Marketing Challenge

Best practices for making coffee products to local and global markets

1.Contact Details

Name of the Organization / Tumutumu Girls
Type of organization (producer organization, NGO, etc) / Producer Organisation
Commodity (coffee/cocoa/cotton/tea) / Coffee
Name of contact person / Erustus M. Maina
City / County / Kenya
E-mail /
Telephone / 0729 690 943
Website (if available)

1. Innovative strategy for accessing new market for coffee (Local or Global).

Coffee has won increasing popularity all over the world over the years. However, there is still a tendency to sell bad coffee to the consumers. This party because the coffee buyer do not know quality or the brewer do not now how to make coffee and government policies.

i)To lobby government to implement its policies in promoting foreign exchange ie to relative scarcity of a currency to prevent rapid inflation. This will permits a gradual smooth automatic adjustment of a country exchange rate, so that when coffee is at the market level of equilibrium will be directly proportion to the cost it observes, also encouraging local industries to process coffee and pack for local use by lowering revenue ie company making profit at the same time fair price to consumer.

ii)Introducing free market system where there is an absence of government intervention and where on force of demand & supply are allowed to operate freely because due to economic crisis in the countries that consume coffee it will practice the greater responsiveness to change in the international economic environment re competition & also will enable improve quality of coffee due to greater choice of consumer or dealers.

iii)Dynamic financial system ie ensuring coffee or companies that operates coffee are at the stock exchange, playing a role in advertisement who enabling entrepreneurs invest more in coffee thus attracting more industries to break the monopoly and todeco colure enabling stiff competition that will lead to better price locally & internationally.

iv)Use of technology live ICT because ICT its fundamental is a subject that revolves round collecting data storage & processing it and the whole package of computer system can assist in management in decision making, sale marketing, accounting and transaction processing thus the commodity coffee can be easily marketed through internet ie direct transaction which is more efficient and will facilitate trade link.

2. Please give a short description of the best practice you will to enter in the challenge.

i)Kenya we do it have good brewer who can evaluate coffee sample. Therefore expert have to be engaged in various co-op and farm in capacity building program to train farmers on how to brew coffee.

ii) The other aspect is on how to meet the global suitable Agriculture network standard. Therefore all Kenyan coffee farmer should be join certification bodies ie utz for trade 4c etc who will train farmers to meet the standard.

iii) Land as the major factor of production is very limited prompting high cost for investors also pest & diseases are unbearable. Therefore training on good topic practices should be implemented either by the government, NGO or Certification bodies.

iv) Poor co-ordination between farmers and Cooperative Management. Therefore management team should be trained on good governance.

v) Countries may persist with an over valued exchange rate in attempt to avoid devolution.

3. What is the potential of this best Practice to be improved in other organization?

To use coffee by products like coffee husk be assisted financially too improve the value of their product like charcoal so it can meet the standards of the global market and also complete competitively and that will help increase price. Since there is no wastage. Day to day market or long period market organization can bear the interest of consumer, local or international at any given time & place & vie verse and will promote sector within the hospitality industries live hotel & tourism.

ii) Government raising the income of coffee farmers and also offering subsidized farm input that they do not lag too much behind more highly industrialized and further agro –chimed industries will also benefit as farm inputs increase as well as production.

iii) More college and universities be opened to train on coffee agronomy and liquoring of coffee.

4. What other value chain actor are involved in this best practice and what is their role?

i) C.R.F ( Coffee, Reach, Foundation):- This will came up with new coffee varieties which are resistance to disease by doing so production will be maintained.

ii) N.E.M.A:- Due to environmental hazards firms must comply with laws set by the organization so as to protect frola and fauna.

iii) KEBS:- Its role is to maintain the required standardization due to health standard to meet the market standard requirement.

iv) Certification Bodies:- Do as to met the global standard of the product.

v) C.D.F (Coffee Development Fund):- These are fund offered by the government and will assist in day to day running of the industry.

vi) Land Commission:- To give foreign investors like Luke lease hed tenure to encourage them and also issuing title deed to organization.

v) K.R.A (Kenya Revenue Authority):- Can be involved in decreasing the rate of revenue to investors therefore encouraging them to establish more industries also by subsiding agro-chimed to assist farmer to have access of inputs.

vi) Kenya Industrial Estate:- It will promote the small industries to have a room of competitive with the bigger organization.

5. How does this best practice influence the living condition of small holder farmers?

On to delocalization of industries at rural area there is creation of employment.

- Development of influstructure like road network social improvement. That’s improved health and safety.

- Economic:-

i) Increase productivity

ii) Additional source of income ie charcoal from husks, good coffee for consumption.

iii) Improved quality and higher income thank to better prices.

-Reduce damage the environment result of the improved disposal of waste and agricultural chemical residue.

-Farmer will use less chemical in their product thus improving the environment.

-Farmer will enjoy consuming their own coffee product.