Yao Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Lovinger 3132, Dept of Educational Foundations and Literacy
University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 543-4748
Aug.1997 – Aug. 2001: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ph. D. in Administration, Curriculum & Instruction,
Minor in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Education
Sep.1987-Dec.1988: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Diploma for completion of the graduate program in Applied Linguistics and Teaching Methodology
Sep.1983-Jul.1987: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B. A. in English
August 2008-Present: Associate Professor of Assessment, Dept of Educational Foundations and Literacy, University of Central Missouri (UCM)
August 2005-Present: Chair, TEAC Advisory Committee
August 2003-Present: Coordinator, Teacher Education Assessment Committee (TEAC) Survey
Sept 2003-Present: Member of American Educational Research Association (Division D)
August 2003-July 2008: Assistant Professor of Assessment, Dept of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Central Missouri (UCM)
Coordinator, Teacher Education Assessment Committee Survey
August 2006-July 2007: Chair, Assessment Committee, College of Education and Human
Services, UCM
February 2006-Jan 2007: Member of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Member of National Council on Measurement in Education
Sept 2003-August 2005: Member of American Evaluation Association
April 2004-March 2005: Member of Phi Delta Kappa International
Sept 2000-August 2003: Coordinator of Assessment and Program Evaluation,
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties, South Carolina
Member of South Carolina Educators for Practical Use of Research, in affiliation with American Educational Research Association
August 2000: Research Assistant, Buros Institute of Assessment Consultation and Outreach (BIACO), Department of Educational Psychology, UNL
August 1999-May 2000: Research Assistant, Nebraska Evaluation and Research
Center (the NEAR Center), Teachers College, UNL
August 1997-May 1999: Graduate Assistant, Department of Educational Administration, UNL
1996-1997: Director of the Graduate English Faculty, College English Center, Fudan University
Head of the Teaching Methodology Research Group
Assistant Editor-in-Chief of a national College English test bank
Executive member of the Fudan University Subcommittee for the National College English Test Bank Project
1990-1997: Assistant professor, College English Center, Fudan University
2006-2007: Excellence in Scholarship, College of Education and Human Services, University of Central Missouri
2000: John McDonald Fellowship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (declined after I left the university)
1999: Regents Tuition Fellowship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1997: Winner of the Xinye Award for the Promotion of Foreign Languages Teaching. Fudan University
1995: Member of a teaching group that was a second-prize winner for Excellent Teaching. Fudan University
Yao, Y. (2008, August). Comparing the impact of two different designs for online discussion. Paper
presented at the 7th International Conference on Web-based Learning, Jinhua, China.
Yao, Y. (2008, August). Assessment for learning in online classes. Paper presented at the 7th
International Conference on Web-based Learning, Jinhua, China.
Yao, Y. (2008, August). Using online discussion to maximize student learning. Paper presented at
the 7th International Conference on Web-based Learning, Jinhua, China.
Yao, Y., Aldrich, J., Foster, K., & Pecina, U. (2008, March). Preservice teachers’ perception
of an electronic portfolio as a tool for reflection and teacher certification. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Chang, I. J., Yao, Y., Buchanan, D. L., Powell-Brown, A., & Pecina, U. (2007, October).
Different drummers: Intercultural perspectives in multicultural education. Paper presented at the Phi Delta Kappa International Summit on Global Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Downing, J. A., Nickens, N., & Yao, Y. (2007, November). Traditional versus alternative
paths to certification: Does it make a difference? Paper presented at the 48th Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Yao, Y., & Hutchinson, S. (2007, November). How do aspiring and inservice school
administrators perceive their graduate programs? Paper presented at the 48th Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Aldrich, J., Bryant, K., Washer, B., Wright, M., & Yao, Y. (2007, November). Defining
excellence in teacher education. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference
of the Southern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, Saint Lewis, MO.
Yao, Y., & Williams, W. (2007, November). A Comparison of MAT teachers with other
teachers in terms of their teaching competencies. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the Southern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, Saint Lewis, MO
Yao, Y., Nickens, N., Downing, J. A., Thomas, M., Burkett, R. S., Lamson, S. (2007, April).
Validating an electronic portfolio for preservice teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Yao, Y., Foster, K., & Aldrich, J. (2006, April). Generalizability of a team-based scoring
approach. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA
Yao, Y. (2006, March). Technology use as a scoring criterion. Paper presented at the
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 17th International Conference, Orlando, FL
Chang, J., Buchanan, D. L., Pecina, U., Powell-Brown, A., Yao, Y. (2006, February).
