Held January 22, 2008
From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (EST - Local Toronto Time) including lunch
At the offices of Fitch Surveillance Systems Inc., Etobicoke Ontario
Ed Fitchett
Jamie Couper
Sean Baghai
Mark Fairley
Bert O’Grady
Neil Jones
Frank Filice
Rita Murphy
Mary Vella
Mel Gedruj
Paul Bentley
[via teleconference]
Travis Firth
Chris Webb
Paul Georges
Al Herrington
Ken Mitchell
Deborah Thompson
Josh Caplan
Sharon Rodrigues
/ [EF]
Key: M/S/C = Moved, Seconded and Carried
The Ontario Chapter Board of Directors of the Canadian Security Association held a regular meeting on January 22, 2008 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EDT – local Toronto time).


Call to Order / The Chair [EF] called the meeting to order 10.30 a.m. and welcomed all Directors.
§  At the outset of the meeting EF conveyed to Board Members that he would have to leave at 11.00 a.m. and MF would take over the meeting after he left. He also mentioned that matters he had to address would be dealt with first.
The following changes were made to the Agenda:
§  Item 11 to replace the order of item 6
§  Item 10 to replace the order of item 7
ED also mentioned that Update on Tracy should be added to the Agenda and that they would move into an In Camera Session. (It was endorsed that CANASA staff would leave at that time).



/ The chair invited a motion to approve the agenda circulated by email.
Motion: PB

Seconded: MV



Approval of Minutes

/ The chair invited a motion to approve the minutes circulated by email.
Motion: MF
Seconded: PB
Review of outstanding action items / Action Items from March 20th, 2007
1.  Development of Flyers and Marketing Material - deferred – stays on
2.  Webinar - Deferred – stays on
3.  Generic Contracts – stays on
4.  CSIS – ASIS Representation – Ken to update
5.  Application for Scholarship Form – stays on (discussed by JC later during the meeting).
Action Items from January 30th, 2007
KAP PUBLISHING – MEMBER Newsletter – MAP Partner –
JC explained giving his reasons with KAP not eligible as MAP Partner.
Chair asked JC to review if this is a hard and fast decision. JC explained that there is a requirement. Chair also asked JC if there is a document to explain what MAP require and what CANASA is required to do. (Copy to be sent to EF and this matter to be added to the Agenda of the next meeting).
Action Items from November 13th, 2007
1.  Membership Committee Chair – deferred
2.  Response – KM – left on
3.  Speaker Guidelines – delete
4.  Newsletter – Members were informed that KM is putting together a newsletter. DT informed board members that it would be more of a newsletter with a magazine look and looking at October launch.
5.  National Awards – KM to report.
6.  Ontario Municipal False Alarm Policies - KM / Agenda item for the next meeting.
11 (a)
Marketing Development Plan / JC put before the Board members the Marketing Development Plan. He explained the various strategies and their phases. JC went into great detail of what is being targeted and in what direction he was moving.
11 (b)
Durham Region By Law / Chair informed members that the Durham Regional Police had provided an extension until April 15, 2008 to draw Agreements.
Appointment of Treasurer / Chair announced the need for the appointment of a Treasurer and if anyone was willing to take on the responsibility. MG accepted the appointment as Treasurer. Members of the Board welcomed and Congratulated MG.
11 (d) & (f)
/ Deferred
10 (a)
Committee Reports / Golf – Chair informed that there was nothing to report
10 (d) / Tradeshows – Chair informed that the Tradeshows were successful.
MF took over the Meeting at 11.12 a.m.
The meeting moved to an In-camera Session and JC, DT and SR left the Boardroom and the official taking down of minutes ceased.
JC, DT & SR returned to the meeting at 11.20 a.m. and the official taking down of the minutes continued.
Education / Staff Reports – NJ
NJ & JC gave their views and clarified matters giving members a brief of progress NJ explained that some of the programs that we have are in the big cities and that the PATI programs are good for the central zone and we need program that will work across entire province.
Self Regulation / MF remarked that they do not want to have the members feel that they are poorly served. MF reviewed “Registry” program as element of Marketing Plan in Self-Regulation, and the need for members to have an understanding of implication and to obtain member agreement.
11 (f) / Website
DT provided the Ontario Chapter Board Members with a brief tour and overview of the reconstructed website along with a status update. Phase 1a and 1b of the new website are almost complete with plans to launch the new site in February. DT also requested MF to provide names of the media liaison.
Committee Reports
(b) / Membership :
MF noted that a Chair for the Membership Committee is required?
Education Committee :
NJ and JC discussed Education Prerequisite, effectiveness of ATC2 etc. NJ & JC requested for volunteers. NJ said it is a very good course and has a huge benefit. Chair asked NJ to email a request to members of the Board.
JC reported to the Board Members in a summary of all his developments and his approach with the various Colleges like Sheridan etc. He also explained to them his plans to move forward.
10 (d) / Trade Show :
MF informed members that a Committee Chair is required.
Meeting recessed at 12:40 noon for lunch and reconvened at
12.35 p.m.
All members rejoined the Meeting.
10 (g) / Member’s Meeting/Social-FF
Chair complimented staff on outreach to members via Email blast. Agreed that distributors are a key to reaching non-members.
10 (h)
Media Committee / Media Committee – RM
RM gave a brief summary on Calendar of events etc. Chair commented the letter was good and suggested a winter edition should be sent. He also suggested that a section should feature new members.
BOG explained using existing members to get new members.
He thinks we are heading in a very positive direction.
Financials / November, 2007 Financials
Members received the November 2007 Financials. No vote in acceptance.
Other Business / Chair requested all Committee chairs to update goals and also gave a brief summary on the status of the chairs with various committees.
FF suggested that it is imperative for us to have some one from Durham Region to serve on Board or Committee Chair due to importance of Durham Regional Police By-law, Jerry P was suggested . EF to follow-up.
Motion to Adjourn / Because there was no further business to come before the Ontario Chapter Board Members at this meeting a motion to adjourn by JC was duly made, and the meeting was adjourned at 1.15 p.m.. All in favour.

Date: January 22, 2008


Ed Fitchett, Ontario Chapter President

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
