Administered by Lansing Economic Area Partnership on behalf of the Lansing Economic Development Corporation with support from

the Arts Council of Greater Lansing


Organization Name:______

Contact Person:______

Authorized Agent (if different from Contact Person):______

Org Mailing Address:______

City: ______State:______Zip: ______

Telephone (day):______(evening):______

Email: ______Website: ______

Days and Hours of Operation:______


Project Name:______

Project Dates (must take place between 11/1/13 and 6/30/14*):______

Primary and Supplementary Arts Disciplines: ______

Location(s) of Project(s):______


Brief Description of Proposed Activity (75 words maximum):______



Budget Summary

Total Project Expenses: $ ______

Lansing Grant Request (max request $75,000): $ ______

*Special consideration will be given on a case by case basis to projects that require additional time to complete. Extensions must be

pre-approved and outlined in the terms and conditions of a signed contract.

Certification and assurances:

I certify that I have read carefully the eligibility for this program and meet these criteria.

I accept the conditions of this program as outlined in the application guidelines and agree to abide by the decision of the Panel, Lansing Economic Area Partnership, the City of Lansing, and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing.

I certify the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I agree to submit a final report within 30 days of the completion of the project or by June 30, 2014, whichever occurs earlier. I understand that failure to submit a final report jeopardizes 50% of the remaining grant balance and future City of Lansing funding.

Authorized Signature Title Date


Typed and on separate sheet of paper describe each project in up to 3 pages. Include the following items (below) in your written proposal. Also be sure to review the Purpose and Goals, Program Overview and Eligibility Criteria sections of the grant guidelines for each grant program to ensure your organization and your narrative clearly meets the objectives of each program.


Summarize your project in approximately 75-100 words. Include who, what, where, when, why, how, how long and how much. Be specific. Include dates, amounts and other measurable parameters (also include this Summary as Brief Description of Proposed Activity, on the first page of the grant application). This summary will be your contract language should your project be funded.


Show when the project will take place and when it will be completed. Projects must be held between November 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Special consideration will be given on a case by case basis to projects that require additional time to complete. Extensions must be pre-approved by Lansing Economic Area Partnership and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing.

Narrative Detail:

Please describe the project you wish to produce by expanding on the above summary and by producing a narrative that answers the questions listed below and also explains how you will publicize and evaluate your project.

General Project Overview:

Project Description, Management and Feasibility

·  What/When/Where is the Project?

·  Who are the participants?

·  Is the Project Director experienced/capable of managing the project & this grant?

·  Is the project feasible (reasonable number/amt. of people, activities, space, funds and time to

successfully do the project)?

·  How will the project be evaluated?

·  Does the project overlap or duplicate other projects?

Artistic and Cultural Merit

·  Who are the Lansing artists and how were they chosen?

·  Will this project provide its audience opportunity to experience arts and culture, otherwise not


·  Will the artists be treated fairly (in payment and working conditions)?

·  Were members of the Lansing artistic/cultural community involved in planning the project?

·  Is the applicant organization committed to providing high-quality arts and cultural projects?

Building “Sense of Place” in the Arts

·  Does this project increase visibility, access to, and celebration of the arts to customers, clients and

the public while impacting creation of “sense of place” in the City of Lansing?

·  Does this project elevate the recognition of arts and culture?

·  Does this project have community support?

·  Was the community involved in planning the project?

·  Does the project show that the applicant organization is reaching out to new and existing community


·  Is the project accessible (physically, economically, etc.)?

·  Will this project contribute to the retention and attraction of talent and jobs and will it have any other

economic impact on the community?

·  Does this project demonstrate partnerships and collaborative activities that significantly support the

goals stated in the Cultural Economic Development Plan as outlined on pages 34-39?

·  Does this project help create a distinctive identity for area within in the City of Lansing to keep

creativity ever-present in the public realm and experience?


