Next Weekend we as a parish will honor the parishioners who are celebrating special marriage anniversaries. This celebration will take place at the 10 am mass. The following couple’s marriage will be honored and celebrated next Sunday:
John & Jen GagnonJuly 24, 2004 5 years
Cammie & Bruce SummerbyOctober 8, 199415 years
Stacy & Kim GravelineMay 18, 198425 years
Rev. W. J. KenneyMay 19, 197930 years
Patrick & Helen O’GradyMay 19, 197930 years
Chris & Suzanne TheumenAugust 4, 197930 years
Michael & Susan MorrowNovember 30, 1974 35 years
David & Ann BarrettSeptember 7, 197435 years
Doug & Betty Anne HensenJuly 12, 196940 years
Darlene & Ambrose BurnetteOctober 18, 196940 years
David & Joanne PeplinskieJuly 4, 196940 years
Victor & Arlene LacroixMarch 15, 196940 years
Bob & Sheila deJonghMay 30, 195950 years
Bob & Nonie BarrOctober 31, 195950 years
Herb & Maureen ShawAugust 22, 195950 years
Michael & Patricia MorrisJune 14, 194960 years
Jim & Rhoda O’KaneAugust 14, 194960 years
David & Jean CaugheyJune 12, 194861 years
Rene(Larry) & Evelyn LarochelleAugust 10, 194663 years
Congratulations to the children who celebrated their First Communion last weekend.
May you always desire to receive “Jesus the Bread of Life”.
Emily AdlamRenee FleurantBrooke Siegel
Eric AndreCole GervaisAlayna Silverthorn
Jared AndrewsIsaac HabrakenOwen Sinclair
Nicholas BaroneKate HurleyJaiden Smith
John BlagdenKassandra JurgensSkylar Solly
Liam CampbellKyle KutschkeRiley Stacey-Sullivan
Madison ChartrandCole Lacroix-LyonBrayden Stewart
David CorriveauCarter LauzonNoah Summers
Grace CotnamKaylea LemieuxMatthew Unrau
Abby DelaneyAshley LipkeDylan Visutski
Michael DonnellyTristan MulvihillNatalie White
Benjamin EdwardsConnor PeplinskieClare Wong
Daniel EverettRain Perry –BeaupreHanah Young
Nadya FelhaberMeara RyanEric Zadow
Thank you to the teachers at Our Lady of Lourdes School, especially the catechists who prepared the children for the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Thanks also to our parish staff and the members of the Catholic Women’s League and all who worked to prepare the church and hall celebrations.
Our Lady of Lourdes,
Mary our Mother, we commend to you
those who seek to follow your Son
as priests, brothers and sisters
Assist them to utter their “yes”
to the divine call as you said “yes”
to the invitation of the angel.
Draw them near to your heart
so they may understand with you
the joy and beauty that awaits
when Jesus calls them into His intimacy.
Make them witness of His love.
Enable them to inspire the Church
with their consecration.
May your all-powerful intercession
touch the hearts of many
that they may respond to the Lord’s call.
Repeat to them in the depths of their hearts
what you said to the waiters at Cana.
“Do whatever Jesus asks.”
This group will be holding a fundraising brunch in Pembroke at Lourdes Parish Hall on Sunday, May 24, 2009 from 11:00 AM until 1:00PM. Proceeds from this brunch will go to the support of our clinic in Yamasa and the surrounding bateys. Cost is $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children and $20.00 for families
The Knights of Columbus will be at the entrances of our parish on the week-end of May 23-24 selling roses in support of the unborn child.
The Columbus House ”Young Parent Support Program” fundraiser will supply baby bottles for interested families or individuals to take home on Mother’s Day, May 10th , to be returned on Father’s Day, June 21st . With each bottle a card will be included that briefly explains what the Young Parents Support Program is and how the funds will be used. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for amounts over $20.00. Having the fundraiser between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day emphasizes the importance of family, and the love of God through the generosity of the faith community.
Each year new members are added to our PPC as members retire after their generous contribution to our parish.
This year we are replacing 2 members on our council. If you are interested in serving on the PPC please contact our chairperson Muggsie Boland at 613-732-8603.
Get ready for VacationBibleSchool! At VBS, kids are given the initiative to practice the Christian virtue and are guided each day to find fun new ways to share the love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. VacationBibleSchool runs from July 6 – July 10. Watch for registrations coming soon!
I know a fellow who was a missionary. He spent years in Africa. In the middle of a career change, as he headed into the classroom, he taught me something. The Church is, by its very nature, missionary.“Read Ad Gentes!” he said. That Second VaticanCouncil text, the Decree on the Mission Activity ofthe Church, asserts that the faithful must work togetherto build up the Body of Christ as quickly aspossible (36). This is strong—even urgent—stuff.How is it supposed to look? Should we go out twoby two, door to door? Do we witness silently? Howwill people know what our message is? Ad Gentes15 adds that the first and best step we can take isto live a deeply spiritual Christian life.
Missionaries could have a lot of different looks,
a lot of different day jobs. Some might be experts
in theology. Some might build businesses. Some
might start conversations. Some might inspire
quietly. Some will look like Christ serving others,
looking for him, trying to serve him.Another Vatican II document, Dogmatic Constitutionon the Church (Lumen Gentium), saysChrist gives the people of God the faith and graceto share the message of the Gospel through theireveryday activities (35).
John Henry Newman (1801–1890) wrote about
sensus fi dei—a sense of faith—calling it an “instinct.”Newman says it is linked to apostolic teaching,is the work of the Holy Spirit, is an answer toprayer, and is a jealousy of error. This is strong
stuff fueling us for strong work.We are all responsible for the Gospel.
Dan Finucane