PLC Cycle
SWHS PLC Time-line 2014-2015
First Quarter:
- Form PLC teams in key classes that are key graduation requirements, especially classes taken by the majority of students. FormPLC rostersby Department.
Required: Return PLC rosters to Admin by the end of the day9/2/14. Discuss and write downPLC norms either by Department or individual PLC. PLC norms should cover agreed meeting times and expectations. PLC norms may be turned in as late as Tuesday 9/16/14 if they are formed by individual PLC’s.
Required: The time, date and place PLC meetings must be communicated to your supervising Admin so we can attend periodically.
Required: Active and ongoing participation in a PLC is an expectation at SWHS. Participation in the PLC also applies directly to satisfactory evaluation in state criteria 8 “exhibiting collaborative practices focused on improving instructional practices and student learning.
Recommended: You should consider keeping basic notes from at least some of the PLC meetings since they are excellent potential evidence for evaluation.
- PLC’s Identify 8-10 DRAFT “power standards” for each course/PLC group. (Revisit and revise from last year.) Each teacher should prepare a course syllabus in the district format and make this available for students and parents. The syllabus should include state, national and district standards as appropriate (CCSS “shifts” NGSS, etc.). Discuss equitable grading with members of your PLC. This may be an agreed and shared syllabus with members of your PLC. Individual teachers should also outline class expectations (grading, classroom management, homework, contacts, etc.) in a cover sheet that attaches to the syllabus.
Required: Returning teachers must make syllabi available to parents and students in the first 5 days of school either on the teacher’s website, on paper or via e-mail. All teachers should have this fully completed for all classes before curriculum night. Notify your supervising principal when your syllabus is available on-line.
Recommended: Each teacher can upload the syllabus to eVal in evidence for Domain 1, 2, and 4.
- PLC’s Decide on one or two most important “power standards” and “learning targets” for 1st quarter and set a SMART goal(s):
Students will ______by ______as measured by ______
(proficiency leveland (date) (common assessment)
demonstrated knowledge
or skill)
Provide goals to DH and your evaluating Admin:
1st Quarter: 10/8/14 3:30PM
2nd Quarter: 11/11/14 3:30PM
3rd Quarter: 2/10/14 3:30PM
4th Quarter: 4/15/14 3:30PM
Recommended: These goal statements created by your PLC are easily used as the basis for state required student growth goals required in evaluation for criterion 3.1,6.1 and 8.1. Ideally they are “nested” or related goals:
District Achievement Goals
-are related to-
School Improvement Plan Goals
-are related to-
Department Goals
-are related to-
PLC Team Goals
-are related to-
Individual Teacher Student Growth Goals
- PLC’s make a plan for teaching, formative assessment and at least one common assessment per quarter to assess the agreed standard(s) and learning target(s).
Recommended: Keeping minutes of PLC meeting(s) in which you discuss your plan, the questions below and outcomes are recommended artifacts for evaluation under state criterion 8.
- What is it we expect students to learn? What is the essential standard to be learned (content & skills)? Describe in student-friendly vocabulary.
- What assessments will be used to measure student mastery?
- When will this standard be taught in your unit?
- How will we know when students have learned it? What does proficient student work look like?
9. PLC’s give a common assessment to students and meet to discuss the data/ outcomes/ Interventions provided:
Recommended: Keeping minutes of PLC meeting(s) in which you discuss your plan, the questions below and outcomes are recommended artifacts for evaluation under state criterion 8.
A.How will we respond when students have not learned? (intervention)
B.How will we respond when students already know what we intend to teach? (enrichment and challenge)
Required: Keep data as a PLC and individually to show student growth on PLC goals.
Teachers on comprehensive evaluation are encouraged to use these data sets from their PLC cycles to provide supporting data for state criterion 3.2 (small group) and state criterion 6.2 (large group/class) demonstrating achievement of student growth goals.
Show these data for your PLC to your DH and your evaluating Admin:
1st Quarter: 11/11/14 3:30PM w/ second ¼ goal
2nd Quarter: 2/10/14 3:30PM w/ third ¼ goal
3rd Quarter: 4/15/14 3:30PM w/ fourth ¼ goal
4th Quarter: on tandem 3:30PM