Scottish Charity Number SC005726

Christmas Dance (Paxton Class Dance)

Volunteer Hall Duns

Friday 15th December 2017 7.30p.m.

Marian Anderson’s Band

Ticket £6.00

BARLEY BREE Jig 4 X 32 4cpl 13/4

1-8All 4 couples Advance & Retire. M make arches and all change over with W passing partner RSh under arches.

9-16Repeat 1-8 but M pass under W's arches.

17-201s Turn 1½ RH.

21-221M2W also 1W2M Turn LH.

23-241s Turn RH in middle.

25-28Repeat 21-24 with 3s.

29-30Repeat 21-22 with 4s.

31-321s ½ Turn RH. End BH joined & make arch.

33-402s followed by 3s and 4s dance down behind lines to bottom, up through arch to finish {2, 3, 4, 1].


1-43s followed by 1s nhj Dance down the middle (2) and Set to partners.

5-81s followed by 3s nhj Dance up the middle.

1s Cast off to 3rd place, 3s Dance to top.

9-16Pick-Up Chain: (1s Cross RH. 1W2M also 1M2W Change LH on sides. 1W3M also 1M3W Change RH on sides as 2s Cross RH. 1s Cross LH as 3M2W also 3W2M Change LH on sides). [1, (2), 3, 4].

17-241s & 2s Set Advance and take hands in a circle. Drop hands then 1s & 2s Petronella R one place. Join hands & Set in circle. Drop hands & Petronella R one place to finish on side lines. [2, (1), 3, 4].

25-281W ½ Figure of 8 round 2s as

1M ½ Figure of 8 round 3s. [2, 1, 3, 4].

29-322s, 1s, 3s Turn RH once round.

SUGAR CANDIE Strathspey 8 X 32 26/9

1-41s Set & Cast off 1 (2s Step up). [2, 1, 3, 4].

5-81s Dance round 1st corners (RSh Pass ) to finish B to B in middle (1W facing up, 1M facing down).

9-12Circles Left: 1W+2s, 1M+3s. End 1s Pull RSh back to face one another down / up in middle.

13-161s Set & Turn BH to face 1st corners.

17-24Turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH to end facing 1st corner.

25-30Reels of 3 on the sides (LSh start to 1st corner).

31-321s Cross RH to 2nd place own side.

PELORUS JACK Jig 8 X 32 41/1

1-41s Cross RH & Cast off 1 (2s Step up).

5-81s & 3s RH Wheel. End 1M facing own 1st corner with 1W behind 1M facing same way.

9-24Tandem ½ Reels of Four: Four ½ Diagonal Reels of '3' (1s dance as a single person; M's 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th corner). Each time 1s dance into a corner they both pull RSh back so the person following into the corner leads out of that corner. End: 1s dance into the middle (1M is leading) & Face W's side.

25-282s & 1s LH Wheel. End: 1s hold on partner’s LH.

29-301s ½ Turn LH to own side. [2, 1, 3, 4].

31-322s, 1s, 3s, nhj Set.

HYPERACTIVE REEL (THE) Reel 8 X 32 2nd Graded Bk/23

1-81s lead down the middle & up to finish facing each other (2s Step in on bar 8).

9-161s & 2s Poussette (2s end at top; 1s end B to B in middle facing own sides ready for Double Triangles).

17-242s, 1s, 3s dance Double Triangles. End: 1s finish B to B in middle of set facing own sides.

25-321s Cast to R & dance a Reel of three across as 2s & 3s dance a R shoulder Reel of 3 on sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].

MISS GIBSON'S STRATHSPEY Strathspey 8 X 32 L/let18

1-81s & 2s nhj Set on sides, Turn partner BH once round, open out & Circle L once round. [1, 2, 3, 4].

9-161s & 2s the Knot. On last two bars 1s Turn LH to face 1st corners.

17-241s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH. Finish 1M down, 1W up ready for:

25-28RH wheels: 1W+2s, 1M+3s.

29-32LH wheels: 1W+3s: 1M+2s. [2, 1, 3, 4].


1-41s Cross RH, Cast off one (2s Step up).

5-81s Turn 1¼ RH. End in promenade hold facing 2M

9-121s+2M3M ½ Reel of 3 on side (RSh to 2M).