·  Outline a brief marketing plan / overview for your project and describe your strategies for reaching target audiences in Lansing. Please be sure to identify how you will measure attendance and how you will provide Lansing resident break-out figures. All project publicity and media materials must acknowledge receipt of this award by use of the City of Lansing logo, Lansing Economic Area Partnership logo, the Lansing Economic Development Corporation logo, and the Arts Council logo.


·  List project goals and construct an evaluation around them. The evaluation becomes part of the final report. How will Lansing be impacted? How will your target audience be impacted? How will you collect numbers and anecdotes? If you choose to survey your audience, for example, include a sample survey document as an optional attachment to help make your case.

Project Budget and Budget Itemization:

Please complete the budget form in this application “Attachment 7”. Round all dollars to the nearest whole dollar (do not include cents). Total expenses must equal total revenue.

Please also attach a separate budget itemization as your “Attachment 8.” The budget itemization allows you to further explain your project budget by demonstrating where your income comes from and how expense items would be used.

Your budget and the itemization page will be evaluated using the following criteria:

·  Is the budget complete, balanced, and correct (without mathematical errors)?

·  Does the applicant provide a clear breakdown of the intended use of City funds?

·  Does the project demonstrate other committed funding sources such as other grant

·  funding, foundations, donors or cash match?

·  Is the budget appropriate to do this project?

·  Do the Budget Itemization sections match (add up) to the lines in the Budget page of

the application?

·  Does the budget show fair payment to artists?


Earned Income - Income derived from merchandise sales, royalties, or other fees earned through the sales of services like workshops, classes, etc.

Private Support

Corporate Support - Cash support derived from contributions given for this activity (other than this grant request) by businesses, corporations and corporate foundations, or a proportionate share of such grants allocated to this activity.

Foundation Support - Cash support derived from grants given for this activity (other than this grant request) by private foundations, or a proportionate share of such grants allocated to this activity.

Other Private Support - Cash support derived from cash donations given for this activity or a proportionate share of general donation allocated to this activity. Support from individuals should be included in this category. Include gross proceeds from fund-raising events.

Public Support

Federal Support - Cash support derived from grants or appropriation given for this activity (other than this grant request) by agencies of the federal government, or a proportionate share of such grants or appropriations allocated to this activity.

Regional Support - Cash support derived from grants or appropriations given for this activity (other than this grant request) by agencies of regional government, or a proportionate share of such grants or appropriations allocated to this activity.

Local government support - Cash support derived from grants or appropriation given for this activity (other than this grant request) by agencies of the city, county, and other local government agencies, or proportionate share of such grants or appropriation allocated to this activity.

Other Unearned Income - Income derived from sources other than those listed above. Include catalog sales, advertising space in programs, gift shop income, concessions, parking, investment income, etc.

Applicant Cash - Funds from the applicant’s present and/or anticipated resources that the applicant plans to provide to the proposed project. This can include carry-over funds from savings, etc.

Grant Request - Amount that the applicant is requesting from the City of Lansing / LEDC in support of this activity.

In-Kind - In-kind items use the same definitions as cash categories to reflect the value of goods, fees and services which are provided to the applicant by volunteers or outside parties at no cash cost to the applicant.

Cash Expense - Expenses associated with the project which the applicant expects to pay for, in cash. Cash outlays may include anything for which cash is paid, including salaries to individuals working on the project during paid working hours (time spent on the project during non-paid time is listed in the In-Kind column).

Employee-Administrative - Payments for employees of the organization in salaries, wages and benefits specifically identified with the project activity for executive and supervisory administrative staff; program directors, managing directors, business managers; clerical staff such as secretaries, typists, bookkeepers; and support personnel such as maintenance and security staff, ushers and other front-of-house and box office personnel.

Employee-Artistic - Payment for employees of the organization in salaries, wages and benefits specifically identified with the project activity for artistic directors, conductors, directors, curators, dance masters, composers, choreographers, designers, video artists, film makers, painters, poets, authors, sculptors, graphic artists, actors, dancers, singers, musicians, teachers, instructors, puppeteers, storytellers, etc.