What do the neighbors think? Looking at how the United States & Canada reflect one another in social studies/multicultural education curriculum for public school children. Canadian-United States Justice Issues: Cross-Border & Global Contexts Conference. Warrensburg, MO
Yao, Y., Nickens, N., Thomas, M., Wallace, B., Aldrich, J., Mihalevich, C., et al. (2005,
April). Using real life data to investigate the scoring of electronic portfolios. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada
Thomas, M., Yao, Y., & Lamson, S. (2005, February). Developing a scoring rubric for
the electronic portfolio, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL
Yao, Y., Thomas, M., Lamson, S., & Nickens, N. (2005, February). Exploring validity of
an electronic Portfolio. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL
Yao, Y., Thomas, M., Lamson, S., Wallace, B., & Aldrich, J. (2004, November). Validity
evidence for electronic portfolio assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA
Yao, Y., (2004, November). Evaluation topics for teacher candidates in a measurement
and evaluation course, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA
Wallace, B., Thomas, M., King, A., Aldrich, J., & Yao, Y. (2004). An electronic
portfolio system: Faculty and student perceptions. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2004, (pp. 276-281). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Yao, Y. (2004, March). Teaching for understanding: Issues and inspirations. Paper presented at
the 16th Annual Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – West, Pomona, CA.
Yao, Y. (2002, February). A Comparison of students taking ACT and SAT and students taking only
one test. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the South Carolina Educators for the
Practical Use of Research (SCEPUR).
Yao, Y. (1995, May). College English and ESP-- A contrastive study. Paper presented at the
International Conference on College English Teaching and Research. Nanjing, China.
Yao, Y. (1993, April 1993). College English teaching-Pains and joys. Paper presented at the
National Conference on College English Teaching. Nanjing, China.
Yao, Y. (1991, April). Syntactic manipulation. Paper presented at the Annual Academic
Conference. College English Center, Fudan University.
Yao, Y. (1990, April). Problems of "Chinese English" in students' compositions. Annual Academic
Conference. College English Center, Fudan University.
Yao, Y., Aldrich, J., Foster, K., & Pecina, U. (in press). Preservice teachers‘ perceptions of
electronic portfolio as a tool for reflection and teacher certification. Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies.
Yao, Y., Thomas, M., Nickens, N., Downing, J. A., Burkett, R. S., & Lamson, S. (2008). Validity
evidence of an electronic portfolio for preservice teachers. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices, 27(1), 10-24.
Chang, I. J., Buchanna, D. L., Powell-Brown, A., Pecina, U, & Yao, Y. (2006). Portrait
of Canada and the United States: How these two countries are reflected in children’s textbooks. Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies, 6, 111-118.
Yao, Y. (2006). Achievement tests. In Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and
Administration (Vol. 1, pp. 15-18). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. (2006). Measurement, theories of. In Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership
and Administration (Vol. 2, pp. 653-656). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. (2006). National Assessment of Educational Progress. In Encyclopedia of
Educational Leadership and Administration (Vol. 2, pp. 685-686). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. (2006). Spearman, Charles. In Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and
Administration (Vol. 2, pp. 943-944). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. (2006). Standardized testing. In Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and
Administration (Vol. 2, pp. 957-959). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. (2006). Validity and reliability. In Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and
Administration (Vol. 2, pp. 1047-1048). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yao, Y. & Grady, M. L (2005). How do faculty make formative use of student evaluation
feedback: A multiple case study. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 18(2), 107-126.
Yao, Y. (2004). Women’s Oral History: The Frontiers Reader. Journal of Women in Educational
Leadership, 2, 133-139.
Yao, Y., Weissinger, E., & Grady, M. (2003). Faculty use of student evaluation feedback.
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 8(21). Retrieved August 9, 2007, from http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=8&n=21
Yao, Y.(2001). How do Faculty Use Student Evaluation Feedback: A Multiple Case Study.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Yao, Y., Li, Y., et al. (1999) College English Achievement Tests (a national test bank project
sponsored by the Ministry of Education). Beijing, China: Higher Education Press.
Lu, X., Zha, G., Yao, Y., et al. (1998): English for Graduate Students (Volume 2). Shanghai,
China: Fudan University Press.
Zeng, D., Yao, Y., et al. (1997). Intensive Readings for Ph. D. Students. Shanghai, China: Fudan
University Press.
Lu, X., Zha, G., Yao, Y., et al. (1997) . English for Graduate Students (Volume 1). Shanghai,
China: Fudan University Press.
Zeng, D., Shun J., Wang H., Yao, Y., et al. (1996). Extensive Readings for Post-graduates (Vol.
2). Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.
Yang, Y., Zeng, D., Yao, Y., et al. (1996). Intensive Readings for Post-graduates (Vol. 2).
Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.
Lu, X., Zeng, D., Yao, Y., et al. (1996). Reading Comprehension. Shanghai, China: Fudan
University Press.
Yu, J., Luo, J., Yao, Y. et al. (1995). College English Achievement Tests: Band IV. Shanghai,
China: Fudan University Press.
Yang, Y., Zeng, D., Yao, Y., et al. (1995). Extensive Readings for Post-graduates (Vol. 1).
Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.
Lu, X., Zeng, D., Luo, J., Yao, Y., et al. (1995). Simulated Tests. Shanghai, China: Fudan
University Press.
Yang, Y., Zeng, D., Yao, Y., et al. (1994). Intensive Readings for Post-graduates (Vol. 1).
Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.