Monday, July 24, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Mon. 5:15PM Mary Lou Torgerson
Tues. 7:00AM Albert & Emma Ludwig
Weds. 5:15PM Martha Frowein
Thurs. 7:00AM Lloyd Frowein
Fri. 5:15PM Jim Gallagher
Sat. 5:15PM Jim Distefano
Sun. 8:00AM People of the Parish
10:30AM Martha Frowein
COLLECTIONSIncome needed Fiscal YTD
(7/1/17-7/16/17) / $25,398.00
Offertory received Fiscal YTD / $22,305.00
Offertory needed each week / $8,466.00
Offertory / $5,211.50
Roof Fund / $40.00
Building Fund / $128.00
Cemetery Fund / $13.00
(Includes Online Giving)
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
1st Reading: 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12
2nd Reading: Romans 8:28-30
Gospel: Matthew 13:44-52
Calendar of Upcoming EventsSunday / 2PM / Pray the Rosary
Friday / 3PM / Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Saturday / Before Mass / Pray the Rosary
Saturday / July 22, 2017 / “Raising Saints” Block Party
Sat/Sun / Aug 5 & 6, 2017 / Crafted Card Sales
Sunday / August 6, 2017
After 10:30 Mass / Reception-Margaret McGowan
Monday / Aug 14, 2017,
6:30 pm / Women’s Guild - Narthex
Saturday / August 19, 2017 / St. Paul Golf Scramble
Sat-Sun / August 19-20, 2017 / Gift Card Sales
Sept. 15-16, 2017 / St. Paul Rummage Sale
BULLETIN DEADLINE is Tuesday by 10:00AM
Email addresses:
Fr. Stimpson –
Fr. Sebastian –
Come and Adore!
Adoration continues in the chapel everyFridaywith Exposition at8:00 a.m.and Benediction at5:00 p.m. If you can makea weekly half-hour or hour-long commitment to spend time with Jesus, please email, text or call Donella Anderson
(r 309-255-7717).
If you can't make a weekly commitment at this time, stop inwhen you can...and leave transformed, because"you never come to Christ and go back the same way you came." (Fulton J. Sheen)
Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone?
He burns with the desire to come into your heart…
Go without fear to receive the Jesus of peace and love.
St. Therese of Lisieux
Weeders/Workers Welcome
EveryTuesdaymorning at9 amthis summer, parishioners will be gathering to tidy up the church grounds. Come be part of the clean-up effort anyTuesdaymorning this summer. Please bring your own tools. All men, women and older children are welcome. Thanks to a team of Women’s Guild members, the St. Francis garden and surrounding area looks lovely and invites us all to pray there.
Hy-Vee and Walmart gift cards will be available after mass on Aug 19 and 20. During the month of July the cards will also be available in the rectory office from 8 am until 3 pm Monday through Friday.
The Women’s Guild is happy to report that $240 dollars was raised from the selling of the hand-crafted greeting cards to benefit The Samaritan Well, the Macomb women’s shelter. Your support is appreciated. The next opportunity to buy cards will be at masses on Aug. 5th and 6th. The sales will continue on the first weekend of every month. Cards are priced at $3 each or 4 card for $10.
Golfing "Fore" St. Paul School is
Get your golf teams ready to enjoy a day of golf benefiting St. Paul School! Our 9th Annual Outing will be heldSaturday, August 19that the Harry Mussatto Golf Course. Brochures, registration forms and sponsorship forms are now available in the gathering space at church and on our St. Paul Home and School Facebook page. Get your friends or family out for a great day of golf to support our school!Hope to see you there!
Macomb Vicariate MassFriday, August 4, 2017
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
125 N. Fayette St., Carthage, IL
Sponsored by Peoria Diocese of Catholic Women
for the Return of Fallen Away Catholics
All Parishioners Welcome
5:00 pm Adoration and opportunity for
Rosary before Mass
5:30 pm Mass and devotions in honor of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart
of Mary
Fr. Tony Trosley Vicariate Vicar officiating
Refreshments following Mass
Planning Study Update – Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who completed a planning study survey – your input is appreciated! Over the next few weeks, the Steier Group will prepare recommendations for Bishop Jenky as to whether the Diocese should proceed with a capital campaign to address the opportunities and needs facing our diocesan community. Once the Bishop reviews the report and decides how to proceed, he will communicate the results to all parishioners.
Rectory office will be closed Thursday, July 27 at noon until Monday, July 31 8 am.
Our Good Wishes and Our Prayers to Parishioner Maggie McGowan
Maggie will be entering the formation period to be a Dominican Sister of St. Cecilia in Nashville, TN. Please stop by after the10:30Mass onSunday, August 6to honor Maggie and wish her well. There will be a basket in the narthex after all the Masses that weekend for all to drop off cards or monetary gifts to help her defray her entry expenses. We assure her of our prayers as she pursues this important service to Our Lord.
***Save the Date***
The Fall Rummage Sale will beFriday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16in the school gym. If you are having a yard sale this summer and keeping you leftovers for the fall rummage sale, please remove your price stickers before bringing to us. The price stickers are very difficult to remove from the wooden floor. We will accept rummage onMonday, September 11,Tuesday, September 12 and Wednesday, September 13from8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Upcoming Programs
Benet House Retreat Center
At St. Mary Monastery
1) Exploring the Human Condition: A Journey to Interior Freedom and Self-Transcendence: Fri. Aug. 18, 4:30 pm-Sun. Aug. 20, 1 pm;
2) The Centering Prayer Post Intensive Retreat: Sun. Aug. 20, 6:30 pm-Fri. Aug. 25, 4 pm;
3) Combine Retreats in #1 and #2: Fri. Aug. 18, 4:30 pm-Fri. Aug. 25, 4 pm;
For more information and pricing:
Phone: 309-283-2108 or **309-283-2300
Email: or **
St. Paul is IN NEED OF MASS INTENTIONS. The usual donation is $10 per intention. Drop the intention and your payment in the collection basket.