Employees-Technical/Production- Payments for employees of the organization in salaries, wages and benefits specifically identified with the activity, for technical management and staff, such as technical directors, lighting and sound crew, state managers, stage hands, video and film technicians, exhibit installers, etc.

Non-Employee Artistic Fees and Services - Payments to firms or persons who are not normally considered employees of the applicant organization, but are self-employed or are employees of other organizations, and whose artistic services are specifically identified with the project activity. Include artistic directors, conductors, curators, composers, choreographers, designers, video artists, film makers, painters, poets, authors, sculptors, graphic artists, actors, dancers, singers, musicians, teachers, instructors, etc., serving in artistic capacities.

Non-Employee Administrative or Technical Fees and Services - Payments to firms or persons who are not normally considered employees of the applicant organization, but are self-employed or are employees of other organizations, and whose non-artistic services are specifically identified with the project activity. Include accountants, strategic planners, board development, and other consultants in non-artistic capacities.

Marketing - All costs for marketing/publicity/promotion specifically identified with the activity. Do not include payments to individuals or firms which belong under “employee” or “non-employee” categories. Include cost of newspaper, radio and television advertising, printing and mailing of brochures, flyers, and posters, etc.

Other Expenses - All expenses not entered in other categories and specifically identified with the activity. Include expenses for scripts and scores, lumber and nails, electricity, telephone, storage, postage, interest charges, photographic supplies, publication purchases, sets, props, equipment rental, insurance fees, etc.

CITY OF LANSING Attachment #7



Organization’s Name:______

Referring to the guidelines and your narrative, please complete the budget below. It must be typed and accurate. Please round all dollars to the nearest whole dollar (do not include cents). Total expenses must equal total revenue. Attach a budget itemization to project further project detail.

Line 1 Total Earned Income
Line 2 Total Private Support (Corp, Fndn., Indiv.)
Line 3 Total Public Support (All Gov’t. Grants)
Line 4 Total Other Unearned Income
Line 5 Applicant Cash
Line 6 TOTAL UNEARNED INCOME (Add Lines 2+3+4+5)
Line 7 TOTAL CASH INCOME (Add Line 1 + Line 6)
Line 8 GRANT REQUEST (Amount you are asking for must equal line 17)
Line 9 TOTAL IN-KIND SUPPORT (Same as Line 16)
Line 10 TOTAL PROJECT INCOME (Add Lines 7+ 8 + 9) Must equal Line 20 – total project expense
Line 11 Total Employee Costs
Line 12 Total Non-Employee Costs
Line 13 Marketing and Promotion
Line 14 Total Other Expenses
Line 15 TOTAL CASH EXPENSES (Must equal Line 7) / ↓ / ↓
(Same as Line 9) / ↓
(Must equal Line 8 of your grant request) / ↓
Line 18 TOTAL PRIVATE SUPPORT (Must equal Line 2) / ↓
Line 19 TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT (Must equal Line 3)
Line 20 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES (Add Line Item Totals a-e) Must equal Line 10 –total project income

Attachment #9

8/28/2013 Page 2


G-23 City Hall G-29 City Hall

(517) 483-4121 (517) 483-4114

(517) 483-6084 - fax

124 W. Michigan Ave.

Lansing, Michigan 48933

8/28/2013 Page 2


Executive Director / President / Authorized Agent:


Home Address:______


Daytime Phone #:______

Social Security #:______

Drivers License #:______

Date of Birth:______

Have you resided in Lansing at any time during the last 7 years? Yes______No______

If Yes, please list locations and dates:______

Have you worked inside the City at any time during the last 7 years? Yes_____ No______

If yes, please list locations and dates:______

If you have lived or worked in the City of Lansing, did you file City of Lansing Income Tax?


Business Data:

