MARRCH February Public Policy Committee MinutesFriday February 7th, 2014

Meeting began at 9:32 by Heidi Kammer. Introductions began at 9:33. Brian from Anoka was on the phone call as well.

DHS Update: Jeff Hunsberger: Two reports submitted by ADAD in January. The Southeastern Minnesota project (county navigator program) is the first report that the Legislature will receive. If you give people extra attention for longer period of times, they will have better outcomes in the long run. In February, a compulsive gambling report to the Legislature will be submitted. ADAD is gearing up for the session. Departmental initiatives will not be talked about until they are introduced at the beginning of session. The department has been saying that longer treatment and longer lengths of stay is more beneficial to patients. The model care pilots that were introduced last year, but the southeastern counties agreed to remain on the same navigator program they were using. The “other” pilot is happening in a number of counties that will begin in July in which clients will be able to go directly to their providers for a treatment program. Additional services will also be given to the clients, i.e. tele-health. A room and board question was asked; the CCDTF pays for room in board. DHS says that if you have a managed care plan, you bill everything to the health plan. Wednesdays with ADAD will be re-recorded from last month.

Department of Health Update: Dana Farley: Research on alcohol admissions a primary offense for DUI offenders. Technology has been a large problem. For example, it may say that someone has been drinking but in reality they haven’t, or it malfunctions and breaks downs. Cold weather also has been a r problem with machinery breaking down.

Who What When Where How by Lance Egley: Lance wanted to try and clarify on bringing information into the group. This can mean in terms of stakeholders as well as deadlines. This should provide better information sharing among MARRCH members.

5% Rate Coalition: Deb Wamsley and John Henderly: There is a movement in the long-term care community to provide a 5% rate increase. Although this year’s session is deemed the “unsession”, there is a chance that providers and more importantly the chemical health community may receive one. The chemical health provider community has not received an increase since the 1980s. A multi-faceted approach utilizing key stakeholders in the mental health community as well as other providers. It was mentioned that we should also be patient. This may not be successful this year due to a number of factors such as an election year and a large fiscal not amount. DHS mentioned that they can provide rate amounts in different areas of the state. Outcomes and accountability may rise if the community receives a rate increase. Almost everyone in the audience raised their hand in support of MARRCH getting involved in the 5% Coalition. A committee has been recommended to work on this issue who has an interest. Those that are willing to participate included: Heidi Kammer, Deb Wamsley, Patrick Lobejko, Dan Cain, Mike Schikf, Jeff Glover, Carol Merrimam, Dustin Chapman, Larry Blair, Curt Murphy, John Seymour, David Smith, MACMAP, Liz Reed, Jesse E., American Indian Advisory Council representative.

Medication Assisted Therapy: Heidi Kammer: Are there times when this is an appropriate strategy when dealing with chemical health care? Everyone who has been in chemical health care has had different responses to different care. Does MARRCH want to get on the wave of this new therapy? The question was an open one to allow those to think about. It is positive that DHS is looking to the community for guidance but they need to hear from several points of view. There is a lot of misinformation regarding saboxine that people should be concerned with. This will be left on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

Minnesota Recovery Connection: Julia Parnell: Recovery advocacy, Feb. 20th at Metro State regarding the new recovery movement. Monday is the deadline for registration. March 11 is recovery day on the hill, looking for 500 people to attend this year. Update on Good Samaritan legislation. Immunity calling for good faith calling 911 on an overdose as well as law enforcement family and friends. Two new staff members were added to Recovery Connection to come to people’s location to get them enrolled in MNSure and other areas of health care.

Culturally Specific Services Work Group Update: Mark Casagrande and Jeff Hunsberger: There has been an effort with meetings. It brought together a group of stakeholders to define what culturally specific is. Looking to get language to define what culturally specific is in statute. What should be defined as culturally specific will come out in bill form based on the stakeholders involved.

Legislative Update: Patrick Lobejko: Patrick discussed future process in regards to the upcoming legislative session. There will be weekly updates as well as having a doodle document for people to attend legislative meetings and committee hearings. An update on detox reduction as well as medical marijuana were mentioned, both are not likely to occur in 2014. DHS has not submitted their department bill to the legislature as of yet but we will be monitoring what comes out during session.

BBHT Tiered Licensing will be added to next month’s agenda due to greater interest.

The Committee adjourned at 11:09am.