13-161s+3W2W ½ reel of 3 on side (RSh to 3W).

1s finish in middle retaining promenade hold to face 1W's place (3W).

17-221s Set to 1W's place (Pull RSh back), Set to 3W's place, Set to 3M's place.

23-241s Set to 1M's place (3M) as: 3s & 2s Set Adv. to finish in promenade hold facing top. [3, 1, 2].

25-323s, 1s, 2s Allemande. [2, 1, 3, 4].

STAIRCASE IN STYRIA Reel 5 X 40 5cpl M Gray

1-4RH Wheels: 1s+2M also 3s+4M (1W & 3W are followed by their partners in the wheels and also the next 3 wheels).

5-8LH Wheels: 1s+2W also 3s+4W.

9-12RH Wheels: 1s+4M also 3s+5M.

13-16LH Wheels: 1s+4W also 3s+5W (End: 1W & 3W face out on the W’s side with their partners behind them).

17-241s & 3s dance out on W’s side, Cast up 1 place, Cross to M’s side and Cast up 1 to original places (End: 1W & 3W loop round by the R). [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

25-281s Cross RH and Cast off 1 (2s Step up on 27-28). [2, (1), 3, 4, 5].

29-321s nhj followed by 3s nhj dance up between 2s & Cast off (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place). [2, 3, (1), 4, 5].

33-361s Cross RH and Cast off 1 (4s Step up on 35-36). [2, 3, 4, 1, 5].

37-401s nhj followed by 5s nhj dance up between 4s & Cast off (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place). [2, 3, 4, 5, 1].

CITY OF BELFAST Strathspey 3 X 32 3cpl 48/6

1-41s ½ Figure of 8 round 2s. [(1), 2, 3].

5-81M2W Turn 1¼ LH as 1W2M Turn 1¼ RH. 1s end B to B in middle 2nd place between 2s.

9-161s & 2s Reel of 4 across. At end of reel 2s finish in 1st place and 1s Pass LSh to face 1st corners.

17-201s Set to 1st corners then 2nd corners and Pull RSh back to finish on sidelines. [2, (1), 3].

21-24All nhj Set facing across then 1s Cross RH. [2, 1, 3].

25-321s & 3s dance The Espagnole. [2, 3, 1].

REEL OF THE 51st DIVISION (THE) Reel 8 X 32 13/10

1- 81s Set, Cast off 2 (2s Step up) & Lead up to face 1st corners.

9-121s Set to 1st corners, Turn 1st corners RH. End on diagonal line by joining LH with partner.

13-14All Balance In Line.

15-161s - leaving 1st corners in place - Turn each other 1¼ times LH to finish facing 2nd corners.

17-221s Repeat bars 9-14 with 2nd corners.

23-241s Cross to 2nd place own sides.

25-322s, 1s, 3s Circle and back.



St ANDREW'S FAIR Jig 8 X 32 5SD/1982

1-41s Cross RH & Cast off 2 places (2s Step up).

5-81s Cross LH below 3s & Cast up to 2nd place own side. [2, 1, 3, 4].

9-122s, 1s, 3s ½ Turn RH, Hold on and Set.

13-162s, 1s, 3s Chase CW to own sides. [3, 1, 2, 4].

17-243s, 1s, 2s Circle and back.

25-283s, 1s, 2s ½ Turn LH, Hold on and Set.

29-323s, 1s, 2s Chase anti-CW to own sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].

WIND ON LOCH FYNE (THE) Strathspey 3 X 32 3cpl Dickson (Triangular Set: 1s with backs to music)

1-81s Cross down & Fig. of 8 (1M with 3s, 1W with 2s).

1s Meet & ½ RH Turn to places. All Face partner.

9-16Interlocking Reels (RSh start with partner. Keep on going (LSh, RSh) until partner is met then pull RSh back and Reel back to partner’s place). On last two steps Turn partner ¾ RH to put M in middle.

17-20M Wheel LH 2 places as W Chase CW 1 place to meet partner. All Turn RH (M in middle again).

21-24Repeat bars 17-20 to end in triangle. [2(at top),3,1].

25-28All Set nhj with partner. All Circle Left for 2 bars.

29-32M Turn partner who is on their right BH. Finish Circle Left to end in triangle. [2(at top),3,1].

