Hoy es miercoles, el primer de abril

-Due today:No había tarea para hoy 

-Tarea para martes: -

-Final Draft of ‘Mi ÁrbolFamiliar;’ Identify 20 members of your nuclear and extended family(madre, padre, hermano, Hermana, abuelo, abuela, tío, tía, primo, prima, sobrino, sobrina, bisabuelo, bisabuelo, etc.) For each person, write two sentences:

1) Three adjectives describing what they are, or were, like

2) One description of a memory of what you and that person like, or used to like, to do when you’re together

* Alternative assignment: If it is too difficult for you to identify 20 members of your family, identify 20 of your friends, and write your two sentences for each friend. Locate your closet friends closer to you on your tree.

Daily Objective:


(2)Match Game Board Design & Play

(3)Vocabulary Flyswatter

(4)Peer Review: Rough Draft of ‘Mi Árbol Familiar

(5)In-class time to work on homework:

- Final Draft of ‘Mi Arbol Familiar;’ Identify 20 members of your nuclear and extended family (madre, padre, hermano, Hermana, abuelo, abuela, tio, tia, primo, prima, sobrino, sobrina, bisabuelo, bisabuelo, etc.) For each person, write two sentences:

1) Three adjectives describing what they are, or were, like

2) One description of a memory of what you and that person like, or used to like, to do when you’re together

* Alternative assignment: If it is too difficult for you to identify 20 members of your family, identify 20 of your friends, and write your two sentences for each friend. Locate your closet friends closer to you on your tree.

Key concepts/vocabulary: Los dias festivos pgs. 194-195 & 198-199

(1) Warm-up – Short Answer:Warm-ups should be written on same sheet of paper throughout the week, will be collected at the end of the week:For today’s warm-up, # your paper 1-8. Take a look at the holiday vocabulary on pgs. 194-195, and especially pgs. 198-199 and choose eight different holidays that you would like to describe. For each of the eight holidays that you’ve chosen, in Spanish, write the first three things that come to mind when you think of that holiday. NOTE: The third thing that you write should be the date of the holiday.

Por ejemplo (La Pascua): 1.Los huevos pintados (painted eggs) 2. Los conejos de chocolate(chocolate rabbits) 3. El cinco de abril (April 5th)

Por ejemplo (El Dia de los Enamorados): 1.Los flores (flowers) 2. El amor (love) 3. El catorce de febrero (Feb. 14th)

(2) Match Game Board Design & Play: This is a graded in-class activity and will be collected by the end of class. On the blank sheet of paper provided, fold and make 16 squares. On one side of the paper, fill in the boxes with 16 different holidays/celebrations from the vocabulary on pgs. 194-195 & 198-199 (la Navidad, el Dia de la Independencia, el Dia de la Madre, la graduacion, el Dia del Padre, la boda, etc.) On the other side of your paper, in Spanish, write the first three things that come to mind that correspond with the holiday/celebration on the opposite page. NOTE: Just as you did on the warm-up, the third thing that you write should be the date (la Navidad 1. El invierno 2. Los regalos 3. El vientecinco de diciembre)

(3) Vocabulary Flyswatter: In teams, using a volunteer’s board, play vocabulary fly swatter as a class, with an opportunity for the winning team to earn 4 points extra credit on this in-class activity

(4) Peer Review: Rough Draft of ‘Mi Árbol Familiar: Exchange your rough drafts with a partner and check to make sure that they have the following included in their first draft:

-20 members of their nuclear and extended family (madre, padre, hermano, hermana, abuelo, abuela, tio, tia, primo, prima, sobrino, sobrina, bisabuelo, bisabuela)

-Two sentence descriptions per person:

1) 3 adjectives describing what they are, or were, like

2) 1 description of a memory of what you and that person like, or used to like, to do when you’re together

-For sentence #1, make sure that the adjective agree in gender with the subject (masculine [-o] & feminine [-a])

-For sentence #2, make sure that if use the imperfect (pgs. 175-179) for family members that are no longer with us, and the present tense for all of those still living.

(5) In-class time to work on homework:

- Final Draft of ‘Mi Arbol Familiar;’ Identify 20 members of your nuclear and extended family (madre, padre, hermano, Hermana, abuelo, abuela, tio, tia, primo, prima, sobrino, sobrina, bisabuelo, bisabuelo, etc.) For each person, write two sentences:

1) Three adjectives describing what they are, or were, like

2) One description of a memory of what you and that person like, or used to like, to do when you’re together

* Alternative assignment: If it is too difficult for you to identify 20 members of your family, identify 20 of your friends, and write your two sentences for each friend. Locate your closet friends closer to you on your tree.

Por ejemplo (mi madre Carol Carey): 1) Mi madre esgraciosa, cariñosa, y joven. 2) Cuando estamos juntos(When we are together) mi madre y yo cocinamos.

Por ejemplo (mi tío Mike Evola): 1) Mi tío Mikeeragracioso, humilde, y generoso. 2) Cuando estabamos juntos(When we were together)mi tío Morris y yo mirabamos películas clásicas.