Altar Serving at Saint Dorothy's
There are 3 Altar Servers assigned to each Saturday evening and Sunday Mass. One person is the “Cross/Book” Server. The other two persons are the “Candle” Servers. Before Mass, Altar Servers will decide themselves who will be responsible for the respective tasks.
Folded Hands
When hands are not in use they should be folded ABOVE your waist – except when the server is seated.
BE ALERT! DO NOT SLOUCH. DO NOT YAWN. DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR. DO NOT PLAY WITH THE CINCTURE! Stand straight with hands properly folded. Eyes should be focused on the mass activities to be aware of any needs by the Presider.
Walking should be done with your back straight and head held high. Pace should not be rushed but deliberate. Hands should be folded and the body not allowed to slouch. Hands should never drop below the waist.
Sit erect with the palms of your hands in your lap or flat against your legs. Both feet should be kept flat on the floor.
Except for making the proper responses, silence is kept at all times. Nothing is more distracting to the priest or congregation than to see Altar Servers whispering together! The only talking
should be your participation in the mass.
Your body should be upright with your hands folded ABOVE your waist.
The most important thing to remember is that people look to you to help create an atmosphere of reverence and prayer. Your behavior will either help or hinder the Celebration.
Be sure to dress neatly. Proper dress shoes. Arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass starts. Greet everyone in the sacristy, sign the attendance book, and vest in your alb in the sacristy.
- Candles are lit on Altar
- Processional candles are lit
- Water cruet (without stopper) is on the credence table
- Wine flagon and paten with hosts are on the gift table at the break.
- Tray is set up with chalice, cups, purificators and corporals on the credence table. These are usually prepared by the Deacon so any questions should be addressed to him.
- Lavabo dish & towel is on the credence table
- Sacramentary is located on one of the servers chairs.
- Ask Father if you may take the Books to the Presider's chair.
- Candles are lit on the Altar
- Water cruet (without stopper) is on the credence table
- The tray with the Presider's chalice is at the Credence table.
- Lavabo dish & towel are on the credence table
- Sacramentary is located on one of the servers chairs (by the organ)
- Ask Father or Deacon if anything else needs to be done
- Please wait with respect and reverence (i.e. no loud talking, laughter, etc.)
Please remember that if you are carrying a processional candle, hold the candle STRAIGHT AT ALL TIMES. If you tip the candle, the wax will drip. So PLEASE, hold them straight up at all times. Do your best to prevent the candle flame from going out.
“Candle” Servers
· Keep your hair away from the candle
· Do not angle forward, backward, side-to-side
· Top hand elbow should point toward your side of the aisle (i.e. if your on the RHS, your right hand will be on top & right elbow pointing out)
“Cross/Book” Server
· Watch height
· Do not angle forward, backward, side-to-side
· The Cross is heavy! The strongest server may want to carry it.
· Walk steady and with pace of music.
When it is time to begin Mass, the song leader will announce the entrance hymn. The entrance procession starts with a nod from the Presider. The “Cross/Book” Server, carrying the processional cross, slowly leads the procession up the center aisle. The two “Candle” Servers carry the processional candles about one (1) pew behind the cross. They are followed by the Lector, Deacon (when there is one) Presider and maybe others. When you reach the steps of the Altar, move to the carpet. One candle at each end of the carpet, with the Crucifix to the right side and one step behind the right side candle.
Everyone bows when the Presider reaches the front of church.
As the Presider and Deacon reverence the Altar, then proceed (TOGETHER) to the cross and candle stands located adjacent to the Baptismal Font. Return to the servers’ chairs AS A UNIT. Stand straight with hands folded above waist and look at the Presider. Remember that the Deacon sits in the chair to the Presider's right.
The Presider then begins "In the Name of the Father..." or other words. The Presider (or Deacon) leads us in the penitential rite, followed by the Gloria (during Advent and Lent no Gloria is sung the Presider goes right to the prayer). After the Gloria, the Presider will then be ready for the opening prayer. The “Book/Cross” Server should anticipate the end of the Gloria and be ready to stand with the Sacramentary in front of the to Presider.
Proper Holding of the Sacramentary for the Presider. He will say, "Let us pray". This, or some other signal indicates that the “Cross/Book” Server should present the Sacramentary to the Presider. PAY ATTENTION. Stand in front of the Presider and hold the Sacramentary at a proper level. When Father finishes the prayer, return to your chair carrying the Sacramentary. Always hold/carry the Sacramentary upright with reverence. All are then seated for the Liturgy of the Word. STAND, SIT, SING, etc. with the congregation (participate in the mass!! You are helping to lead the mass, so be attentive and reverent). Servers sit.
The Lector will proclaim the 1st reading from the Old Testament. The Lector will then sit in the sanctuary for the Responsorial Psalm. After the Responsorial Psalm has been sung (or recited), the Lector will then go to the ambo and proclaim the 2nd reading from the New Testament. After the 2nd reading, the Lector will then return to the pew.
When the Deacon goes to the Presider for blessing, the “Candle” Servers; retrieve the candles, walk side by side to the front of the Altar with the Deacon ,and then lead the Deacon to the Ambo walking side by side. “Candle” Servers stand on opposite sides of the ambo during the Gospel. The “Cross/Book” Server will be standing at his/her chair.
After the Gospel is proclaimed; return the candles to the stands and return to your seat. PLEASE walk together with reverence. Servers sit during the homily.