RAMADAN-CE Reel 8 X 32 Drewry Turkish Set

1-8Inveran Reels (1s ½ reel of 3 opposite side then ½ reel own side; start: 2s out & up; 3s in & up).

[1, 2, 3, 4].

9-161s Cross RH, Cast off 1 and Turn RH to face 1st corners (2s Step up on 3-4).

17-201s dance round 1st corners by the R then pass each other by the R to face 2nd corners. AS 1st corners dance in, ½ Turn RH, Pull RSh back and dance out to the opposite corner.

21-241s dance round 2nd corners by the R to end in 2nd place opposite sides. AS 2nd corners dance in, ½ Turn RH, Pull RSh back and dance out to the opposite corner. [(3), (1), (2), 4].

25-28½ LSh Reels of 3 across (1M+3s at top, 1W+2s in 3rd place).

29-32½ RSh Reels of 3 own sides (1M down, 1W up). [2, 1, 3, 4].

JOHN CASS Jig 5 X 32 49/10

1-41s Lead down the middle for 4 (2s & 3s Step up nhj on bars 3-4).

5-81s Lead up to middle 3rd place then Turn RH to end with 1W behind 1M both facing 3M.

9-16Diagonal Tandem Reels of ‘3’ (3M2M, 1s, 4W5W. Start: 1s Pass 3M2M by the Right and all pairs change lead as they change direction). End: 1W behind 1M both facing 4M.

17-24Diagonal Tandem Reels of ‘3’ (2W3Wm 1s, 4M5M. Start: 1s Pass 4M5M by the Left and all pairs change lead as they change direction). 1s end in middle 3rd place nhj facing down, with 1W on Left.

25-281s dance down between 4s & Cast off 1 place (4s & 5s Step up nhj on 27-28).

29-321s using R elbow grip dance a pivot turn to end in 5th place. [2, 3, 4, 5, 1].


1-41s Lead down, Cross between 2s, Dance down behind 3s, Meet, nhj Dance up middle for:

5-8Wheels: 1M,2W,3W RH, 1W,2M,3M LH. 1s end at top opposite sides facing out. [(1), 2, 3, 4].

9-101W2M Change places LH as 1M2W Change places RH.

11-121s ¾ Turn BH to finish 1M above 2s, 1W above 3s both facing down.

13-16Circles L: 1M+2s, 1W+3s. Finish 1M between 2s all facing down, 1W between 3s all facing down.

17-24All Dance down the middle, Turn R about and Dance up to finish facing down/up.

25-28All Set facing down/up then Change places with opposite person RH.

29-32All Set facing down/up. 1s Pull back RSh and Cast to 2nd place own sides as 3s & 2s Change places RH on the sides.

IRISH ROVER (THE) Reel 8 X 32 Cosh

1-41s nhj Dance down 2 places & Cast up 1 (2s Step up on 1-2).

5-8RH Wheels: 1W+2s, 1M+3s.

9-16½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners.

½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners.

1s turn ¾ LH in middle (W up, M down) for:

17-24Reels of 3 across (LSh start to 1st corners).

1s Finish in 2nd place own sides.

25-32Diagonal Rights and Lefts. [2, 1, 3, 4].

MINISTER ON THE LOCH (THE) Strathspey 3 X 32 3cpl Goldring

1-81s & 2s Poussette right round back to places.

9-161s Dance down (2), Turn BH (2), Dance up (2), Turn BH (2) to finish facing top.

17-241s & 3s Double Figure of 8 around 2s (1s Cast off to start, 3s Cross up, 2s Stand). End: 1s face out. [1, 2, 3]

25-321s & 2s Turn 1½ times on the side (W RH, M LH).

1s & 3s Turn 1½ times on the side (W LH, M RH).

[2, 3, 1].

DUKE OF PERTH Reel 8 X 32 1/8

1-41s Turn RH, Cast off 1 (2s Step up). [2, 1, 3, 4].

5-81s Turn LH to finish facing 1st corners.

9-161s Turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH to finish facing 1st corners.

17-201s Set & Turn 1st corners BH.

21-241s Set & Turn 2nd corners BH. 1s face 1st corner on the side lines.

25-30Reels of 3 on the sides (1s LSh to 1st corners).

31-321s Cross RH to 2nd place own sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].