

CO 40, 42

Mercenaries C 28-9, 84-6

Mercer, Julia Anna C 111

Meredith, James C 24, 134, 265

Merida, Mexico C 138, 141

Meridian, MS C 81, 96, 99, 108

Bombings in C 97, 101, 131

Police C 97-8, 106, 131

Merino, Adolfo G. O 664

Merkle Press, Inc. W2 v

Mester, Earl PW 254

Metairie, LA C 422

F 273

PM 234

Grammar School O 485

Metallic fragments N 161-162, 166-167, 171-172, 184, 204-206, 243, 248, 259-262, 274-276,