(Must be submitted before registration is complete.)
This Agreement reserves a place at Mary Queen of Heaven Preschool for the 2010-2011 school year at the tuition rate noted below. Please check the boxes that apply to your registration requirements.
Preschool KEP
o 2 Mornings:
o Active Participating Parishioner o $190/mo. for 10 months o $215/mo. for 10 months
o $1,900.00 Full-year tuition o $2,150.00 Full-year tuition
o Non-Parishioner o $240/mo. for 10 months o $265/mo. for 10 months
o $2,400.00 Full-year tuition o $2,650.00 Full-year tuition
o 3 Mornings:
o Active Participating Parishioner o $250/mo. for 10 months o $265/mo. for 10 months
o $2,500.00 Full-year tuition o $2,650.00 Full-year tuition
o Non-Parishioner o $300/mo. for 10 months o $315/mo. for 10 months
o $3,000.00 Full-year tuition o $3,150.00 Full-year tuition
o 4 Mornings:
o Active Participating Parishioner o $310/mo. for 10 months o $325/mo. for 10 months
o $3,100.00 Full-year tuition o $3,250.00 Full-year tuition
o Non-Parishioner o $360/mo. for 10 months o $375/mo. for 10 months
o $3,600.00 Full-year tuition o $3,750.00 Full-year tuition
o 5 Mornings:
o Active Participating Parishioner o $396/mo. for 10 months o $410/mo. for 10 months
o $3,960.00 Full-year tuition o $4,100.00 Full-year tuition
o Non-Parishioner o $446/mo. for 10 months o $460/mo. for 10 months
o $4,460.00 Full-year tuition o $4,600.00 Full-year tuition
**Multiple Student Discount – If more than one child per family is enrolled concurrently, there will be a 5.0% discount applied to the family’s total tuition.
Total Tuition: $ . Student’s Name: ______
Payment Options, select one:
o Full tuition, by check or cash, on or before July 31, 2010, or within 30 days of registration, whichever is later, receives a 5.0% discount.
o 50.0% of tuition on or before July 31, 2010, with the remainder due on or before January 31, 2011.
o Ten-month payment plan with first tuition payment due on or before July 1, 2010. Remaining payments due the first of every month through April 1, 2011.
We agree to pay the tuition specified herein for the above student according to the chosen payment schedule. We understand that the registration fee is non-refundable, and that our payment, as noted above, is required for our child to commence classes.
By: (Please print name) ______
(Mother/Guardian’s Name) (Father/Guardian’s Name)
Signature: ______
(Mother/Guardian’s Signature) (Father/Guardian’s Signature)
Today’s Date: ______
442 North West Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126-2128 TEL (630) 833-9500 FAX (630) 279-4667