After the homily, Mass continues with the Profession of Faith (Creed), then the General Intercessions (Petitions). Following the Intercessions, the congregation is seated while the Ushers begin the collection. When the Presider sits, the Servers assist the Deacon in preparing the Altar.
The “Cross/Book” Server comes forward with the Sacramentary hands it to the Deacon at the top of the Altar steps. After the Deacon takes it, the Cross/Book Server goes to the credence table and removes the top from the water cruet. He faces the handle outward and remains standing away from the credence table.
When the Presider and Deacon stand and begin walking to the front of the Altar to receive the gifts, the two “Candle” Servers join them and stand at the front of the Altar on the right-hand side of the Deacon. The “Cross/Book” Server will go to the credence table and retrieve the lavabo dish and towel. He/She returns to the top step and waits for the other two servers, who received the gifts, to join him/her. All three servers walk to the top step. The Deacon will come to the corner of the altar.Move toward the Deacon. The Deacon will first take the Wine. (closest to the altar ). Then he will receive the water from the “Cross/Book” Server and add some to the wine.(Do not bow to the Deacon, only to the Priest). As this is being done, one of the “Candle” Servers will take the towel from the “Cross/Book” Server. The Deacon returns the water cruet to the “Cross/Book” Server holding the lavabo dish. When the Presider turns to wash his hands the server with the towel and the server with the lavabo dish go to the Presider. DON’T MAKE HIM WALK TO YOU. ALL Servers remain at the Altar until the Presider’s hands are washed.
· Server with lavabo dish & water should stand closest to the congregation.
· Pour water over the Presider’s fingers
· After the Presider’s hands are washed, return to the credence table TOGETHER.
· Then return to your chairs, sit straight, feet on the floor and hands in your lap.
During the Eucharistic Prayer, all 3 Altar Servers stand at their chairs. At the end of the prayer when the “Holy, Holy, Holy” is finished being sung, they are to kneel .The server who will ring the bell moves to the altar step and kneels adjacent the bells.Please kneel erect, eyes focused on the Altar and hands folded (participate in the mass!!).
When people stand at the Lord’s Prayer, you also rise and move to the top of the altar steps. Remain standing until after the sign of peace. At the sign of peace, exchange a handshake of peace with each other and with the Presider.
After receiving communion the Presider and Deacon leave to distribute communion to the congregation. The Altar Servers will return to their chairs sitting together. When the Presider and Deacon return to the sanctuary after communion servers should be alert as they may be asked to carry some of the vessels to the credence table.Servers will come forward, stand on the first step and wait for the items to be handed to you.
When the distribution of communion is over, the Presider will return to his chair and will be seated for a few moments of quiet prayer. When the Presider stands and says "Let Us Pray", the Cross/Book Server brings the Sacramentary to him. When the Presider finishes, he will close the book and the Server returns to his/her chair. All Servers are now standing for the final blessing.
The Deacons saying, “Go in Peace” signals that all 3 Servers go to retrieve the cross and candles and return to the main aisle TOGETHER as positioned at the entrance. When the Deacon and Presider turn away from the Altar, this signals that the Servers should turn and proceed down the aisle.. Cross/Book Server should look behind to make sure that the Presider is not too far behind.
Return cross and candles to their respective stands. Watch out for parishioners leaving. Be polite.
· Put out candles with brass extinguisher.
· Refill the water cruet. Do not fill it to the "brim".
· Empty and dry the lavabo dish and place it back on the credence table.
· Hang your alb and cincture in the proper place. If you see any on the floor, PLEASE be helpful by hanging those as well.
You are responsible for being present at the Mass you are scheduled to serve. If you cannot be present, it is your responsibility to find a substitute. If you inform us ahead of your scheduled time, in writing, signed by both servers, that you have a substitute and your substitute fails to
show, the substitute will be marked absent, not you.
After 1 unexcused absence he or she will not be eligible to participate in the Altar Serving Ministry. If a child would like to be reinstated into the program, a meeting would have to be
scheduled with the server, and Deacon or Training Coordinator.
PRESIDER - the priest who is celebrating the Mass
DEACON - ordained man with specific roles in Mass assisting the priest (at wedding ceremonies can be the presider)
LECTOR - lay person who proclaims the Scripture readings at Mass
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER - lay person who helps distribute the Eucharist at Mass
CANTOR - lay person who is the song leader at Mass
USHER - lay person who welcomes and collects monetary gifts of the people
SACRISTAN - lay person who takes care of cleaning linens, vessels etc.
ASSEMBLY - the people who gather for Mass
ACOLYTE - the altar server
SANCTUARY - general area where altar, ambo, and presider's chair is located
ALTAR - table where the Mass is celebrated
AMBO - lectern where the Scriptures are proclaimed
CREDENCE TABLE - table in sanctuary that holds the cups, patens and purificators
CHALICE - cup like vessel with a stem
PATEN - shallow plate like dish used for the Presider's large host
PURIFICATOR - small napkin like linen cloth used with the chalice
PALL - stiff square piece that goes on top of the chalice
CORPORAL - square linen cloth placed on the altar that is put under the gifts of bread and wine
CIBORIA - deep vessel that holds the small hosts for the assembly
CRUETS - vessels for the water and wine
SACRAMENTARY - large red book with many ribbons that contain the Mass prayers
LECTIONARY - book containing the Scripture readings for the Mass
BOOK of the GOSPEL - ceremonial book containing the Gospel readings for the Mass